Bob owens strike ?

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Thanks to hindsight, one could argue that even the small raise we would have gotten as well os holiday increase and pay and line pay, one would have had more money in one's pocket even until BK.
No one can say for sure whether AA would have or would not have filed anyway...NO ONE!
The guys I work with now have basically said it wouldve been worth taking the rejected TA and maybe, just maybe they would not have filed and pension preserved.

I just don't see how anyone could say with a 100% degree of certainty what would have happened...If anyone can predict anything so accurately, then they should be picking the lottery numbers!
We would have received nothing!. It was bait and switch.We don't need to help the company make us the lowest of the low,we are already there.The POS contract didnt fail by 1or 2 precent ,it failed by 2/3 of the vote!!
Would have loved to see the twu and company STOOGES faces when the vote count was completed ! All they need to do now is get an early retirement package out so all of us that are ready to move on can do so!!!
tech2101 see alot of people come to this forum because of Bob to find out what was going on with the contract the intl. and alot of locals did very little in telling us anything that was going on with the contracts.

Now we enter BK and the intl thankfully is much more involved. Yes hopefully someone can talk some sense into the guy. The problem is he believes ALL is own rants. Problem is alot of people listen to him and believe everthing he puts out is gospel
The "international" is involved to the extent they want to make a case for keeping employment numbers high and maxing out their dues intake.
Thanks to hindsight, one could argue that even the small raise we would have gotten as well os holiday increase and pay and line pay, one would have had more money in one's pocket even until BK.
No one can say for sure whether AA would have or would not have filed anyway...NO ONE!
The guys I work with now have basically said it wouldve been worth taking the rejected TA and maybe, just maybe they would not have filed and pension preserved.

I just don't see how anyone could say with a 100% degree of certainty what would have happened...If anyone can predict anything so accurately, then they should be picking the lottery numbers!
:wacko: :wacko: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thanks to hindsight, one could argue that even the small raise we would have gotten as well os holiday increase and pay and line pay, one would have had more money in one's pocket even until BK.
No one can say for sure whether AA would have or would not have filed anyway...NO ONE!
The guys I work with now have basically said it wouldve been worth taking the rejected TA and maybe, just maybe they would not have filed and pension preserved.

I just don't see how anyone could say with a 100% degree of certainty what would have happened...If anyone can predict anything so accurately, then they should be picking the lottery numbers!
<_< ------ Everyone is entitled to their opinion! You have yours, I have mine!
We would have received nothing!. It was bait and switch.We don't need to help the company make us the lowest of the low,we are already there.The POS contract didnt fail by 1or 2 precent ,it failed by 2/3 of the vote!!
Would have loved to see the twu and company STOOGES faces when the vote count was completed ! All they need to do now is get an early retirement package out so all of us that are ready to move on can do so!!!

If the TA was voted in WE would have $9k in our pockets, that is a fact! You and the vote NO hardliners really showed the company by making them keep their $83 million. We might have set a precedence with the other 2 unions, "who knows" we might not have gone BK. The known truth is we would of have $9k in our pocket now. ya they are the stooges <_<
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I find it hard to believe we will even have a vote on this. If it is voted down the company goes to judge imposses what parts the co. wants , but we still continue to talk and try and come to agreement (lol)

The last companys offers should aleast be the base starting point of ripping us apart, We will be giving back more than enough with retiring medical and hopefully just freezing are pension.
The TA you're no doubt referring to would have, in effect, given the company two bites at the apple. The TA was concessionary as more would have been gone and would have placed the under 50 crowd as second-class citizens. The old bastards did that for years - screwing the younger group to get a little extra for themselves.

I do agree we could have been getting a few extra bucks at someone elses expense had the TA been bought but at least the company gets one bite now instead of two.

You and many others are running around wringing your hands and scared to death when nobody has a clue what's going to happen and no motions have been filed re: maintenance operations. If you want to shake in fear, do it privately and quit spinning rumors.

I keep hearing this 2 "bites at the apple" crap. We were getting a raise during the worst economy sense the depression, that would be money in our pockets right now. you were worried about excepting concessionary contract before, now you are going to have one rammed down our throat, so not only are we not going to have pre funding (which some of you guys consider the holy grail), but now the guys close to retirement not going to have it either. Not to mention a frozen pension.

It seems like everyone on this forum has over 20years at AA and most likely won't get laid off, did the hardliners ever consider the ramifications to the mechs with less then 10 years? For the hardliners out there, you were able to convince a majority of the mechs to vote NO on the TA because you said we could do better, now is the time for you to reflect on how wrong you were, because the contract we are going to get, is going to make the voted down TA look like the 2001 contract.
I keep hearing this 2 "bites at the apple" crap. We were getting a raise during the worst economy sense the depression, that would be money in our pockets right now. you were worried about excepting concessionary contract before, now you are going to have one rammed down our throat, so not only are we not going to have pre funding (which some of you guys consider the holy grail), but now the guys close to retirement not going to have it either. Not to mention a frozen pension.

