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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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HA!!!! USAPA was the biggest mistake of your life...aside from accepting recall to an obviously loser airline.

Face it Res, you gambled. You lost the bet. USAPA is YOUR union. Live with it. Legal. Totally legal and sanctioned by the NMB. They own you.
....Live with All the Risk Lies With The West because it did and they took the dare and lost.

Had I been in their position, I probably would have taken the gamble, too. No legacy pilot group had left ALPA since 1960 (+/-), and they figured enough of the east pilots would be too apathetic to bother with sending a card. It seemed a really good bet, I imagine.

We would still be in ALPA (and the Nic would really be the list) if Herndon had just sat on their damn hands and kept their mouths shut during the election. ALPA national's arrogant attitudes and infuriating actions easily tipped the east fence-sitters into USAPA's column.
I love how deathly afraid you are of losing control. I can assure you of this: you will lose it. The West will be allowed to take the gloves off one way or another.

"take the gloves off"? Yeah, yeah, we know: "This is Sparta!". Whooptee-Do! Sigh! Sit down kid. You're light years past boring...No matter how many grand delusions your cult harbors.
ALPA national's arrogant attitudes and infuriating actions easily tipped the east fence-sitters into USAPA's column.

Pretty much the case for many I'd then talked with at work, some of whom also saw alpa's BS as indictative of the Herndon crop not being all that terribly bright, as well as their obviously, just not giving a sh-t about the dues-paying people they supposedly "represented".
HA!!!! USAPA was the biggest mistake of your life...

"biggest mistake of your life..."..? Not at all. I was and am, very pleased to be rid of alpa, but were you even close to correct, well...I could only wish that I'd lived such a sheltered life. 😉
Face it Res, you gambled. You lost the bet. USAPA is YOUR union. Live with it. Legal. Totally legal and sanctioned by the NMB. They own you.
USAPA owes a DFR. Your only remedy was staying Alpa with separate ops. You gambled a billion dollars and lost. Face it. You all see it coming. Why so afraid of a court room?
"take the gloves off"? Yeah, yeah, we know: "This is Sparta!". Whooptee-Do! Sigh! Sit down kid. You're light years past boring...No matter how many grand delusions your cult harbors.
You're going to be stripped of your control of the West. Ready the alcohol, quote button and emoticons. That's going to be a long day for you.
I love how deathly afraid you are of losing control. I can assure you of this: you will lose it. The West will be allowed to take the gloves off one way or another.

Your assurance means the world to me. Can you give us a T-minus clock for how long it will be for our DOH to be replaced with Nic, and a new system bid with bump and flush... Oh never mind just tell me when we have to pay the $1B in damages. 😀
Your assurance means the world to me. Can you give us a T-minus clock for how long it will be for our DOH to be replaced with Nic, and a new system bid with bump and flush... Oh never mind just tell me when we have to pay the $1B in damages. 😀

You clearly understimate the true severity of the situation! If memory serves from nic4us; it was to be billions(s), plural. I've wondered exactly who it was/is that they expect to write that check, and from what bank? 😉
You're going to be stripped of your control of the West.

I didn't realize that I ever had any control of the west. That's good to know, but comes a bit late, since it's long-past proper time to send you to your rooms without supper (and no Playstation games or watching TV) just for the infantile videos alone.
But I do bet you wear kulats.


kulats- no dictionary results


There has only been one completed merger on this property since then, and it was the Shuttle merger with its own problems (ala EAL) also bungled by that aged idiot Nic.

And was responsible for choosing Nicolau a second time in a row?

As to getting "less than we could" I can only fault you for not having the ability to be elected (or even choosing to run) to represent your fellow pilots and make your own case. I was. And would do exactly the same knowing what I knew then. RR

What do you call a guy who doesn't learn from his mistakes?

The MC knew DOH/LOS was not our best strategy, two of the three said so to me in emails.
No, you are totally wrong. You are taking the stand of stupidity. What if you were truly convicted of a crime you never committed. Would you take the same attitude and lamely go off to jail without an appeal? The Nicolau was totally out of bounds.

You're the one that's siding with stupid, the other four pilot seniority arbitrations awards are a lot closer to the Nicolau Award than they are to DOH/LOS.

What so you call people who don't learn from history?

What do you call people who are proven to be wrong 5 times in a row and still won't admit it?
You clearly understimate the true severity of the situation! If memory serves from nic4us; it was to be billions(s), plural. I've wondered exactly who it was/is that they expect to write that check, and from what bank? 😉

Good point. Nic and pals know more about LOA93 than the rest of us... They claim we are all on food stamps and living in section 8 housing... :lol:
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