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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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ive met some of the folks on the nd team and i have a lot of confidence in these folks tim. also tim are you going to help with the building of solidarity like what you have done in the past? as for kev he is very very right in what he said and i totally agree with him i also agree with orgac i try not to down im one of those that gives folks chances and id like to see the nd team succeed at this to be honesti definitly agree with you on wages north of amr and the pay parity and scope protection enhancements
With all due respect. Please stop referring to the negotiating team as the ND team. We are the NC. There are people from all 3 tickets that ran, that are on the NC. Besides that brings politics into it. I don't give a crap about politics right now. I care about a contract. Part of this unions biggest problem is we have way to many people only thinking about politics, instead of doing our jobs. It's negotiations time right now! Period! There will be a time for politics later!!
cb np nc team how about a list of all the cities with dates and or times that you folks be visiting so we can inform people and all
CB, I just read the paper in the breakroom that the info meeting is being held at the local lodge, Is there a reason nothing is being done on property or are there going to be?
ive met some of the folks on the nd team and i have a lot of confidence in these folks tim. also tim are you going to help with the building of solidarity like what you have done in the past? as for kev he is very very right in what he said and i totally agree with him i also agree with orgac i try not to down im one of those that gives folks chances and id like to see the nd team succeed at this to be honesti definitly agree with you on wages north of amr and the pay parity and scope protection enhancements
Robbed, of course, I'll stand with the nc holding the position and do my best to educate folks on why it may take longer to get what is fair. Everybody wants and believes they are worth a lot more but that won't come easy. I'm looking at the leverage of the situation and 'the association' really is quite interesting. It protects the US fleet position, and it doesn't hinder the AMR fleet position. And the 'associaiton' nullifies a part of the MOU that AH signed. Although the single carrier obligations have to go forward in 6 months, the fence agreement was conditioned on the NMB certifying the TWU. That won't happen now so there is no obligation of the "Association" to sign or enter fence talks.

The TWU AMR has the pay parity kicking in, in 2015 [not long from now] so our talks shouldn't hinder them even getting additional wages. Thus, we won't be holding up or hurting the AMR brothers and sisters if our talks are prolonged.

As far as ND, imo, that term shouldn't be used unless you want to interject politics. If you want to interject politics then that should be left for another time. But I can tell you first hand that the brothers and sisters at United do not like that term and if they get 100 votes out of ORD [4,000] they will be doing well. As an aside, even during political season, we won't have to discuss the NC since Delaney will still be president and no matter who wins in elections, the same NC will be kept.
tim how does the association nullify a portion of the agreemnt that ah signed? also are you saying that from the time the merger actually closes the 6 month window begins for the twu/iam assoc to get out the votes for all the folks at both airlines to vote for the assoc or no union? the leverage in my opin has never been greater than what it is now and i believe in our nc team and i believe they will get whats fair
At this point we must have hope in our nc to do the right thing although we dont owe them our beliefs.we owe them our support provided they continue to stand.

My comments regarding 6 months had to do with 6 months after the effective date of merger. When that happens, a sinle carrier ruling will probably happen two months afterward in which the association will have to file an application. The mou single carrier will have to be filed by the twu by mou. However, the fence agreement is conditioned on the twu being the certified bargaining agent by the nmb. Thus that part is not going to happen.
Btw the election for the association will most likely get certified by september 2014, maybe later.
CB, I just read the paper in the breakroom that the info meeting is being held at the local lodge, Is there a reason nothing is being done on property or are there going to be?
it would not let me edit this, it does say Legion building
CB, I just read the paper in the breakroom that the info meeting is being held at the local lodge, Is there a reason nothing is being done on property or are there going to be?
Give me a text or call about that. Too much to type
I attended one of the meetings that our Union was having here in PHX this week and i have to say that i learned alot ... i'm going to have to go to IAM141 at least once a week and try and stay more informed ... i was so poorly informed that i was actually spreading inncorrect information ..

it's a bit overwhelming all of the information and different opinions on all of the labor topics ... i'm amazed at how wildly diverse our membership is when it comes to thoughts on labor and contract negotiations....

Hopefully as I learn more going forwards i'll be able to do a better job raising awareness ...
cb i hope you got my pm i dont know if you and the folks are scheduled for any more talks or is that on hold till whenever the nmb feels like wanting you folks and the monkeys from us back at the tables?
I attended one of the meetings that our Union was having here in PHX this week and i have to say that i learned alot ... i'm going to have to go to IAM141 at least once a week and try and stay more informed ... i was so poorly informed that i was actually spreading inncorrect information ..

it's a bit overwhelming all of the information and different opinions on all of the labor topics ... i'm amazed at how wildly diverse our membership is when it comes to thoughts on labor and contract negotiations....

Hopefully as I learn more going forwards i'll be able to do a better job raising awareness ...

My suggestion is to read your contract and try and decipher it. It's hard so take an article a week and you may be enlightened how your yes or no vote affects things. You may even learn that $$ comes in many forms......Not just Green

Go For IT
I attended one of the meetings that our Union was having here in PHX this week and i have to say that i learned alot ... i'm going to have to go to IAM141 at least once a week and try and stay more informed ... i was so poorly informed that i was actually spreading inncorrect information ..

it's a bit overwhelming all of the information and different opinions on all of the labor topics ... i'm amazed at how wildly diverse our membership is when it comes to thoughts on labor and contract negotiations....

Hopefully as I learn more going forwards i'll be able to do a better job raising awareness ...
freedom, what were you misinformed of? What did you learn? And how will you make application of the information?
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