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Columnist: What's so interesting about Hillary?

W was born into money. He used family money and name to make some money. Hillary would have been a succesful attorney if her her husband had not chosen to pursue his political career.

There have been many Presdient's who had questionable credentials. Reagan is one that comes to mind.

I think Hillary would do a fine job, however, her time has passed. Too much baggage.
Gee, lets compare accomplishents.,,,

W built an energy company from the ground up, saw it merge with another energy company, and then became a general managing partner of a Major League Baseball franchise, raising the value of that team 900% over the five years he was a co-owner. He earned his money thru entrepreneurship, not book sales or campaign fundraising.

That's over 15 years experience in private enterprise, running businesses and seeing their values increase, BEFORE he ran for Governor.

Y'all can mock him for not sounding like an elitist, but I've met him in person. Spent between 30 & 45 minutes with him before he ran for Governor. He ain't dumb by any means.



You've dodged the question.

What's so positive about Hillary?

Where did she build a business from the ground up?

What exactly has she managed where she had accountability to someone other than a politician?...

At first I did not understand why you did not nominate hIm for sainthood then it occurred to me that you would actually have to be honest about his history.

Aside from the fact that motif not all of W Bush success was due to Daddy, his money and his influence there are a lot of questionable tthings that would have to answered. SEC investigation that disappeared because dad was in the big house. Business ventures that were on the verge of failure but were bought out by friends of daddy who wanted influence. The TX Ranger deal put together with friends of dad who were banking on W Bush winning the WH and having influence.

Trying to argue that W Bush is a good business man is like arguing that Paris Hilton is a good business woman.

I used to read you post on the airline side with great interest till you started posting here. That is when I started to wonder if you cherry pick info here so much, do you do the same on the airline side.
He built that successful company on how many bankrupt companies? And that major league team - I seem to recall that the citizens of Arlington paid more towards that team than W did.
Hillary CARES...about Middle Class people, pro union.....and that more than I could ever say about ..' STUPID ' !

CAPITALISTS (at ANY cost) make shitty Presidents, when it comes to ALL the People.
Clinton cares about what will get her into office just like most politicians. Whether or not the feelings are sincere is something I doubt we will ever know.
Clinton cares about what will get her into office just like most politicians. Whether or not the feelings are sincere is something I doubt we will ever know.

And we may never know....the shawdow if Bengayzee is cast over her. But she can certainly do her part to insure a GOP loss in 2016 by holding out until the very last moment....so that the right wing smear machine can spend their billions in campaign ads on Bengayzee...only to have Hillary say at the 11th hour at the democratic convention "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party". The GOP is back to square one since they've banked all these great Bengayzee ad's that the eventual candidate had absolutely nothing to do with.
And we may never know....the shawdow if Bengayzee is cast over her. But she can certainly do her part to insure a GOP loss in 2016 by holding out until the very last moment....so that the right wing smear machine can spend their billions in campaign ads on Bengayzee...only to have Hillary say at the 11th hour at the democratic convention "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party". The GOP is back to square one since they've banked all these great Bengayzee ad's that the eventual candidate had absolutely nothing to do with.

yeah I'm sure she will fleece millions from donors just to back out at the last minute.
get real.
And we may never know....the shawdow if Bengayzee is cast over her. But she can certainly do her part to insure a GOP loss in 2016 by holding out until the very last moment....so that the right wing smear machine can spend their billions in campaign ads on Bengayzee...only to have Hillary say at the 11th hour at the democratic convention "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party". The GOP is back to square one since they've banked all these great Bengayzee ad's that the eventual candidate had absolutely nothing to do with.

Doubt very seriously, Hitlery will quietly bow out of the running, a second time !
HC has done nothing but ride to power on her husbands coat tails. But who cares, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE".
Again, lots of ammunition being used to run against Bush.

Still nothing to show what she's actually accomplished.

Oh, that's right -- she cares about the middle class and union members.

Honestly, KC, I don't see either Hillary or Joe as being viable candidates in 2016. Biden hands down has more qualifications and experience than Clinton, but I can't see an old white guy or gal generating the same level of enthusiasm as Obama did. Boomers might like them, but it's the youth and minority vote that pushed Obama across the finish line, coupled with a lack of enthusiasm around Romney. The Millenials who pushed for Obama in 2008 won't be old enough to stay on their parents' health plans anymore, either...

But again, I ask, why is Clinton qualified? What has she accomplished?

The 2016 election cycle is still 18 months away, but bowing out now would at least allow for a proper field of candidates. Nobody would want to incur the wrath of the Clintons beforehand.
And we may never know....the shawdow if Bengayzee is cast over her. But she can certainly do her part to insure a GOP loss in 2016 by holding out until the very last moment....so that the right wing smear machine can spend their billions in campaign ads on Bengayzee...only to have Hillary say at the 11th hour at the democratic convention "Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party". The GOP is back to square one since they've banked all these great Bengayzee ad's that the eventual candidate had absolutely nothing to do with.

I don't think Benghazi would affect her prospects that much. Given what the republicans have run the last several elections I think she could win handily. Now if the republicans would run Christie or Rubio then Clinton would have a race on her hands. I don't think the GOP has the guts to do that though.
That's what W Bush did and it put him in the WH. Clinton is a strong woman and an inteligent woman. I think she would have a very good shot at the WH if she were to run.
Again, lots of ammunition being used to run against Bush.

Still nothing to show what she's actually accomplished.

Oh, that's right -- she cares about the middle class and union members.

Honestly, KC, I don't see either Hillary or Joe as being viable candidates in 2016. Biden hands down has more qualifications and experience than Clinton, but I can't see an old white guy or gal generating the same level of enthusiasm as Obama did. Boomers might like them, but it's the youth and minority vote that pushed Obama across the finish line, coupled with a lack of enthusiasm around Romney. The Millenials who pushed for Obama in 2008 won't be old enough to stay on their parents' health plans anymore, either...

But again, I ask, why is Clinton qualified? What has she accomplished?

The 2016 election cycle is still 18 months away, but bowing out now would at least allow for a proper field of candidates. Nobody would want to incur the wrath of the Clintons beforehand.

What is your hang up with qualifications? Since when did that become an issue? Bush was not qualified, Clinton was not. One could make an argument for H Bush. Regan definitly not and Carter would be the same as H Bush.

I agree that it would be nice if elections were based upon qualifications but first we have to establish what qualifications we are looking for (I suspect yours are different from mine) and then we would have to convince the electorate. I won't hold my breath.

As it stands in this universe, elections are about electability. Nothing more.I think Clinton is very electable. She would be the first female to have the top spot on a ticket. She is a Clinton. She has a very good presence. That makes her electable.
Beware the Libertarians! Chris Christie was right in a way. If you're supported and funded by the old boy network the Libertarians must scare the living poop out of you. There is no government or standing army that can stop an idea whose time has come. We are here and we are growing. B-E-W-A-R-E Bnakster stooges the regular folks are catching on to your little Ponzi scheme.
Johnson got what, 2% of the vote? Paul won how may primaries? How many delegates? Libertarians have a few good ideas but they are buried by bat chit crazy ones. Rand Paul is a little less nuts than Ron Paul but that's like saying getting killed by a bus is better than getting killed by a car.

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