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August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Metroyet, on 12 October 2013 - 08:21 AM, said: Your fake unions court date quickly approaches despite all efforts to stop it. Who's in denial?

Tick, Tock........ :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep. Sounds like another infamous "T minus" countdown. Run for the bunkers!...Yawn.
...Go ahead, have another whole handfull of candy. You deserve it. OH! And make sure these other kids come back over for another handfull as well! They were so very cute, all dressed up like little wizards.

A minus vote for even that? What?...."You'se" guys didn't even think your very own little wizards were cute? Sheesh! And to think that I was even offering 'em extra candy for such creative and just-plain-adorable little costumes....Some people are just ingrates at any level.
Retirement on LOA 93........Tick, Tock :lol: :lol: :lol:

An honest question, fully free of any slights or sarcasm Jake: Assuming the west magically got their nic today, this very moment....What would change and how?

I honestly can't imagine the same sorts of people that cheerfully ask of top management if they can "turn in" coworkers, eagerly cheer on and even actively assist in producing union suppressing injunctions, and publicly post a willingess to scab if their personal desires go unmet, as ever being people who'd magically become useful for anything whatsoever, when opposing managment's wishes in any scenario. Seriously: What am I missing here?

PS: Heck!...And here I'd overlooked the "fuel school" issue, where these same "useful idiots" of management's were furiously flourishing pom poms in favor of micro-managing Captain's authority out of eventual, future existence, and even aircraft over the Atlantic, from thousands of miles away on the ground. Again...Give 'em their nic...and what happens?...Their "wizards" come forth, cast a magic spell, and they instantly morph into even slightly functional allies?...Or intelligent and rational (non-"spartan") people? I think not. It's taken literally YEARS of this nic business for that bunch to even figure out, at least in videos, that "Doug" isn't truly their first-name-basis-best "friend".
An honest question, fully free of any slights or sarcasm Jake: Assuming the west magically got their nic today, this very moment....What would change and how?

I honestly can't imagine the same sorts of people that cheerfully ask of top management if they can "turn in" coworkers, eagerly cheer on and even actively assist in producing union suppressing injunctions, and publicly post a willingess to scab if their personal desires go unmet, as ever being people who'd magically become useful for anything whatsoever, when opposing managment's wishes in any scenario. Seriously: What am I missing here?

There's no majic coming, just a friendly taunt between pals.

The die was cast long ago and absent the American merger (which I give a one in three chance of happening) you, luvthe9, and breeze will get your wish of retiring on LOA 93.

What I can't image is the kind of person who reneges on a mutually agreed upon arbtration process and then expects support from the opposition. The West are having to spend their own time and money (as well as having their union dues used against them) to keep USAPA from stealing what they are legally and ethically entittled to.

When you try to steal a man's job you should expect a little blowback
There's no majic coming, just a friendly taunt between pals.

The die was cast long ago and absent the American merger (which I give a one in three chance of happening) you, luvthe9, and breeze will get your wish of retiring on LOA 93.

What I can't image is the kind of person who reneges on a mutually agreed upon arbtration process and then expects support from the opposition. The West are having to spend their own time and money (as well as having their union dues used against them) to keep USAPA from stealing what they are legally and ethically entittled to.

When you try to steal a man's job you should expect a little blowback

Thanks for the answer Jake. As much polar opposites as we are within our respective philosophies regarding this mess; what I must also glean from your post is the fact that you as well, are seemingly of the opinion that accepting the nic now, wouldn't really change much of anything.

Ironically; it seems the case that our entirely opposite positions both stem from personal principles. In my estimation...well...any thoughts towards placing newly hired individuals as "senior" to others with even as much as 16-17 years of service already performed, purely represents an entirely immoral and even unthinkably obscene abomination. Reasonably opposing such vile insanity, imo, necessarily transcends far more petty concerns of process and protocol (or paychecks, for that matter)...Period!
There's no majic coming, just a friendly taunt between pals.

The die was cast long ago and absent the American merger (which I give a one in three chance of happening) you, luvthe9, and breeze will get your wish of retiring on LOA 93.

What I can't image is the kind of person who reneges on a mutually agreed upon arbtration process and then expects support from the opposition. The West are having to spend their own time and money (as well as having their union dues used against them) to keep USAPA from stealing what they are legally and ethically entittled to.

When you try to steal a man's job you should expect a little blowback

In light of what just took place in the UAL CO integration, do you still think the Nic list meets the fair and equitable test?
It is looking like the budget conflict will continue well into next week. Does anyone understand how the government shutdown affects the Federal Courts going forward? Do we reach a date where Addington II is possibly postponed? I am asking.

Not much new to read lately in the filings by both sides, but I remain convinced the real purpose of this trial is to "grant" the West Class bargaining status absent an NMB election. Judge Silver will continue to contort the law in order to make some kind of ruling favoring that status. Whether she will actually find in favor of DFR to do so remains the question. RR
It is looking like the budget conflict will continue well into next week. Does anyone understand how the government shutdown affects the Federal Courts going forward? Do we reach a date where Addington II is possibly postponed? I am asking.

Not much new to read lately in the filings by both sides, but I remain convinced the real purpose of this trial is to "grant" the West Class bargaining status absent an NMB election. Judge Silver will continue to contort the law in order to make some kind of ruling favoring that status. Whether she will actually find in favor of DFR to do so remains the question. RR
The courts are exempt from the shutdown. Sorry, I know how much you wanted to delay this. Not happening!
The courts are exempt from the shutdown. Sorry, I know how much you wanted to delay this. Not happening!

Thanks for the answer as to delay. Much appreciated. Absent the non existant merger, you are correct. Delay is indeed my wish; about another 8 years will work just fine. RR
And it's so nice to have you along for the ride, knowing how much it knots your knickers. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Whoa, I don't wear knickers.
In light of what just took place in the UAL CO integration, do you still think the Nic list meets the fair and equitable test?

Yes, and it's absolutely more fair than what we asked for (even after being told we weren't getting it).

I also think that if we would have asked Nicolau for a 35% LOS - 65% Catagory/Status weighting he would have given it to us.

We got less than we could have but it's our fault for forcing the MC to adopt an absolute DOH/LOS position.
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