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City of Dallas still in talks with Delta about Love Field

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swamt said:
The 6 other new cities are suppose to be announced soon. Not sure what they are SWA is keeping it quiet, even in house is quiet. We do know they will be "new". The 3 already announced (I am going by memory here and may have one wrong) Seatle, MKE, and Memphis, we already fly to SLC. I would have to say at least by July we will know for sure. We take control of the 2 new gates starting in April, and pretty sure the 6 new cities will be announced prior to the temp lease agreement coming due in July for Delta. SWA must show full utilization of the gates, otherwise they will be forced by the COD to accommodate Delta at one of those gates. I know SWA doesn't want to continue sub-leasing to Delta (and it has nothing to do with throwing Delta out of DAL) it has everything to do with SWA really needs more gates in order to add more and more flights and fully utilize all gates. IF Delta is to remain at DAL they may have to look at Virgin to share a gate with, unless SWA see it a better fit to keep Delta right where they all with no further growth from the 5 current flights. Who really knows what all will happen until July rolls around, but I am pretty confident that SWA will be using the gates to their fullest and won't be able to accommodate a 1/2 gate any longer with Delta, maybe Virgin can...

Looks like DAL-PDX starts on 4/8...

it appears that schedules for the additional flights have been loaded and there are no additional flights on any routes that duplicate any DL or UA nonstop service from DAL or DFW other than DEN.
Kev3188 said:
Looks like DAL-PDX starts on 4/8...
Didn't that used to be a DL hub?...

Given the limited resources at DAL, somehow I don't think trying to replicate DL's flight schedule is as high on WN's priority list as it might be for one or two people here.
PDX IS an AS hub. AA and AS offer the only nonstop service from DFW. the rest of it is AA competitive.

and as much as some would like to believe otherwise, WN is smart enough to pick its battles wisely.
everyone that seems to think that DL and WN are out to get each other might want to consider how well DL and WN have BOTH put the pressure on AS from SEA in complimentary markets.

SNA was one of the few remaining large west coast SEA markets in which AS had little to no competition.

WN's decision to add SEA-SNA is just such an example. WN is well aware of its need to be larger in SEA and has been willing to step back and let DL beat on AS in major markets like LAX.

but DL doesn't and likely wouldn't have the slots to add SNA-SEA service so it is no loss to DL and a helpful pile on for WN to jump into SEA-SNA, a market that has higher average fares and in which AS carries about 70% of the passengers it carries on SEA-LAX.

as much as some people here can't get it, DL and WN do respect each other and compete aggressively against each other. but they both also know that their best competitive opportunities are not against each other but against other carriers.
you did notice, swamt, that none of the add'l flights are to DL hubs and only DEN is to a UA hub?

are we supposed to see new ATL flights? all I have seen is reductions.
CHS is not a business market. WN"s schedule at DAL is heavily business oriented and they have some extra aircraft time they can use for higher fare leisure destinations, of which CHS is one.
WorldTraveler said:
you did notice, swamt, that none of the add'l flights are to DL hubs and only DEN is to a UA hub?
Yeah, that's it, WN is so scared of DL that it must be the reason why there are no DAL-DTW/MSP/SLC flights. 
It couldn't be that those are crappy markets compared to others could it?
Kev3188 said:
Thanks! Interesting mix. Weird (to me, anyway) that CHS is Sat. only.
Maybe they just want to test the market to see if there IS a market for Dallas to Charleston.  We have two 50-seaters/day (AE) that are not always full.  Maybe there's just not enough traffic (at least, right now) to justify daily service.
Yeah, that's it, WN is so scared of DL that it must be the reason why there are no DAL-DTW/MSP/SLC flights. 
It couldn't be that those are crappy markets compared to others could it?

MSP and DTW are the 12th and 13th largest markets from DFW. ahead of DCA, SEA, and PHX.
very healthy... my your own estimation, they aren't exactly leisure destinations. and it's not exactly like Dallas is on the beach itself.

as much as some don't want to admit, WN knows how to pick its fights... and more importantly, who NOT to fight with.
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