first, the WA restrictions were removed just months ago.
second, the DOJ should have never allowed WN to retain 80% of the gates at the same time that DAL was opened to long haul flights. The DOJ failed the American people by failing to enforce antitrust laws regarding competition that it has chosen to enforce at other airports but refused to do so at DAL.
it might be more accurate to say that DAL and WN has been allowed to bamboozle everyone in the name of protecting WN's growth at DAL but WN is the one that will suffer if/when it is all finally ruled to be a horrid miscarriage of US aviation and antitrust laws.
the DOJ is run, you know, by political appointees who will move on and make more money doing something else.
WN is the one that is skating on thin ice hoping to further extend its dominance of what will be one of the US top 20-25 airports by this summer.
it is time for a federal court- perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court - to rule that WN's dominating leases of DAL should have been ripped up at the same time that DAL was opened to longhaul flights.
none of it has been done because no one has had a reason to do so.
the further WN moves down the path of further dominating the airport to the exclusion of other carriers, the more likely a legal review becomes likely