From the Commuter Policy on the Flight Service Website...
"If a commuter attempts to commute to work on two (2) consecutive American or American Eagle scheduled flights from their Designated Commuter City (both of which were originally scheduled to arrive at the base city in time for normal sign-in), and because of a
flight cancellation or delay beyond the commuter's control, is unable to arrive in time to permit normal sign-in at the domicile, the commuter must notify Crew Schedule immediately, but in no case later than two (2) hours prior to the originally scheduled signin time. In addition, the flight attendant will need to contact his/her FSM and provide them with their flight cancellation or delay information. Such flight attendant will be removed from the trip without pay and without credit; however, no attendance occurrence will be charged against the flight attendant's attendance record. Full loads and other airline cancellations will not constitute an excused absence under this policy." (Emphasis mine)
Now, whether it is being implemented that way is not my concern. Full loads are not an excuse, period. By the way, it is not part of the contract. The commuter policy was stated in a letter to all flight attendants from Laurie Curtis in Dec. 2003. It is a decision made by the company that can be revoked at any time by the company. However, I will grant you that if the policy is being applied unevenly, this would give the APFA some ground to stand on in a grievance if it can be proven.
P.S. My bad, it is only 2 flights not 3.
"If a commuter attempts to commute to work on two (2) consecutive American or American Eagle scheduled flights from their Designated Commuter City (both of which were originally scheduled to arrive at the base city in time for normal sign-in), and because of a
flight cancellation or delay beyond the commuter's control, is unable to arrive in time to permit normal sign-in at the domicile, the commuter must notify Crew Schedule immediately, but in no case later than two (2) hours prior to the originally scheduled signin time. In addition, the flight attendant will need to contact his/her FSM and provide them with their flight cancellation or delay information. Such flight attendant will be removed from the trip without pay and without credit; however, no attendance occurrence will be charged against the flight attendant's attendance record. Full loads and other airline cancellations will not constitute an excused absence under this policy." (Emphasis mine)
Now, whether it is being implemented that way is not my concern. Full loads are not an excuse, period. By the way, it is not part of the contract. The commuter policy was stated in a letter to all flight attendants from Laurie Curtis in Dec. 2003. It is a decision made by the company that can be revoked at any time by the company. However, I will grant you that if the policy is being applied unevenly, this would give the APFA some ground to stand on in a grievance if it can be proven.
P.S. My bad, it is only 2 flights not 3.