CLT to GIG supposed to be announced today

There is no common rating for the 757/767. Many throw it around, but it is not true.
Althogh both cockpits look almost the same, they are two diffirent a/c. Engins, systems, etc.
AAA traines it's pilots to fly both. AT your oral, you are questiond, deep, on both. The simulator check is pretty much the same. On your IOE's you most probably will fly both. And be questiond on both.
When you get through the checks, you licence will read Boing 757/767.
Lets say you fly for an air carrier that had 757's but no 767's. You would be trained to the 757. Your licence would read just Boing 757.
CLT is better positioned geographically for getting connecting traffic, and without the connecting traffic it's not going to be successful from either PHL or CLT. Most people outside the NE would probably go through someone else's hub (like MIA) before they'd backtrack to PHL to make the connection.

Besides, with the flight starting in PHL and going through CLT, the PHL-GIG will show up above all connecting flights in the GDS's.

Actually without sufficient premium O&D traffic it's not likely to be successful. We are talking about a 4000+ nm flight 7 days/week. Although CLT may have better connectivity from the west than PHL, it is geographically situated far from any potential Brazilian-American communities or business interests and would compete directly with DL's existing ATL-GIG flight for western connections. The potential advantage of PHL is it's proximity to metro NYC and northern NJ where these communities/business interests - and the premium O&D are located. Obviously success from PHL would be dependent on US being able to draw from the NYC area with low pricing - a typical MO for them anyway. IMO, a route from either CLT or PHL will last a year at best and will sustain significant losses. It's only advantage - and what I believe is the intent, is to establish US presence/experience in deep South America for future route authorities to the potentially profitable business destinations, such as Buenos Aires. What is not typically considered when identifying CLT as being Closer to deep SA than PHL is that CLT is only 75nm closer to GIG than PHL. All that said, I would be very surprised if the DOT awarded this authority to US - which if they did, would likely have to be justified on a "new entry" basis as most other rationale seems difficult to prove potential success or specific community benefit.

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