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Change of Control Update

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Also a weak argument for the company regarding 'group of purchasors'.

This where I would disagree. It HAS to hold up that there was a "group of purchasers" for the IAM to have any grounds for the snapback. Yet the company provided law, case law, and precedence to show that it was not a group of purchasers. I think they made that point well....I read the case law provided, and in context would make the assertion that it was not a "group" as would be termed by law and precedence. That alone would derail the entire grievance.

Another weak argument is that there was no asset sale because the name 'usairways' was still the same [in essance this was the argument].

Can you explain more what you mean by this? A company itself is not an asset. I am trying to understand what you mean by this statement.
O.K. Mr. Nelson.
Now, we need to get to the Nitty Gritty! The language of our negotiations has shown us that the representatives in our behalf have No Exerience, Natta! I hope, to H***! that the International IAM/AFL-CIO have the kahuna' to take on the company that has kept them on the payrolls for 50 years.
My #### is......I work for the same company I got layed off from. In the same station...now we have one certificate an we are no longer an outsourced station. It's not about $$$. It's about CBA language. When do the furlough get call back to usairways ? After there are no positions left beause " The New Usairways " is hiring as we speak..........?????? They should be called back...

You know what...forget my personal opinion...I guess i'm saying look at the situation.

IAM is letting the company hire under a TWU contract and not calling back furloughees to the same USARWAYS station they were furloughed from.

end of story

Bagfeather! The director of IAM Tom Brickner has decided it was important to update everyone on the Briefing. Apparently he has discovered the groups under and responsible for contracts for IAM are no doing their jobs. Do remember (their) is the correct spelling. I hate the fact blogs donl't include spelling. Told you I was not internet Savvy!
Lith: OK, I think I understand. As to the problem of spelling.
I'm thinking of organizing a union for Airline Posters. I here
the screen writers guild is interested but also so is a lesser known
union called Airline Poster's Anonymous(which by a weird
coinsidence goes by the acronym ALPA) Any decent first
contract must include "spell check".

I have 30 advanced college degrees and still can't spell (see
above: criptic should be cryptic.
This where I would disagree. It HAS to hold up that there was a "group of purchasers" for the IAM to have any grounds for the snapback. Yet the company provided law, case law, and precedence to show that it was not a group of purchasers. I think they made that point well....I read the case law provided, and in context would make the assertion that it was not a "group" as would be termed by law and precedence. That alone would derail the entire grievance.

Phx Phlyer- The case law and precedence you speak of should, in my opinion, be disallowed.
This CIC was filed under an agreement based under ''Corporate Transitions'' . All the cases
the company pointed out were agreed upon under ''Labor Management World'' language.
This would make them inadmissable, but that will be up to Bloch to decide.

I am not stating this as fact but in the way the arguments in the briefs read, these past
cases and precedents would not apply.

Lith: OK, I think I understand. As to the problem of spelling.
I'm thinking of organizing a union for Airline Posters. I here
the screen writers guild is interested but also so is a lesser known
union called Airline Poster's Anonymous(which by a weird
coinsidence goes by the acronym ALPA) Any decent first
contract must include "spell check".

I have 30 advanced college degrees and still can't spell (see
above: criptic should be cryptic.


Spell um like they sound we'll figure it out. Spelling is only 9/10's of the law
Bagfeather! The director of IAM Tom Brickner has decided it was important to update everyone on the Briefing. Apparently he has discovered the groups under and responsible for contracts for IAM are no doing their jobs. Do remember (their) is the correct spelling. I hate the fact blogs donl't include spelling. Told you I was not internet Savvy!
He is the airline coordinator, not a director.

And during M&R Negotiations, the company never asked to change or remove the COC language and never told the committee about a merger with HP.
If we win or lose COC its still a win either way. We ride out this contract till 2009. If we go beyond on this contract we get 4.5 % increase. If they dont give us another TA by 2009 we can STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If we win or lose COC its still a win either way. We ride out this contract till 2009. If we go beyond on this contract we get 4.5 % increase. If they dont give us another TA by 2009 we can STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You might want to edumakate them o SEC 6 then
O.K. Mr. Nelson.
Now, we need to get to the Nitty Gritty! The language of our negotiations has shown us that the representatives in our behalf have No Exerience, Natta! I hope, to H***! that the International IAM/AFL-CIO have the kahuna' to take on the company that has kept them on the payrolls for 50 years.
I think the language of the COC is very impressive points for the IAM. The problem is that your representatives are the jockey that is holding back the reins. Or in the case of the west, the IAM is the jockey that isn't even on the horse yet. What up with you guys? When are you guys and dolls going to get fed up enough with the IAM to compell them to finally begin section 6 negotiaitons for you?

