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ATD International postions post TWU Decertification

Well, it'll all be all right in the end!------And if it's not all right, then it must not be the end!!!
It amazes me that Bob is an elected official and doesn't even understand the constitution he took an oath to uphold. Their is an avenue within the constitution to elect or remove officers. It's easy to write on therse boards and complain about anything but to actually understand or interpreter is another story.

Hasn't the members voted every time since you or I have been here? I believe not signing a representation card is a strong vote in itself. Something you obviously fail to grasp!!!

Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!

Are you going to actually represent the best interest of the membership and actual do your job or are you going to continue down the road to tear down the Organization you took an oath to uphold?

In Solidarity,
The difference between you and Bob is that Bob represents the people and not the selfserving organization. Bob is part of the solution he is informing the members.
It amazes me that Bob is an elected official and doesn't even understand the constitution he took an oath to uphold. Their is an avenue within the constitution to elect or remove officers. It's easy to write on therse boards and complain about anything but to actually understand or interpreter is another story.

Hasn't the members voted every time since you or I have been here? I believe not signing a representation card is a strong vote in itself. Something you obviously fail to grasp!!!

Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!

Are you going to actually represent the best interest of the membership and actual do your job or are you going to continue down the road to tear down the Organization you took an oath to uphold?

In Solidarity,

Sounds to me like Bob is suggesting people in the International should be held accountable, and subject to removal. Not by some BS, convoluted process at the drunk fest TWU convention in Las Vegas either! Why not make it easier to remove the dead wood from the International, through a system wide vote? Not allow a bunch of bought off drunks at a convention to vote in the same posers over and over.
It amazes me that Bob is an elected official and doesn't even understand the constitution he took an oath to uphold. Their is an avenue within the constitution to elect or remove officers. It's easy to write on therse boards and complain about anything but to actually understand or interpreter is another story.

Hasn't the members voted every time since you or I have been here? I believe not signing a representation card is a strong vote in itself. Something you obviously fail to grasp!!!

Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!

Are you going to actually represent the best interest of the membership and actual do your job or are you going to continue down the road to tear down the Organization you took an oath to uphold?

In Solidarity,

CIO, you brought it up so I will ask you for the 9th time, maybe you still will avoid or deflect; you state above that there are "avenues within the constitutuion" to elect or remove officers---CAN THE MEMBERSHIP REMOVE THE OFFICERS APPOINTED OR ELECTED?? CAN THE MEMBERSHIP REMOVE J LITTLE?? CAN THE MEMBERSHIP REMOVE J HOFFA?? Since your a guy that likes to have proof, why don't you post a link to the para in the constitution that covers the removal of officers from their positions by the membership??

As Bob has stated before, he represents the membership. His oath was taken to represent the membership.
It amazes me that Bob is an elected official and doesn't even understand the constitution he took an oath to uphold. Their is an avenue within the constitution to elect or remove officers. It's easy to write on therse boards and complain about anything but to actually understand or interpreter is another story.

Hasn't the members voted every time since you or I have been here? I believe not signing a representation card is a strong vote in itself. Something you obviously fail to grasp!!!

Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!

Are you going to actually represent the best interest of the membership and actual do your job or are you going to continue down the road to tear down the Organization you took an oath to uphold?

In Solidarity,

It amazes me how you butcher up the English language. "Hasnt the members"???

When did the members vote to remove all the people they elected and liguidate their Locals?

When did the members vote for Bobby Gless to be the supreme authority over their contracts?

When did the members vote to do away with the Profit Sharing and Me Too clause?

I think you are the one who does not understand the Constitution. Please show us how the members can vote to remove Bobby Gless and Don Videtich per the Constitution.

We here at AA don't give a rats a$$ about what happens to the TWU ATD after we send them packing.

They have raped the TWU members for so long many don't even feel it any more. They are just numb to the fact that every time the TWU and company negotiate anything we the Employees loose. Just as long as the TWU gets its DUES they don't care.

It's time to bring a Union to AA that is going to LQQK out for my chosen proffesion, my class and craft, for how ever few yrs I have left.

AMFA at AA in 2013
It amazes me that Bob is an elected official and doesn't even understand the constitution he took an oath to uphold. Their is an avenue within the constitution to elect or remove officers. It's easy to write on therse boards and complain about anything but to actually understand or interpreter is another story.

Hasn't the members voted every time since you or I have been here? I believe not signing a representation card is a strong vote in itself. Something you obviously fail to grasp!!!

Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!

Are you going to actually represent the best interest of the membership and actual do your job or are you going to continue down the road to tear down the Organization you took an oath to uphold?

In Solidarity,

It is incredible on how huge a tool you have become.

What oath are you talking about? The oath to ensure that sell outs like gless, videtich, drummond, little and losers like burchette and yingst will always be taken care of?

Or an oath that puts the membership first? Tell us all who should be placed first in every officer's goal? The membership or the union itself?

"Are you going to be part of the problem or are you going to change your beliefs and be part of the solution? The choice is yours and yours alone!!!"

The problem is the international structure. I am going to continue to hold steadfast in my beliefs in a craft, democratic union for AMTs where accountability is a solid weapon the membership has at its disposal.

The choice is mine alright. I make the choice to promote and raise my craft's image and professionalism by bringing in AMFA!

Your choice is to remain a coward slithering on the floor as you look up at your unaccountable masters as they urinate on you and tell you it is raining. You chose poorly.

This is all hypothetical, the majority of the TWU membership will continue to support the TWU and remain as our representative. I hope sooner or later the minority will come to understand this.

The dave;s, rogers and ken's of the world have done more harm at suppressing our wages than AA could only dream about. Keep it up and it will continue.

In Solidarity,
While your explaining this to all of us why dont you also elaborate on the AMFA's weak constitution you spoke of. Is it the part that gives the members the right to vote for national officers or the part that gives them the right to recall those positions? Or maybe weak to you is having the right to do so. Just wondering.

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