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City of Dallas still in talks with Delta about Love Field

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no, the only fool here is you.

I DO care because it matters to business.

It's all a contest to you

there are jobs at stake including at airlines which you represent but it's all just a joke to you - even while you solicit for union votes.
And how many DL and I mean actual DL employees are staffed at DAL?
uh, the IAM represents employees at multiple airlines including WN, no?

If you were half smart given the delicate nature of the subject and your clear priority on the union movement, you would shut your mouth on the subject.

in case you missed it, AA is already being affected by WN's growth at DAL far more than AA expected.

DL is in favor of open access at DAL and had employees sign petitions seeking it. There are DL employees who care about the issue.

and even though you think otherwise, it is not about one upping someone.

it is about fair, open, and honest competition.

when that doesn't happen, someone is going to get hurt.

WN yelled bloody murder about being excluded from DCA and LGA even though it was in both airports.

the DOJ gave WN unprecedented access to DCA and LGA only to have WN turn around and make a complete mockery out of the process of airport access with what it has done at DAL.

do not for one minute think there aren't people who have the ability to do things (it ain't me) and who will ensure that WN's abortion of justice is stopped and reversed.

if you find it nothing but a game of chest thumping on airline forums, then it shows the depravity of business leadership that exists at the IAM - and which was SPECIFICALLY noted by DL FAs as a reason they don't want the IAM.
WorldTraveler said:
Virgin won't last. If DL doesn't fight then WN stands the chance of gaining entire control of the 20th largest airport in the US - and that is based on current seats; once WN publishes its schedule with new flights even with DL's 5 flights still there, it is very likely that DAL will end up even higher on the list.
Just like you are wrong about the legalities of the Wright Amendment, you are incorrect about DAL being the 20th largest airport in the USA.
For 2013, by total passenger boardings, DAL ranked #44 (just over 4  million.  LGA at 13.3 million was #20).
This has been pointed out to you several times over and over, yet you continue to perpetuate an outright lie.  Calling you a fraud and a liar is not character assassination but the Whole Truth.
im pretty sure that the feds will get right on the subject of DAL starting tomorrow morning at 7am.....   🙄 😀 😛
And if you knew anything about AA they are hiring fleet service at DFW upwards of 350 people.

Maybe you should stop the lies, threats and misinformation.

And you still didn't answer, how many actual mainline employees does DL have at DAL?
Zero hourly employees for Delta at Love Field. It's been outsourced all along.

The DOJ has spoken, Congress has acted, it's settled law.

There comes a point where you probably just need to move on and let WT howl at the moon while clutching his pearls until they turn to dust.
700UW said:
And if you knew anything about AA they are hiring fleet service at DFW upwards of 350 people.

Maybe you should stop the lies, threats and misinformation.

And you still didn't answer, how many actual mainline employees does DL have at DAL?
He won't answer.  #1- He doesn't know.  #2- There are no Delta employees at DAL. they are all contracted out...
eolesen said:
Zero hourly employees for Delta at Love Field. It's been outsourced all along.

The DOJ has spoken, Congress has acted, it's settled law.

There comes a point where you probably just need to move on and let WT howl at the moon while clutching his pearls until they turn to dust.
C'mon man. 700 is doing a good job, let him go while we sit back and watch 700 make him look like the fool he is.  File your suit WT, it will be a waste of money and time as I have said from the get go. You guys WT really doesn't have a clue about the DAL Love Field airport.  His ignorance becomes more and more obvious as he continues to post about it.  "HE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"
you are the fool if you think WN has any political capital left after arguing how it needed access to DCA and LGA because it would bring low fares to the market even though it had a higher share of capacity at DCA and LGA as a result of the FL acquisition than any other carrier has at DAL today.

WN cannot argue that it should be given anything or defend what it did at DAL against what it was given at DCA and LGA.

Just like you are wrong about the legalities of the Wright Amendment, you are incorrect about DAL being the 20th largest airport in the USA.
For 2013, by total passenger boardings, DAL ranked #44 (just over 4  million.  LGA at 13.3 million was #20).
This has been pointed out to you several times over and over, yet you continue to perpetuate an outright lie.  Calling you a fraud and a liar is not character assassination but the Whole Truth.
of course DAL's boardings for 2014 show it as a much smaller airport than #20.

the WA restrictions weren't removed until 80% of the way thru 2014 and WN's schedule buildup didn't even finish for 2014 until later than that.

an accurate measure of the size that DAL is relative to other airports is the seats offered via schedules for 2015.

further, the actual size of DAL is not near as important as the fact that WN will have na operation at DAL that will be as large as what DL has at LGA and AA has at DCA, airports where the DOJ and WN convinced the public that competition was needed.

WN will have far more share, less competition, and less access for competitors than anything that exists at LGA, DCA, EWR, or ORD - airports which have long been the subject of DOJ intervention based on Market importance and restricted access.

how you can fail to grasp the most basic concepts about the industry and yet be so emboldened to argue then is really frightening.

as for all of the hiring AA is doing at DFW and MIA, of course they have to hire to rebank those hubs.

Everyone has said that banked schedules require more resources including people.

given that even some of AA's biggest fans are saying that the MIA rebanking is creating operational bottlenecks and delays, it is given that the problem at DFW will be far worse.

