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City of Dallas tells Delta it can no longer fly out of Love Field

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WorldTraveler said:
my "rap" is bad because I have tenaciously argued for a position which has actually been exactly what has taken place - that DL would remain at DAL.
Really?? Believe me, it's not only DAL.....
yeah, I know.

my "rap" went down when I started telling AA fans that AA needed to get its stuff together or it would be relegated to an also ran in NYC.

10 years after I started saying that, AA has now lost its position of being the largest carrier in NYC.

Same thing about BK.

and AA's Pacific network.

And WN's supposedly huge buildup in ATL. that didn't happen.

all and MORE happened as I said they would and against the groupthink of this board.

thank you for providing yet one more opportunity to show that I have been right and so many of you have been wrong on so many issues.
WorldTraveler said:
yeah, I know.

my "rap" went down when I started telling AA fans that AA needed to get its stuff together or it would be relegated to an also ran in NYC.

10 years after I started saying that, AA has now lost its position of being the largest carrier in NYC.

Same thing about BK.

and AA's Pacific network.

And WN's supposedly huge buildup in ATL. that didn't happen.

all and MORE happened as I said they would and against the groupthink of this board.

thank you for providing yet one more opportunity to show that I have been right and so many of you have been wrong on so many issues.
Your "rap" is not about pounding on AA for a decade - thanks for admitting you have been grinding the axe for a decade - it's all about approach and incorrect use of what you claim are facts - change approach and you might get better dialoge
I believe there are many things AA needs to do to improve and said that a long time ago - however since you are so over the top on how perfect DL is - it's impossible to have a discussion about AA when you don't grind away - for example, there is no reason to bring up AA cancelations on a UA SFO-SYD thread that is not even remotely close to the topic - in addition you can never admit anything DL has to work on - a case in point you stated the other day that DL only has opportunities - so basically how could everything be so positive at DL and so negative at AA, AS, UA, WN (pick an airline). 
If you want to talk about AA on time performance start a thread on it and have an honest discussion on how US did under the old leadership and they will focus on getting AA up to US's performance - re-hubbing, scheduling, new procedures, etc all play into that - yes DL has airports above CLT and PHX in on time performance however the mega hub ATL is worse than CLT and PHX - however when I look at the numbers - the top 10 airports are not off by many percentage points and therefore is not much difference
Think about how much you grinded the axe on pay for FA's at AA and now with them making for than DL your silent since it's clear AA  FA's are better off - now - if we step back - this happens all the time - DL might have been first in FA pay now it's AA - next it might be UA then maybe WN then back to DL then maybe to UA then back to AA - contracts get negotiated at different periods and the one who is last is always best until another one is negotiated
So once again your issue is approach - and you still can't admit it - which keeps pointing out to most everyone the creditability issue
You regularly ask questions of others however will refuse to answer questions others have posed to you - once again it's approach
Happy New Year!
You claimed for months that DL was a new entrant now you say they are not.

jcw said:
So once again your issue is approach - and you still can't admit it - which keeps pointing out to most everyone the creditability issue
You regularly ask questions of others however will refuse to answer questions others have posed to you - once again it's approach
Happy New Year!
All good reasons for why it's not worth your time to bother responding anymore...
E's advice is the best.

pretending there is a nice way to tell someone that their company is on the verge of BK and losing boatloads of money in one endeavor after another is laughable.

There is nothing that anyone could have told anyone to make them feel good about the reality in which AA has found itself time after time.

to pretend that the other person is the problem is ridiculous.

same thing about AMFA's strategic failure - which is what I have noted to Q - or any other issue.

AA has turned the corner; I am happy for them.

all of the revenue and merger related issues that I identified are still real. Until AA moves past them and proves that they were non-issues, those very things will be real.

The sooner you choose to accept responsibility for where your beloved company or organization is and skip blaming others, the faster we can have a peaceful conversation.

if you can't do that, this board has an ignore feature and if you absolutely must peak, then adopt E's philosophy.

and once again, despite over a year of predictions/hopes that DL would be pushed out of DAL, they have not and will not be - which is exactly what I have said despite the fact that others have disagreed with me.
WorldTraveler said:
E's advice is the best.

pretending there is a nice way to tell someone that their company is on the verge of BK and losing boatloads of money in one endeavor after another is laughable.

There is nothing that anyone could have told anyone to make them feel good about the reality in which AA has found itself time after time.

to pretend that the other person is the problem is ridiculous.

same thing about AMFA's strategic failure - which is what I have noted to Q - or any other issue.

