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TWU; "Members Not Welcome"

This URL goes to an article in the Wall Street Journal and describes what a couple of unions are doing to ensure their survival with no thought re: the benefit those who pay their dues.

Sounds rather like the TWU and their top-secret meetings with management. Cut and paste if the link doesn't work.


Thanks for the link. Its a shame, Stern was once the next great hope for workers, its seems that he is betting on Business unionism. As workers realize that paying dues to a Business union will only lead to a continual decline in living standards we will see unions in the private sector decline even more.

Like I said the only time a union should keep secrets from their members is when they dont want the company to find out. When a "union" enters in a secret partnership with the company they are no longer represnting the members, they are partners with the company in excluding the members.
You sound like just the guy to start the next card drive and become the chairman of the organizing committee.

Let me know when and where the first meeting is that you schedule.

Quit using the word "they" and stand up and start the organization yourself.

I have been thinking about that. One needs to be sure all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed. Additionally, sure Fleet Service is (unskilled, with some very knowledgable (skilled) workers/people). But..., Acft/Maint and Fleet Services/Stores etc... MUST stand together in this. I am also wondering if every /s/ should be NOTARIZED as authentic, to counter the TWU's shenannigns, was what transpired in the AMFA- Acft/Maint vote. Which I don't think they appealed. We also need a Labor attorney, to setup and Independent Union.......I need help in this.
Thanks for the link. Its a shame, Stern was once the next great hope for workers, its seems that he is betting on Business unionism. As workers realize that paying dues to a Business union will only lead to a continual decline in living standards we will see unions in the private sector decline even more.

Like I said the only time a union should keep secrets from their members is when they dont want the company to find out. When a "union" enters in a secret partnership with the company they are no longer represnting the members, they are partners with the company in excluding the members.

That's how it appears to me, Bob. I'm really beginning to believe there's not a dime's worth of difference between any of the "representation for hire", if you will, out there. All have an upper class to support and would rather negotiate for more dues income for the union (more money to the bloated international salaries as the twu) than for higher wages for the membership. It's coming down to "what name do you prefer to have over the door?"

It's a lot like the Republicans and Democrats - many more choices as to the union name on the door but all of them working against the electorate or membership that hired them; ie, as I said above, not a dime's worth of difference.

As for the decline of unions in the private sector - all of them have forgotten why they were certified. Any wonder, then, why the decline? With AFL-CIO affiliates wanting to organize illegals and amfa's remnants sending letters to the scabs that displaced the previous NWA membership wanting to bury the hatchet and collect dues, it's not very hard to see where the loyalties actually lie.

Personally, I'm getting to the point that I'd prefer not to pay dues in order to be abused - I can get that for free anywhere.
I was told that Woodward only got 150 or so votes. Their are over 600 members in Miami. Over 200 did not even cast a ballot. You get what you deserve. Less than 25% of the membership voted for Woodward. I checked Local 561 websites and non of the incumbents ran for reelection except for Woodward and he only got 25% of the memberships support. I believe Miami has some big problems on their hands.
There are big problems down here with the union.
No one ran for re-election because none of the guys in office could get along with each other.
The vote for title 1 was split there were three people running that is probably why Todd got re-elected. And you are correct many people did not vote.
That's how it appears to me, Bob. I'm really beginning to believe there's not a dime's worth of difference between any of the "representation for hire", if you will, out there. All have an upper class to support and would rather negotiate for more dues income for the union (more money to the bloated international salaries as the twu) than for higher wages for the membership. It's coming down to "what name do you prefer to have over the door?"

What happens is the unions pay themselves too well and they lose their incentive to fight for the members. Instead of focusing on the members they focus on solidifying their position within the institution. Democracy and transparancey are the best deterrants to this, two things that are missing in the TWU.

It's a lot like the Republicans and Democrats - many more choices as to the union name on the door but all of them working against the electorate or membership that hired them; ie, as I said above, not a dime's worth of difference.

Actually its worse. At least you get defined periodic opportunities to oust those you feel are not serving you well, even if the alternative isnt much better it still provides more motivation than a system where the "party" is in place forever unless you get enough of a majority to say they want them out. Imagine if politicians stayed in office until a majority of those "eligible" to vote voted against them. The ability to choose on a regular basis is by far better, all you have to do then is provide better choices, with unions you have to struggle just to get the opportunity to choose, then the established unions have entered into an agreement to bar you from choosing an established organization-in other words you have to start from scratch. Its harder to change unions than it is to get unionized for the first time. If unions had to competet for members they would do a better job.

As for the decline of unions in the private sector - all of them have forgotten why they were certified. Any wonder, then, why the decline? With AFL-CIO affiliates wanting to organize illegals and amfa's remnants sending letters to the scabs that displaced the previous NWA membership wanting to bury the hatchet and collect dues, it's not very hard to see where the loyalties actually lie.

Illegals are nothing new. If the government isnt going to enforce the borders because businesses like cheap labor then why not try and keep them from lowering everyone elses standards? Bring their wages up so they dont present unfair competition to the rest of us. AMFA at NWA, well they dont have much choice there, take the scabs in and try to "convert them" or desert those who returned after the settlement, thats a hard call.

Personally, I'm getting to the point that I'd prefer not to pay dues in order to be abused - I can get that for free anywhere.

Understandable,thats the product of poor union leadership.

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