you are the fool if you think WN has any political capital left after arguing how it needed access to DCA and LGA because it would bring low fares to the market even though it had a higher share of capacity at DCA and LGA as a result of the FL acquisition than any other carrier has at DAL today.
WN cannot argue that it should be given anything or defend what it did at DAL against what it was given at DCA and LGA.
Just like you are wrong about the legalities of the Wright Amendment, you are incorrect about DAL being the 20th largest airport in the USA.
For 2013, by total passenger boardings, DAL ranked #44 (just over 4 million. LGA at 13.3 million was #20).
This has been pointed out to you several times over and over, yet you continue to perpetuate an outright lie. Calling you a fraud and a liar is not character assassination but the Whole Truth.
of course DAL's boardings for 2014 show it as a much smaller airport than #20.
the WA restrictions weren't removed until 80% of the way thru 2014 and WN's schedule buildup didn't even finish for 2014 until later than that.
an accurate measure of the size that DAL is relative to other airports is the seats offered via schedules for 2015.
further, the actual size of DAL is not near as important as the fact that WN will have na operation at DAL that will be as large as what DL has at LGA and AA has at DCA, airports where the DOJ and WN convinced the public that competition was needed.
WN will have far more share, less competition, and less access for competitors than anything that exists at LGA, DCA, EWR, or ORD - airports which have long been the subject of DOJ intervention based on Market importance and restricted access.
how you can fail to grasp the most basic concepts about the industry and yet be so emboldened to argue then is really frightening.
as for all of the hiring AA is doing at DFW and MIA, of course they have to hire to rebank those hubs.
Everyone has said that banked schedules require more resources including people.
given that even some of AA's biggest fans are saying that the MIA rebanking is creating operational bottlenecks and delays, it is given that the problem at DFW will be far worse.
AA is producing a schedule which will increase the sale of connections but which will be far harder to deliver on a reliable basis or to recover from IROPS which DFW is frequently hit by.
and it all drives up costs. AA is simply trading the lost local revenue to WN for higher costs associated with trying to serve connecting passengers that will be alienated by operational difficulties.
setting up to be yet another major strAAtegic mistAAke