It seems like everyone on this forum has over 20years at AA and most likely won't get laid off, did the hardliners ever consider the ramifications to the mechs with less then 10 years? For the hardliners out there, you were able to convince a majority of the mechs to vote NO on the TA because you said we could do better, now is the time for you to reflect on how wrong you were, because the contract we are going to get, is going to make the voted down TA look like the 2001 contract.

The AA M&R were never the cause of the AA BK.
B) xUT
I keep hearing this 2 "bites at the apple" crap. We were getting a raise during the worst economy sense the depression, that would be money in our pockets right now. you were worried about excepting concessionary contract before, now you are going to have one rammed down our throat, so not only are we not going to have pre funding (which some of you guys consider the holy grail), but now the guys close to retirement not going to have it either. Not to mention a frozen pension.

It seems like everyone on this forum has over 20years at AA and most likely won't get laid off, did the hardliners ever consider the ramifications to the mechs with less then 10 years? For the hardliners out there, you were able to convince a majority of the mechs to vote NO on the TA because you said we could do better, now is the time for you to reflect on how wrong you were, because the contract we are going to get, is going to make the voted down TA look like the 2001 contract.

Where was everyone before? All I heard was "Vote No" from practically everyone. Now we will surely see what hardship is like. By the way, where is all the hardliners at? Haven't heard much of a peep from anyone except, maybe Bob Owens.
It seems like everyone on this forum has over 20years at AA and most likely won't get laid off, did the hardliners ever consider the ramifications to the mechs with less then 10 years? For the hardliners out there, you were able to convince a majority of the mechs to vote NO on the TA because you said we could do better, now is the time for you to reflect on how wrong you were, because the contract we are going to get, is going to make the voted down TA look like the 2001 contract.
The twu sure isn't looking out for the junior seniority by giving away amt jobs, via the srp/osm program and by contracting out maintenance! AA is not going to file BK for the twu or flight attendents either, so voting in our last ta basically puts us in the same spot we are today, with the possiblity of the BK judge taking away more from that pos TA that we rejected 2 to 1. Wake up Dukie
I find it hard to believe we will even have a vote on this. If it is voted down the company goes to judge imposses what parts the co. wants , but we still continue to talk and try and come to agreement (lol)

The last companys offers should aleast be the base starting point of ripping us apart, We will be giving back more than enough with retiring medical and hopefully just freezing are pension.
Yes they Froze our pensions too at TWA then after a couple of years they started useing the word terminated, one is not better than the other fellas so when you say hopefully just freezing our pension's you are saying the same as hopefully just terminating our pensions, just a different way of saying your screwed.
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The twu sure isn't looking out for the junior seniority by giving away amt jobs, via the srp/osm program and by contracting out maintenance! AA is not going to file BK for the twu or flight attendents either, so voting in our last ta basically puts us in the same spot we are today, with the possiblity of the BK judge taking away more from that pos TA that we rejected 2 to 1. Wake up Dukie
the twu has been giving away maint. jobs for years. How is that a fleet service clerk accomplishs wing/ice inspections are not drug tested.

For tulsa I'm thinking 24/7 operation and bringing in more osm and asm or what ever they are called to close the gap with the timco of the world
I keep hearing this 2 "bites at the apple" crap. We were getting a raise during the worst economy sense the depression, that would be money in our pockets right now. you were worried about excepting concessionary contract before, now you are going to have one rammed down our throat, so not only are we not going to have pre funding (which some of you guys consider the holy grail), but now the guys close to retirement not going to have it either. Not to mention a frozen pension.

It seems like everyone on this forum has over 20years at AA and most likely won't get laid off, did the hardliners ever consider the ramifications to the mechs with less then 10 years? For the hardliners out there, you were able to convince a majority of the mechs to vote NO on the TA because you said we could do better, now is the time for you to reflect on how wrong you were, because the contract we are going to get, is going to make the voted down TA look like the 2001 contract.
Wasn't there a age 50 and under division for retirement in the last T/A?

The AA M&R were never the cause of the AA BK.

But now M&R will have to negotiate as one with the whole TWU. There are two parts, Cause and Effect.
the twu has been giving away maint. jobs for years. How is that a fleet service clerk accomplishs wing/ice inspections are not drug tested.

For tulsa I'm thinking 24/7 operation and bringing in more osm and asm or what ever they are called to close the gap with the timco of the world
Yes an ASM or a OSM for the aircraft. Question is will they have to be licensed and what will they sign there work off against.

What about the 1/7th rule for 7-Day coverage?
<_< ------ What's the matter people! panic setting in?------ Have you just realized that your running out of exTWAers to through under the bus!?----- My! My! My!
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