AA has turned the corner; I am happy for them.

all of the revenue and merger related issues that I identified are still real. Until AA moves past them and proves that they were non-issues, those very things will be real.

The sooner you choose to accept responsibility for where your beloved company or organization is and skip blaming others, the faster we can have a peaceful conversation.

if you can't do that, this board has an ignore feature and if you absolutely must peak, then adopt E's philosophy.

and once again, despite over a year of predictions/hopes that DL would be pushed out of DAL, they have not and will not be - which is exactly what I have said despite the fact that others have disagreed with me.
So you want just about everyone to ignore you - I guess it will be lonely for you on this board - once again - I wish DL much success at DAL
You have such serious issues - it's sad - I feel sorry for you - you still can't understand your approach and your strategy is to tell everyone to ignore you
WorldTraveler said:
it is true that Virgin was not awarded the gate until well into 2014 but it was in late 2013 when the DOJ and AA mgmt. both said that gates would have to be divested from a number of airports including DAL.

Feel free to find the DL press release but I am certain that DL announced its intended schedule well before the date you mention.

NO, my rap is not bad because I don't get a few facts which you and others want to focus on.

DL's access to DAL has been in play for well over a year since late 2013. There have been a chorus of people who argued that DL would not be at DAL, they weren't a new entrant or low cost carrier or any other of the conditions which they seemed to think was the only condition which people on here didn't want to hear.

DL still has the 3rd largest number of seats at DCA after AA and WN and has more than enough slots (equal to the size of pmAA's slot portfolio) that they could add far more seats if they wanted to - predominantly by upgrading small regional jets.

DL is the largest slot holder and has the most seats at LGA; no one realistically expected DL would get anything there.

my "rap" is bad because I have tenaciously argued for a position which has actually been exactly what has taken place - that DL would remain at DAL.

So, feel free like many other people on here to try to find any reason possible to argue against my position - but as with case after case that has been discussed on here, the point I have argued is precisely the one that has come to past - no matter how uncomfortable it is for you and others to hear.

I'm curious when you and others will be willing to admit that you were wrong and I was right on DAL access or will we still be debating this issue 20 years from now - with one date after another on the horizon for DL's imminent departure from DAL?
Because I never said that DL was going to be denied access to DAL, only that they had a much smaller chance than Virgin in acquiring the AA slots.  This topic was about the COD decision to try to evict DL at the termination of the Wright Amendment.
The COD and the Airport Authority did not do due diligence to verify that there was not excess capacity from which to allow DL to continue operations; which in fact there was enough unused gate times for DL to operate.
DL is operating on a sub-lease.  I don't have access to the sub-lease, neither do you I suppose.  Until such time that someone in the know posts the details in the sub-lease, no one on this board can say for certain when or IF DL may be forced from DAL.  If the airline that is sub-leasing their gate space to DL decides that it needs the space.  Again, IF the lease-holding airlines at DAL are fully utilizing their gates, they cannot be forced to cut their schedule to accommodate another carrier.
As far as markets such as Chicago, where DL services two airports, they use neither as a "HUB".  UA/AA/WN have hubs/focus cities in Chicago.  AA services both Houston airports, WN and UA don't, guess what they have in common?
And I did google the announcement for DL at DAL, prior to my posting earlier, and I found  an early March article.  I did not double check further, but I did find another announcement that they put 22 flights for sale on December 17, 2013.  Which is very ballsy, considering, the DOJ/DOT hadn't even started the proceedings for the divestiture.  My mistake.  How many of those 22 daily flights is DL operating at this time? 5 - Sounds like DL is really winning in N Texas.
Virgin however did not make their intent known to the public until March 5th.
AirLUVer said:
And I did google the announcement for DL at DAL, prior to my posting earlier, and I found  an early March article.  I did not double check further, but I did find another announcement that they put 22 flights for sale on December 17, 2013.  Which is very ballsy, considering, the DOJ/DOT hadn't even started the proceedings for the divestiture.  My mistake.  How many of those 22 daily flights is DL operating at this time? 5 - Sounds like DL is really winning in N Texas.
Virgin however did not make their intent known to the public until March 5th.
AirLUVer, you are exactly correct.  There was also an article not far off from the one you indicate that said Delta may have sold those excess tickets illegally and the article quoted the DOT looking into it.  I have been posting about these 22 flights PRIOR to any announcement by the DOJ or COD and he just keeps ignoring this fact and tries to spin it out of context completely.  Not that I really needed it, but it is nice to see someone else prove him wrong yet again.  Pls carry on sir...
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