August 2013 Pilot Discussion

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What's a Bush Torture Team? Apparently Bybee's actions don't constitute High Crimes and Misdemeanors by any standard since he is still actively serving as a member of the Ninth Circuit just as you noted. If he's on the bench when the DJ or any other appeal in the SLI dispute reaches the Ninth then I suspect his opinion (which has been against USAPA's position) will go on the judicial record just like any of his colleagues. If Tashima or Graber see their errors in the precious ruling based on the the fact there is still an active dispute they didn't relieve, well then his vote will suddenly become a majority and a dissenting one.
And OJ didn't do it! The bigger question when Bybee will see the error of his ways! Hasn't the DJ been remanded to the group that said something about a "final product"
As does the rule of law. My opposition to every military engagement and other egregious actions by the military, the CIA, FBI, NSA and the rest is based on the Constitution and how leaders dismiss it as the rule of law. This one aspect that politicians or judges have turned a blind eye to that document is just a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of their actions and damage they have done over the last century. They are all corrupt and get away with treason against the law of the land on a daily basis.
Well add Bybee to your list!
The west failure to understand labor and unions is the constant sand in the gears of Leonidas.
You realize that you're getting dragged back into court this month DESPITE every conceivable effort to avoid it right? I'd say that fact alone simply obliterates your mis-informed understanding of the situation you're in. Bradford LIED to you. A billion dollars later, still lying.
You realize that you're getting dragged back into court this month DESPITE every conceivable effort to avoid it right? I'd say that fact alone simply obliterates your mis-informed understanding of the situation you're in. Bradford LIED to you. A billion dollars later, still lying.
Ok were getting dragged into court, your point? Misinformed about what?, You want a 20+ bump on a seniority list that was done by a policy of a national union that everchanged its policy and is as useless as the parts of the T/A you "cherrypick" to apply! Were not misinformed, we get it, this merger will tank, DUI will be gone and a new "TEAM USAIRWAYS" will forge ahead!
Ok were getting dragged into court, your point? Misinformed about what?, You want a 20+ bump on a seniority list that was done by a policy of a national union that everchanged its policy and is as useless as the parts of the T/A you "cherrypick" to apply! Were not misinformed, we get it, this merger will tank, DUI will be gone and a new "TEAM USAIRWAYS" will forge ahead!
You're misinformed about nearly everything. Specifically, ripeness at present.
You're misinformed about nearly everything. Specifically, ripeness at present.
Actually we are informed enough to know the same 3 9th circuit judges whose opinion pointed to a "FINAL PRODUCT", now have the DJ in their hands, we are informed enough to know that IKUTA SEGAL who was once a partner at MC @ MYERS( SEIGAL the USAIRWAYS attorney were partners at the same law firm)now what did you want to know we do not know, Bobby B 10th circuit?! So inform us!
One of the principal authors was Jay Bybee, the former head of the OLC and today a federal judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. His flagrant contempt for the rule of law is utterly inconsistent with his judicial position and speaks directly to his competency to function in that office. It is unacceptable for an individual who abused his status as a government lawyer and violated the law in conspiring with other members of the Bush Torture Team to sit as a federal judge, someone who hears and decides issues of constitutional import. At the time of his confirmation hearing, his role in the Torture Program was secret, as was the program itself. Jay Bybee’s actions constitute High Crimes and Misdemeanors by any standard

He will never be impeached. The articles of impeachment are the task of the House of Representatives. The Republicans would never do that, and the minority of the Republican wackadoodles we see today would likely vote him a medal.

When the Democrats regain control of the House in January, 2015, nothing will happen to Bybee because Democrats just don't have the belly (balls?) for that stuff.
He will never be impeached. The articles of impeachment are the task of the House of Representatives. The Republicans would never do that, and the minority of the Republican wackadoodles we see today would likely vote him a medal.

When the Democrats regain control of the House in January, 2015, nothing will happen to Bybee because Democrats just don't have the belly (balls?) for that stuff.
Agreed! ,but hey he is a double standard kinda thinker!
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