AA is producing a schedule which will increase the sale of connections but which will be far harder to deliver on a reliable basis or to recover from IROPS which DFW is frequently hit by.

and it all drives up costs. AA is simply trading the lost local revenue to WN for higher costs associated with trying to serve connecting passengers that will be alienated by operational difficulties.

setting up to be yet another major strAAtegic mistAAke
except that no one who understands the market believed that DAL would grow as much as it has or that WN would end up acquiring even more gates to the exclusion of other players.

again, if DL is pushed out, WN will control 97% of the seats from DAL and have just one competitor that flies 4 routes that WN also serves.

you tell me where in US antitrust law or enforcement anyone ever has allowed one company to dominate more than 90% of the market and have as their only competitor a company that is a fraction of their size?

WN is well aware of that reality and the single reason why WN hasn't been challenged so far is because right now DL is the only carrier that has a case for challenging them... and as long as DL retains at least its service to ATL, DL is satisfied for now.

as soon as WN starts adding service to DL hub markets from DAL or DL's ability to continue ATL-DAL is challenged, the dynamics change.

further, there is no way that WN can get approval for any future transactions that it may need - whether it be a merger, joint business venture, or expansion of DAL or removal of any restrictions unless it allows increased access by competitors to DAL.

WN used its political capital to build a fortress at DAL.

as long as it is happy with what it has, expects nothing else, and doesn't push DL, it can maintain the status quo.

for now, the biggest threats to WN's expansion at DAL and Latin America are AA and UA which is precisely why DL is content to sit back and watch while AA suffers exactly the fate to its top hub that I have long said it would.
WorldTraveler said:
of course DAL's boardings for 2014 show it as a much smaller airport than #20.

the WA restrictions weren't removed until 80% of the way thru 2014 and WN's schedule buildup didn't even finish for 2014 until later than that.

an accurate measure of the size that DAL is relative to other airports is the seats offered via schedules for 2015.

further, the actual size of DAL is not near as important as the fact that WN will have na operation at DAL that will be as large as what DL has at LGA and AA has at DCA, airports where the DOJ and WN convinced the public that competition was needed.
Typical WT.  Instead of admitting he was wrong he just moves the goalposts.  Although he knew he was lying all along, but still perpetuates misinformation hoping nobody call him out.
it is only you who wants to trot out the accusation of lying based on what was NOT said.

I have repeatedly that even if the laws do exist to protect DAL, the consequences of what has actually emerged, esp. in light of WN's campaign to get increased access to DCA and LGA make what has happened at DAL a complete hypocrisy.

the problem with you and the majority of the people on here is that you try so hard to prove someone wrong that you can't possibly see the discussion in any context of common sense.

WN has used its last gram of political capital. It cannot argue that it needs anything or is the least bit underprivileged given its dominance of DAL and the inability of competitors to serve the market - a reality that is all the more galling given that WN managed to gain increased access to LGA and DCA under the same pretense that it is now violating.

common sense, not reading some law, will help you understand that.

WN mgmt., I fully suspect, possesses a whole lot more common sense than the majority of people here.
WorldTraveler said:
except that no one who understands the market believed that DAL would grow as much as it has or that WN would end up acquiring even more gates to the exclusion of other players.

again, if DL is pushed out, WN will control 97% of the seats from DAL and have just one competitor that flies 4 routes that WN also serves.

you tell me where in US antitrust law or enforcement anyone ever has allowed one company to dominate more than 90% of the market and have as their only competitor a company that is a fraction of their size?

WN is well aware of that reality and the single reason why WN hasn't been challenged so far is because right now DL is the only carrier that has a case for challenging them... and as long as DL retains at least its service to ATL, DL is satisfied for now.

as soon as WN starts adding service to DL hub markets from DAL or DL's ability to continue ATL-DAL is challenged, the dynamics change.

further, there is no way that WN can get approval for any future transactions that it may need - whether it be a merger, joint business venture, or expansion of DAL or removal of any restrictions unless it allows increased access by competitors to DAL.

WN used its political capital to build a fortress at DAL.

as long as it is happy with what it has, expects nothing else, and doesn't push DL, it can maintain the status quo.

for now, the biggest threats to WN's expansion at DAL and Latin America are AA and UA which is precisely why DL is content to sit back and watch while AA suffers exactly the fate to its top hub that I have long said it would.
AGAIN you wrong!!! I told you back before Oct 2014 how big the growth and expansion would be at DAL. I told you that SWA would have enough gates with the 16 that they were originally capped at. I told you SWA wanted to get DAL as high as 250 flights. I also told you SWA would go after more and more gates. I told you that SWA was pulling back unprofitable flights elsewhere, and relocating aircraft all over the US to get more planes into DAL for this growth after the W/A goes away. It's going to so funny when/if Delta has to leave DAL, and don't worry I will wear your a$$ out about it trust me. But what would be even funnier is after Delta relocates to DFW, then SWA sub-leases 1/2 a gate or even a full gate to Virgin. Your first sentence is a flat out lie, I have told all that since long before the W/A went away--GET A CLUE!!!
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