FWIW: I wholeheartedly reject the notion that your own PHX rep runs his mouth about. He sez it's all about the COC because the company doesn't elect to negotiate until it finds out about the COC. Cripes! And if the COC is won, is he going to run his mouth that the company doesnt 'elect' to negotiate because it is in court against the COC award?

The bottom line is that even though the company told the IAM to shelve section 6 negotiations in pursuit of a transition agreement, the IAM was not only obligated to continue section 6 but it was also compelled to go through the process of section 6 so that after a couple years it would be able to ask for an impass and release from the NMB. Unfortunately, the path hasn't even been started yet. The west will experience 'severe pain' and no more wage increases, no nothing until they get up off their butt with some real leadership that is not kissing butt expecting to be put on tickets. That's the truth and bottom line. If the west believes the IAM Bull #### that the east will give away any COC award in negotiations then you guys are believing a lie. I've talked to hundreds of EAST workers and I haven't run across one that even wants to think about negotiations until 2015 if an arbitration award is granted. I mean, from the east perspective, if you are owed $30,000 in back pay snapback damages and $26 and change in the year 2012, then you're going to be smoking cigars and have shiny hitches on the back of the truck and you will want to drag out the 2012 negotiations for another 4 years. The west better get in some 'real' leadership that doesn't sell you out or lie to you at every chance.

My #### is......I work for the same company I got layed off from. In the same station...now we have one certificate an we are no longer an outsourced station. It's not about $$$. It's about CBA language. When do the furlough get call back to usairways ? After there are no positions left beause " The New Usairways " is hiring as we speak..........?????? They should be called back...

Here let me explain. The station you work in contracted out the east employees according to the IAM CBA The HP contract did not have such language in it. With us still working under 2 contracts the station you work at is still under the work and language of the TWU contract. The station you work in is still considered a outsorced station as far as the IAM and company are concerend.
I dont know where you work but I would assume most of the flights you work are west metal.
As in my station we hire workers here as well but the west new hires starting pay is less than the east hires becasue we still work under 2 contracts. Until we get a new deal that merges the 2 groups it will continue this way for the forseable future. A new union by the way will not resolve this any sooner in fact it may delay it futher. Dont let the people here who mostly are anti IAM convience you otherwise. So hang in there at least that what I keep getting told.
"sale of all or substantially all of the assets or then common stock outstanding to a single group or a group acting in concert"

The way I see it US Airways Group disappeared, America West Holdings Corporation aquired (by purchase or otherwise) ALL of the assets, then renamed the company (New) US Airways Group. For certificate purposes the two airlines were left as is until the recent certificate merge. The "Barbell Acquisition Corp." (or whatever it was) was there only to facilitate the transaction, effectivly similar to trying to hide behind a sham LLC. This "for accounting purposes" term is a joke. When it comes to cproprations it's ALL accounting.
Here let me explain. The station you work in contracted out the east employees according to the IAM CBA The HP contract did not have such language in it. With us still working under 2 contracts the station you work at is still under the work and language of the TWU contract. The station you work in is still considered a outsorced station as far as the IAM and company are concerend.
I dont know where you work but I would assume most of the flights you work are west metal.
As in my station we hire workers here as well but the west new hires starting pay is less than the east hires becasue we still work under 2 contracts. Until we get a new deal that merges the 2 groups it will continue this way for the forseable future. A new union by the way will not resolve this any sooner in fact it may delay it futher. Dont let the people here who mostly are anti IAM convience you otherwise. So hang in there at least that what I keep getting told.

So FUZZ...let me ask you...how many east metal employees vs west metal employee have they hired

let me guess...west metal=some....east metal=0

Am I close
So FUZZ...let me ask you...how many east metal employees vs west metal employee have they hired

let me guess...west metal=some....east metal=0

Am I close
No we have hired some east metal people as well as west not sure what the exact number is.
But I do think there are more west agents than east.
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