Commuter policy is broken

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[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='582473' date='Mar 15 2008, 06:24 AM']Think again! :blink: :blink: :blink:[/quote]

Oh how witty. You even used smiley faces to give your post credibility. Do you have anything to back up your well thought out presentation? I have 9 years of service in the department and you have ...... smiley faces?
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Tracking is understaffed for weather sessions, but major weather sessions only happen realistically 4 or 5 times per month with some months being worse than others.

We are all understaffed for weather. But as you stated, the weather sessions/OSO only happen a few times a year at most. No company staffs for the peaks of volume if they are only sporadic and rare. They staff for the average day. Some get it. Others, who shall rename nameless ….. nah… others like nor easta do not have the mental acuity (I hope he does not have to look that word up) to figure that out.

If you want to see a department that is understaffed for OSO, come up and look at Hotel/Limo. I would not take their job for all the tea in China. Those poor bastards are way underpaid for the crap they they deal with.
I'll work with what ever contract is in effect. I could care less. I work 8 hours and I go home. I get no commission of RA's. If I RA 10 or 0 it makes not difference to me. If a commuter calls me at 11pm for a 4am SI I could care less. I'll call a reserve at 12m (will it be you?) and tell them they have 4 hours to be at the airport. I get to go home after my shift and get a full night sleep.
If you are really this indifferent about the issue, why did you bother to start the thread?
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If you are really this indifferent about the issue, why did you bother to start the thread?

Because when I was giving a TM to a FA's she made the comment that if she was a commuter she would not even have this problem. It bugs me when people are not treated fairly. It bothers me when people abuse the system for their own benefit to the disadvantage of others.

I happen to think it is unfair that DOM can only change their AVBL trips to til 1530 but INTL can change till 1630? Why is INTL better then DOM? Why should someone be able to load up their skd with OE's and trades when they know they will b removed for SA while others actually work their skd? Why should only the senior FA's get PVD's because they are now unlimited? At least before, the more junior had a chance of getting one. Then there is the RSV BS that Jim and Skymess talk about. There is no reason MU should be run all the time. There is no reason that AVBL should not have full access to all open time.

None of these issues affect me directly other than having to hear FA's #### and moan about it. I work with what ever contract is in effect because I have no choice. It is my job. You guys are the ones who are affected and from what I hear, most have issues with it. Unfortunately the people who make the decisions on your behalf apparently do not care what a large portion of the FA's think. Just as in national politics, the entrenched are the ones who make the rules that seem to be favorable to their senior constituents. Only when the Jim's and Skymess of the work force are able to have their voices heard with equal clarity as those currently in power will things actually change. Were that to happen, my job might actually get a little easier as well. Until that time comes, I'll just keep reassigning Flyboy when one of his commuter friends does not make it into base.

OH, one more thing. For the 5 of you in JFK who only got about 5 hours notice for your 05:45 dept today. Sorry about that. I can only give you as much time as your co-workers give me.
As I've said before, Gar, and as you have noted, there are major problems with the CBA--particularly in areas that most affect more junior f/as. However, the Blessed Order of the Perpetually Trip-Removed (dba, APFA) could care less. Unless it affects f/as with 25+ years, it is of no importance to them.

The only reason they got on the "recall the fuloughed f/as bandwagon" is because reserve was going to start pushing 25 years in some bases. It's already up around 17 years some months in SLT!
You even used smiley faces to give your post credibility. I have 9 years of service in the department

Last I checked this is not a smiley face... :blink:

Wow! You have 9 years in CS, oh ah!

I spoke to DH at APFA HQ last week when she came over for the joint scheduling committee meeting and she admitted we are short.
I happen to think it is unfair that DOM can only change their AVBL trips to til 1530

I think you need to re-review the times that DOM f/a's have to change their AV plotted trips, when they're out flying.

Garfy, its 15:00 hrs! You have 9 years and didn't know that? Makes me wonder what else you don't know.
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='582648' date='Mar 15 2008, 03:52 PM']Last I checked this is not a smiley face... :blink:

Wow! You have 9 years in CS, oh ah!

I spoke to DH at APFA HQ last week when she came over for the joint scheduling committee meeting and she admitted we are short.[/quote]

Does that mean you work at APFA HQ?
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As I've said before, Gar, and as you have noted, there are major problems with the CBA--particularly in areas that most affect more junior f/as. However, the Blessed Order of the Perpetually Trip-Removed (dba, APFA) could care less. Unless it affects f/as with 25+ years, it is of no importance to them.

The only reason they got on the "recall the fuloughed f/as bandwagon" is because reserve was going to start pushing 25 years in some bases. It's already up around 17 years some months in SLT!

How do you take the union back?

We may technically be short heads compared to what we are authorized but we are not short manned except for OSO and that cannot be staffed for.

Sue me, I was off a half hour. It was 3am and I was tired. Point being they are different for no valid reason other than some pin heads who never few a plane decided this was fair.

It's round, it's yellow and it has a face. Close enough for me.
How do you take the union back?

We may technically be short heads compared to what we are authorized but we are not short manned except for OSO and that cannot be staffed for.

Sue me, I was off a half hour. It was 3am and I was tired.

I would believe DH who is your boss, over some 9 year CS that doesn't even know what time f/a's have to change their AV plotted trips! :rolleyes:
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There is something I want to say very much and I am sure Ops knows exactly what it is that I want to say but I just can't. If you only knew what a fool you are.
There is something I want to say very much and I am sure Ops knows exactly what it is that I want to say but I just can't. If you only knew what a fool you are.

Think again oh not so great one. You got put to shame on this topic when I told you my source and its eating you up on the inside. You are the fool who didn't know what time DOM f/a's had to change their AV plotted trips when flying. Oh cry me a river, you were working at 3am in the morning. No excuse! I should call DH on Monday and let her know she has CS on this BB who bashes f/a's. It wouldn't be hard to figure out who you are. Considering you admitted working the JFK desk the other day. Be careful because I represent f/a's at JFK. Im looking forward to the day when I have your a** in an arbitration hearing. You will be sweating and begging to get out of the arbitration when I drill you with questions.

Just say what you have to say. Are you scared? Have you heard of PM? Please do it before 15:00 hrs! :lol:
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