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Bos(twu) Membership, Has Hit "rock Bottom" !

Oneflyer said:
Funny, how you union guys talk so much about how great Southwest is, but you wouldn't ever give AA the flexibility Southwest has with its unions.

Funny how SW pays there employees wages AA will never pay again in the forsee-able future. And No we union people don't talk about how great SW is.. but, how well they respect & pay their employees.
There is a difference between lean SW mgnt and top heavy AA mgnt.
Bob Owens said:
Meaning for all intensive purposes AA is a non-union company, we have no union, we just pay dues.

Totally Worthless Union.

If the company can slash your wages, take away your holidays, vacation sick time etc why should seeing them have management do work be a cause for outrage?

At this point many are starting to look at a layoff as a Godsend, it gives the chance to make a new start with the financial help that layoffs are entitled to.
By the way, what happened in the election up there? Did the incumbant get voted out or did he simply not run again?

Bob Owens,

In this last election(BOS), they all ran for re-election, and ALL got #### canned, BIG time. !!!!!!!!!!!

Former ModerAAtor said:
OK, Bears, what was supposed to happen? You can't white-slip people from home...

And yes, "they can do that"....
Throwing management into the operation is a last ditch effort, so assuming everyone who could have been held on overtime was held, I don't believe there was anyone else reasonably available.



Officially your are correct, on "chapter and verse".
UNOFFICIALLY, 10 years ago, in stations like BOS,JFK,LGA and EWR, management would have NEVER pulled a stunt like that, no matter what, BECAUSE(and I believe you worked in JFK), they would have either just STOPPED working, had massive "equiptment" failures, or had 25-50 guys suddenly be "stricken" with a "instant" stomach virus, etc.
"E", I KNOW, you know, my words are true !!!!!!!!!!!!

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Bob Owens,

In this last election(BOS), they all ran for re-election, and ALL got #### canned, BIG time. !!!!!!!!!!!


Good! Glad to hear it!

When we were getting ramrodded by the company/International tag team I sent out an E-mail to all the Presidents warning them that when the dust settles all the members will remember is that THEY failed to lead.

I warned them that they were playing into the Internationals hands because the International would blame them for the concessions and they would be replaced and the same International officers that orchestrated our demise will remain in power.

Now the International gets a whole new green crop of Presidents to play with. The International loves the high turnover rate of local officers. By the time these morons realize that they were screwed by the International they are back on the floor. Rejected and ostracized by their own peers, making excuses for their failures. They are probably still hoping for that International appointment!
Bob Owens said:
Good! Glad to hear it!

When we were getting ramrodded by the company/International tag team I sent out an E-mail to all the Presidents warning them that when the dust settles all the members will remember is that THEY failed to lead.

I warned them that they were playing into the Internationals hands because the International would blame them for the concessions and they would be replaced and the same International officers that orchestrated our demise will remain in power.

Now the International gets a whole new green crop of Presidents to play with. The International loves the high turnover rate of local officers. By the time these morons realize that they were screwed by the International they are back on the floor. Rejected and ostracized by their own peers, making excuses for their failures. They are probably still hoping for that International appointment!

Right Bob,
EXCEPT in this case, these A$$ holes that got "tossed", were onboard with the international, since day one. This is a rare case that the International did'nt want change, Only because they will have to spend time "programing" the "newbies".

Oneflyer said:
What you don't understand is that it is a two way street.

Yes, of course. We knew that. Everybody knows that.

However, it works mostly from the top down. Leaders lead and managers manage. If one or two guys screw up, it is their fault. If a whole bunch of employees are performing badly, it is management's fault. Time and again, here an in the military, I have seen groups (even whole stations) go from bad to good (and vice versa) with a change of leadership, either in management style or actual change of leadership. Corporate culture is not determined by the rank and file, but is a response to how they are led. And, like it or not, all leaders lead by example, good and bad.

In the Navy, if a ship runs aground, it is the Captain's fault, no matter who had the helm.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Right Bob,
EXCEPT in this case, these A$$ holes that got "tossed", were onboard with the international, since day one. This is a rare case that the International did'nt want change, Only because they will have to spend time "programing" the "newbies".


I dont think it matters all that much whether they were onboard or not. The question is not so much the intent of the replacements but how able they are. If they are full of good will but made a lot of promises they cant keep then they are a perfect target for the International.
Oneflyer said:
What you don't understand is that it is a two way street.


It IS a two way street but the reality is Management must hold out the first olive branch...and be sincere.

None of this holding the branch out with the two fingers crossed behind the back.

The unions on this property are incredibly distrustful for a reason.

Your own contempt of union members is easily found on this BB.

I've been on many sides of the coin, non-union (RES/agent) and union (APFA).

I've also been lower-management and witnessed their contempt towards union employees (those above me in level 3-4 positions...The Level 5-6 just wants every thing "fixed" so he doesn't have to answer to the "Big Boss").

Welcome to a hub airport or focus city. You would be very surprised at what those "hated" union members might do to improve this airline...it's real simple, try asking and not assuming or imposing.



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