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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Mike that's genius ,fantastic post and revelant point ....

There's no doubt that there are those within this company who view fleet as completely expendable but that's a mentality that's going to have to be left behind in this new era of an outraged impoverished majority in America .....

Once this merger is completed and we have secured DCA things are going to be very different around here .
we will still have a sizeable large presence at dca but i do think the govt will force the new aa to give up some slots in order to get the merger approval... its now time to use all the leverage we have and secure new contracts
Every slot we lose at DCA will result in a lack of "surivabilty" for us as a carrier and endanger jobs ...

DCA at all costs .
if we lose say 3 or 4 slots we will still be the largest at dca if the airlines want govt approval i would say that the govt will require the new aa to give up some slots.. heck we will give up phl lhr slot in return the european union will give the approval
Every slot we lose at DCA will result in a lack of "surivabilty" for us as a carrier and endanger jobs ...

DCA at all costs .
Possibly endanger a job or two (one is too many), but "survivability" as a carrier? Really, a touch of overreacting there don't you think.
US/AA could probably afford to give up in excess of 10 slots without any issue, minimal headcout reduction, and no job loss.
US/AA could probably afford to give up in excess of 10 slots without any issue, minimal headcout reduction, and no job loss.
The combined carrier will probably agree to give up more slots than 10 if that is what it takes to get government approval. Job loss; they couldn't couldn't care less. Mainline job loss translates into "synergies" with their strategy and conventional wisdom. Why would anyone believe that headcount reduction and job loss is something the merged company will be trying to avoid? IMO... quite the opposite is true Brothers and Sisters. Reducing represented mainline employee headcount and subsequent costs are part of the "synergies" they hope to realize as a combined carrier. It's time every represented employee at US and AA realize this before it's too late. Open your eyes and Wake up!
Quote Tim Nelson: "As far as the young members. You must remember, that many quit before the 5 year mark. The IAMPF doesn't give them any realized credit for that if they don't participate for 5 years. In this age of migrant and transient workers, young people staying at a job for 5 years is becoming uncommon. Sorta like the IAM robbing them, wouldn't you say? "
Nelson… WTF? What part of-- “Younger members tend to not participate in 401k’s don’t you understand?” It’s absolutely ludicrous that you would even suggest that "many members quit" before five years of service! The only one’s I’m aware of that “quit” that soon were fired! Further, it’s pretty damn hard for someone to take a 401k with then to another job if they don’t even contribute to one to begin with!

I guess now... you are saying Fleet Service is not career… hmmm… I heard that somewhere else… DP in fact-- Some Union Man you are!

As far as my bias, I have a substantial 401k… I achieved this with the advice of a great Financial Advisor over the course of several decades. Actually, I invested in equities outside of the retirement plan as well, which have performed incredibly well—So… NO… I’m not biased toward any pension over any 401k plan because of my personal situation!

What I post about the 401k sham perpetuated onto the Average American Worker in this country is acknowledged fact!
The five year vesting is Federal Law, once again timmie is spreading misinformation.
The five year vesting is Federal Law, once again timmie is spreading misinformation.
As self proclaimed Labor Leader… I’m appalled at how out of touch Nelson is. Let’s look at the hypocrisy here… he claims I’m biased… yet he has demonstrated bias toward the IAM for decades while ignoring actual facts and circumstances just to make his argument!
As self proclaimed Labor Leader… I’m appalled at how out of touch Nelson is. Let’s look at the hypocrisy here… he claims I’m biased… yet he has demonstrated bias toward the IAM for decades while ignoring actual facts and circumstances just to make his argument!

If you're bored... go to bed... or stay off the thread...

P.S --How did Tim enter the equation (I never mentioned him)… are you volunteering he’s your buddy?
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