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City of Dallas still in talks with Delta about Love Field

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Your right about the short flight and yea SWA will set the bar in pricing, but was pointing out the fact that Virgin will be fully utilizing their gates by April. So Virgin will not be forced or asked to "share" a gate with Delta.  It seems now it will be rather SWA will have to continue to accommodate Delta with a half gate for their 5 flights.  I am still thinking no, but, we will all find out when a decision is announced...
we have now seen that every airline that serves DAL will do everything possible to try to block DL and spar with each other in the process.

It will cost VX plenty to try to compete in an intra-Texas market.

If E's theory were even half right, there would be no issue and DL would have been shown the door a long time ago.

what E and swamt and dozens of others can't get is that the DOT said that DL must be accommodated based on the same laws that I have repeatedly said apply to the situation.

VX' addition of DAL flights does nothing but put the pressure on WN who signed the lease with the requirement that DL be accommodated. VX isn't the least bit affected by UA's lease or sub-lease.

VX is out to screw WN with their most recent action.

WN is being backed into a corner and all it takes is a DOT and DL who have had enough to force it all to court and WN's leases at DAL will be ripped up.

Let's hope it happens ASAP.
And AA still has the leases on the two gates that VX's is using.
and they can get them back in 10 years.

Even if VX leaves DAL, the DOJ still says AA can't come back.

WN is the one with the problem, not DL and not VX.

THE DOT said that WN not VX has to accommodate DL.
A Federal judge in Texas has just overruled the POTUS on an Executive Order.  I think a Federal judge would have no problem telling a government bureaucrat to go jump in a lake should he/she so decide.  Particularly, if that judge decides that the WA and the Five Party Agreement are valid and supported by Federal law.
and a federal judge that is NOT in Texas could easily rule that DAL IS required to abide by the same laws that govern every other US airport but which a whole lot of people here seem to think that DAL is exempt from.

and the federal judge's order regarding immigration has not gone completely up the chain.

that is the way the US legal system works - whether you like the outcome or not.

there is NO WAY that any judge will support WN or DAL in allowing any airline to control 90% of the gates, offer 95% of the seats in an operation that is nearly as large as AA at DCA or DL at LGA, and yet allow no competitor access.

The political appointees at the DOT were completely in bed with WN and it will take a federal court to sort it all out and really open DAL to true competition, which is the exact opposite of what WN wants.
WorldTraveler said:
you certainly won't admit it but WN is actually pretty stupid to be escalating a situation that has a very high potential of resulting in the entire Wright Amendment and DAL leases to be ruled illegal.

let it go to court.

Let WN screw itself in a court of US law.
WorldTraveler said:
and that is precisely why the chances are high that in seeking to define what it says could require a federal judge to rule that WN's control of DAL is way out of line with antitrust laws.

WN is playing with fire when the DOT itself and the DOJ agreed that DL's lease had to be included and the principles had to be incorporated going forward.

WN will get burnt if they kick DL out.
Southwest's inside counsel and outside lawyers at Steptoe, Johnson have forgotten more about antitrust law than you'll every learn (come to think of it, so have I), and if there was even a remote possibility of your predictions actually happening, then it is unlikely that WN would have filed this suit. The only thing that's high would be you if you believe otherwise.

My prediction is that the DOT is scrambling to figure out why this dumb broad at the DOT wrote that letter to Dallas and to prepare a rescission of that letter so that it won't have to lose in the Court of Appeals.
WN has IGNORED more antitrust law because all they want to do is dominate DAL and eliminate competitors.

of course she is a dumb broad because she wrote something you don't like.

It was clearly a wise political appointee of the DOJ that came together with the AA/US divestiture agreement despite having just said that the DOJ was not in a position to argue the case.

You make me sick with the level of arrogance you display.

it's time for a federal judge to sort it all out - and I will not be the least bit surprised if DL and the DOT take the opportunity to force the issue of leases at DAL and the larger question of WN's size at DAL.

all of those leases that you have been hiding behind might well all be thrown out and DAL be forced to write leases that actually follow federal laws for federally funded airports.

the option is for WN to take over funding of DAL itself.
If WN has ignored anti-trust laws they would have been sued numerous times.
You are grasping again.
first, the WA restrictions were removed just months ago.

second, the DOJ should have never allowed WN to retain 80% of the gates at the same time that DAL was opened to long haul flights. The DOJ failed the American people by failing to enforce antitrust laws regarding competition that it has chosen to enforce at other airports but refused to do so at DAL.

it might be more accurate to say that DAL and WN has been allowed to bamboozle everyone in the name of protecting WN's growth at DAL but WN is the one that will suffer if/when it is all finally ruled to be a horrid miscarriage of US aviation and antitrust laws.

the DOJ is run, you know, by political appointees who will move on and make more money doing something else.

WN is the one that is skating on thin ice hoping to further extend its dominance of what will be one of the US top 20-25 airports by this summer.

it is time for a federal court- perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court - to rule that WN's dominating leases of DAL should have been ripped up at the same time that DAL was opened to longhaul flights.

none of it has been done because no one has had a reason to do so.

the further WN moves down the path of further dominating the airport to the exclusion of other carriers, the more likely a legal review becomes likely
FWAAA, you're probably right about where DOT takes this next. DOJ's antitrust suit against the US/AA merger evaporated almost as fast as a beer spill in August at noon on a Phoenix sidewalk, and this administration has shown that saving face is more important than anything else.
and you show a complete ignorance for the way the US legal system works.

the DOJ and DOT can fight all day long if they want. Congress can write rules which prohibit what DAL has as leases from taking place and the judicial system can and will rule on the legality of what has taken place if they are asked.

you have repeatedly tried to beat your chest when none of the above has taken place.

Things are just now getting moving regarding legal issues with DAL and WN itself is the one that is moving the process forward.
WorldTraveler said:
Things are just now getting moving regarding legal issues with DAL and WN itself is the one that is moving the process forward.
I had to "grasp" my chair just to prevent myself from falling off due to laughter.
World Fraudster has been saying since day 1 that it will be DL that will be taking this issue to the courts as they had a slam dunk case not only against WN but also DAL and the city of Dallas (and anybody else they felt like dragging into the courts).
Now, it is actually WN that is starting the legal proceedings, which if they should win, might mean the end of DL service at DAL. 
Now this guy is spinning trying to convince everybody here that this is exactly the strategy that DL was hoping for.
I can't believe that somebody with all the alleged "mental horsepower" would write this.  Only in Bizarro's world could this be true.
FF2.0, I too am holding on while laughing my a$$ off.  BTW, I ran across this article today which is a very good article and explains the actual meanings of fully utilizing gates at DAL.  All carriers currently at DAL could very well be forced to accommodate Delta beyond the July 6th date as it is explained in this article.  This will indeed get interesting...
Southwest Goes to Court over Dallas Love Field
No the article is one perspective

The best part is that the DOT has been in DL's court all along

WN is trying to find support to throw DL out against the DOT

Let it go to court and let WN's leases be tossed.

DAL's leases were defective from the beginning
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