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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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It certainly is alarming. I worked with Ira and Sito, so my opinion is first hand. Complete frauds and company rat scabs.
But, the membership isn't doomed. Just need some District leaders that push back. In organizing, my department pushed back and although I didn't get everything I wanted for the campaigns, it was enough to be successful. Same with representation imo. The problem with the HAL and UAL ta's was that the district eboard simply doesn't have anyone who pushes against the INTL. And none of the eboard members from US AIRWAYS are free to say that the UA ta sucked. That is very telling, especially when considering the future.

The INTL wants the quickest path to the dues. I get that part. Same with IBT, TWU, etc, imo.
Thus, strong district and Local leaders pushing against that would have prevented the dopey anti labor United TA and the horrific anti labor and pro 'Right to Work For Less' HAL contract.

It is too early to tell which way Delaney goes at US AIRWAYS in a TA. I use history as my schoolmaster though. Thus, my hunch is that these NC guys are all kissing arse to keep their position and will let a ta slip by that has drop dead dates and not the sorta scope that they have been promising. To be honest, they simply don't have the skill set or knowledge to know the difference either so they most likely will listen to Delaney.

Tim I think part of the problem is Ira, Sito and other in the district and grand lodge are so consumed with the business unionist mentality of maximizing dues and organizing efforts instead of supporting their current members and providing industry leading T/A. As Sito said in the video "I'm very fond of this district, as you can see by the people who get promoted from here" shows that the IAM takes care of the people who take care of the IAM, their priorities are to advance their careers into international positions rather than serving the membership.

When you have over 3,000 members in CLT and you get 50 people to a union meeting, the membership is apathetic and has been for over 20 years.

You do realize you havent had a section 6 contract since 99, two chapter 11 cases, and one Transition agreement, and finally Section 6 negotiations.


People feel they need a reason to go to union meetings. Most believe that for 28$ a paycheck, there isnt a need. The money covers that. My intention is to give them info in the breakroom and hope they vote when voting is necessary, so, when the Contract or TA comes back to us it is not all greek to them. People are seeing, believe me. I am somewhat surprised because my station is 98% west fsa from HP. They realize they have been here too long to just fade away and they are beginning to realize what the company agenda is. They could have cared less 4 yrs ago.

I must though give credit where credit is due...........

Thank You DP for taking care of someone elses house with that MOU before you've taken care of your own. Your colors shine through !!!!
700, meeting attendance has nothing to do with apathy. Maybe it did 20 years ago but not now. Why should someone go to a meeting unless they are running for office? People used to go to meetings in the last century but we have something called the internet now so everyone not running for office gets updates and all their info online.
I have a big hangup with those who talk down to the masses and claim the masses are apathetic cuz they dont want to hear how much the local light bill cost
Psa. I disagree with u. Ua are our brothers/sisters and anyone who has the skillset to educate/inform/communicate against a piss clam ta ought to. Myself and others put our flyers that explained things much clearer than what the eboard chose to.
What happens at united is critically significant since a strong contract there will help our negotiations at us.
With the ibt, it never mattered what airline someone worked for or what industry they were in. Everyone who could, stayed engaged. Thats the sorta union i practice since its all one body.
Enough of the talk. Enough of the the union's internal past politics. The focus should be on our collective future. Expect nothing without a united membership. It's time to realize who the enemy is. It's quite apparent... if we are to gain contractual improvements in wage, scope and benefits we must be willing to stand united and fight. It's quite apparent... the company is not willing to give back based on prior concessions, hard work and dedication. LOCK N LOAD brothers and sisters we're going in!
Brother Tim you were used by the UA/ IAM Leadership. Once they got what they needed and you became a threat to them you were thrown under the bus . I feel your pain . Even the majority of Rank and File Members at UA care about what the IAM will do for them not what they will do for US/LCC at AMR Group. I have seen it first hand at L-1781, completely controlled by UA/ D-141 Brothers and Sisters. It's the same at all Locals now where the Majority of Members work for the Airline that has a HUB at that City. You should no this being from ORD. UA Members will take care of UA Members . HA Members will take of HA Members. US Members have to take care of US Members. The Politics needs to be for another day and will take care of itself by who has the Majority of Members and VOTES. I do agree and respect you passion for change with IAM/Leadership and how it communicates to the Membership. But, WE don't have the POWER $, for now. Lets hope WE at US/LCC/ AMR Group don' become our worst enemy's and never have a chance to be the Leadership of IAM ? Sometimes reality SUCKS !
Tim you can have a new FS/ friend . Just accept Brother . Every body should have more friends when one has so many enemies.
700, meeting attendance has nothing to do with apathy. Maybe it did 20 years ago but not now. Why should someone go to a meeting unless they are running for office? People used to go to meetings in the last century but we have something called the internet now so everyone not running for office gets updates and all their info online.
I have a big hangup with those who talk down to the masses and claim the masses are apathetic cuz they dont want to hear how much the local light bill cost

Not very often I agree with you, but I do 100% here. My meeting experiences have been sign in, hear the motion to pay bills as follows, listen to the other locals gripes and grievances, listen to your locals gripes and grievances, and adjourn. I get more from the internet and talking to people at work then I do going to the meetings.
Kev, that is exactly what id love to install instead of separatism. Things are so separate, by design, that im not even sure most will miss the iam mx if ibt takes over. It shouldnt be that way but its like two very different unions under the iam banner. AH loves it!
Kev, that is exactly what id love to install instead of separatism. Things are so separate, by design, that im not even sure most will miss the iam mx if ibt takes over. It shouldnt be that way but its like two very different unions under the iam banner. AH loves it!
Let's face it Tim; the IAM's organizing campaign slogan when they organized US Fleet was "strength in numbers". It proved to be effective enough to win representation of a work group who did not understand the details. MTC. and Related, although IAM members, are part of a seperate bargaining unit. To my recollection, and I have been in the industry for 33 years, I don't recall the NMB ever releasing two seperate bargaining units, on the same property at the same time. With that being said... the strength in numbers campaign slogan is somewhat of a paper lion. Different unions under the IAM banner? No. They are however, different bargaining units. Based on how the RLA is written and how the NMB and the Federal Government would view contract negotiations; the two groups might as well be different unions. AH and any domestic carrier with labor on the property loves it. Divide and conquer! So much for strength in numbers.
AH will continue to be AMR Groups VP of Labor Relations. Brothers and Sisters THE VILLIAN LIVES and WE must continue in SOLIDARITY ! Contracts Now ! Contracts for ALL !
Fwiw, the company is now saying the "day 1" will be the end of september. I believe thats a slight backup from the previous sepatember 1 target.
No matter how you slice it, parker seems to have done his homework and is pushing things through quick compared to other mergers. Now lets take care of employees!
The new seniority list is out, 4525 f/t agts are on it. System roster.
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