Clt-Gig Poor Loads

You seem to have a real hard-on for this flight to fail, so I assume either you or your ego has a vested interest in this flight being shuttered in near record time.

Why do you:

a: Presume that their is lots of red ink? When I measure my success in investments, I don't get too worried about my daily or monthly return, as long as my annual return is positive. Besides, theirs the mantra stated ad naseuem on here that load factors don't indicate profits.

b: Think that anyone on here would know (or share if they know) the original projections? I think it safe to assume projections are that this route would be more profitable than the next best alternative, and at a level throughout the year that justified non-seasonal service, and a timeframe within Tempe's threshold for loss-leading market penetration. Anyone who quotes figures more exact than that is someone who is talking out of the wrong end, or doesn't anticipate having a job at US HQ for long.

Finally, when you post random information hinting at impending doom, it might be helpful to at least re-read the thread and spot check other facts, since I previously posted that GIG-CLT on April 9th was 80%+ booked....that was the first GIG-CLT trip I looked at, and clearly above the best day of 45% that you state. I don't know if the ink is red or black on that flight, and I'm smart enough not to speculate.
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Looking further out into april loads look poor lowest days being 25% best days around 45%. Lots of red ink on this route, does anybody know what the projections on this flight were? I doubt if the projections were like the current loads they woule have launched it.
First of all most new routes operate in the red(this is not an assumption its fact) untill they develope. my question is does anybody have any insight into what the projections for this flight were i.e. what period of time at a loss, how long till break even and profit. I have reviewed many dates in March and early april and stand by comments on loads.Yes there are the odd dates with higher loads but on average they are in the range I note. Please be civil in your resposes
US might do better selling codeshares on CO's South American flights out of IAH.

Or, move the flight to PIT. It is a beautiful airport with magnificent shopping. I bet loads would increase just for those reasons alone. I know a bunch of Spanish speaking people in Pittsburgh, so I am sure that they would take the flight from PIT. Unfortunately, Tempe murdered US's most prized hub and is forcing the ladies who built this airline to wait in line at Southwest to get back in forth to work for lower wages than in the 80's while the new hires continue to cause a scene about their juniority at the gate. Low loads are fine. It gives the senior gals time to catch up on their magazines and balance checkbooks.
Going back to the original subject of this thread, it's going to be hard to build CLT originations for this flight with the current fare structure. Check out this "promotion":

Fly the Flag to Rio

It costs $351 more to fly to GIG from CLT than to take the same flight if you originate in BOS. Not good for those of us in Charlotte.
Going back to the original subject of this thread, it's going to be hard to build CLT originations for this flight with the current fare structure. Check out this "promotion":

Fly the Flag to Rio

It costs $351 more to fly to GIG from CLT than to take the same flight if you originate in BOS. Not good for those of us in Charlotte.

What is the competition for a non-stop out of CLT to GIG? None. What is the competitiion out of BOS--CLT, IAH, MIA, ATL, IAD.