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yup, i agree.

your arguments against...we're not getting dl or ua +7% anyways on DOS and ua will see to it that we'll still be $34.50-$35ish/hr TOS.

we will have to keep more scope, otherwise, mediation will be a comprehensive victory for the company. this is why i said i'm not afraid of arbitration and it's potential of getting us more than mediation.

ua's profit sharing parameters aren't too far behind dl's...their problem was generating profits in the area of a dl or even aa to give back to it's employees.

Well while the crazies are off in the yard walking around in their straight jackets with drool coming out of their mouths, let’s get back on topic for one moment.

Not arguing against Crema. Just said I doubt it very much. I’m not the guy who expresses “absolutes” unless I got it in writing.

Don’t know for sure what we’re going to get on DOS since that hasn’t been agreed to yet? But again you and I both agree that 3% doesn’t cut it.

I’m not afraid of Arbitration either. Both of us have enough time in now that we’re probably ok. And they’ll still do a buyout anyway cause they want to get rid of the most costly senior guys.

I think both the Union and the Company know how a binding arbitration would go and neither one wants to go that route. I “think” they’ll solve this on their own?
Mgmt. Troll.

As much as I hate to bring it up, but, the guy you refer to says he's a big lead man and of course is better than anyone else on his crew or any mechanic out there by his own admitsions.
However, I see how you would attain him being in management by how he rah, rah's for the company sooooo badly and always hammers upon his very own representation when they are doing exactly as a very large amount of the membership wants and the majority rules every time.
He really does sound like management to the outsiders so I fully understand you putting him in the management circle.
Carry on Mr. Junkie, and post as you wish...
Quick question for ya. Why should the membership not expect the NC to hold the company to their original promises of DL or UAL +7%? The asso was holding them to it (GP at least was) and now it seems they are doing what they always seem to end up doing and just caving in and agreeing with the company to the +3% instead.

much of this stuff are just semantics. when delta started giving raises, parker can argue his % is now off the table.

i prefer an ILC contract and being such a nice guy to the company, every single article doesn't have to be industry leading...but what the company has publicly offered, is woefully short in many articles.

to me, when the company pulled it's scope gambit prior to filing for mediation, it did so just to give that scope (minus some o/h work) back to us to look generous in front of the mediator. the company spent $150 million on a 2 bay hangar in brazil. are they going to rent that out for self car washes?

i believe that most of us feel that 3% more than ua (higher than dl fleet by dec. 2018) is not acceptable on DOS, considering our pathetic profit sharing.

to me, did the assoc. cave in? we're in mediation. the assoc. can argue they did not cave in. there's a chance they can lose lus/iam insurance AND even more scope. if that's the case, i'll take my chances with an arbitrator.
Well while the crazies are off in the yard walking around in their straight jackets with drool coming out of their mouths, let’s get back on topic for one moment.

Not arguing against Crema. Just said I doubt it very much. I’m not the guy who expresses “absolutes” unless I got it in writing.

Don’t know for sure what we’re going to get on DOS since that hasn’t been agreed to yet? But again you and I both agree that 3% doesn’t cut it.

I’m not afraid of Arbitration either. Both of us have enough time in now that we’re probably ok. And they’ll still do a buyout anyway cause they want to get rid of the most costly senior guys.

I think both the Union and the Company know how a binding arbitration would go and neither one wants to go that route. I “think” they’ll solve this on their own?

i agree and i believe the company's motivation to get this done in mediation is the fear of a 3rd party opening them up for profit sharing.

to me, the assoc. has to hint at this if the company starts dragging it's feet/won't yield an inch with the mediator.

fine, don't give us an additional $24 million to cover all twu for the lus/iam insurance. let the arbitrator now force you to give us an additional $200 million - $350 million per year in profit sharing for 30,000 assoc. members.

thank you.
When Doug made the 7% remark DAL just gave their employees a 4% raise, Doug was going 3% above that. Then our union gave the company cross utilization and we got pay equal to DAL. So the 4% has been given to us, hopefully we get that additional 3% above the highest pay.

But I have a feeling our pay and scope will be cut in arbitration as I’m sure our union is so smart and will hold out until next recession. The company can’t give us money because our libtard union leaders won’t get over 2003 concessions even though this a different airline now. Remember 2008,and 2010 pay raises because it wasn’t restore and more.
As much as I hate to bring it up, but, the guy you refer to says he's a big lead man and of course is better than anyone else on his crew or any mechanic out there by his own admitsions.
However, I see how you would attain him being in management by how he rah, rah's for the company sooooo badly and always hammers upon his very own representation when they are doing exactly as a very large amount of the membership wants and the majority rules every time.
He really does sound like management to the outsiders so I fully understand you putting him in the management circle.
Carry on Mr. Junkie, and post as you wish...
But you have me on ignore. I never said I was better than my crew. We worked as a team. What I am tired of a union that can't seem to get a basic job done. That steals $83 a month, and then purposely torpedoed a deal, when no one has a had a raise in more than 6 years. Also a little rat like you that tells American what is going to happen to them. Who preached AMFA to them for years, until they see they are as useless at SWA, as they think their own Association is. That is priceless to me. I hear weasels kill rats.
When Doug made the 7% remark DAL just gave their employees a 4% raise, Doug was going 3% above that. Then our union gave the company cross utilization and we got pay equal to DAL. So the 4% has been given to us, hopefully we get that additional 3% above the highest pay.

But I have a feeling our pay and scope will be cut in arbitration as I’m sure our union is so smart and will hold out until next recession. The company can’t give us money because our libtard union leaders won’t get over 2003 concessions even though this a different airline now. Remember 2008,and 2010 pay raises because it wasn’t restore and more.

the timeline as far as wages and aa/dl/ua is a bit fuzzy now..

i believe it was ua that stepped up first...munoz and the iam ripped up the previous contract and ua ramp went to high $20s/hr.

dl then gave their people a raise. for awhile, dl and ua were earning $4/hr more than us and getting bigger profit sharing checks, especially dl.

aa then gave us industry leading pay. ua signed their new 5 year deal the same year. at that time, we were around $1/hr more than delta.

now delta is getting a raise next week...and will pass us up. ua gets their contractual raise in december '18, and they will pass us and delta.

why do you believe an arbitrator will cut our pay, considering that delta, united and southwest will be way ahead of us by the time it ever gets to an arbitrator, if it ever does?

the scope? it's inevitable.
Brazil is in house work not out of house work. The fact that they are not in your union not withstanding. We are a world wide company. Does GE employees in the US complain every-time they open up a new operation around the world? Do FORDS? The solution from a union standpoint would to bring them into the association not complain about them.

I don’t know why you are fixated on Arbitration, it will never go there.

In the IAM’s and TWU’s history they have never agreed to the proffer of Arbitration and this will continue. Never in their respective history have they agreed to it in the airlines.

APA and APFA were not happy with their limited outcome
never before has aa been run by america west airlines.

if the company doesn't budge, then what?

look 2-3 steps ahead. weigh and measure everything. what does the company fear? what could a 3rd party potentially do that the company does not want to do?

the arbitrator may gut scope? the company wants to gut scope and won't budge in mediation with scope/compensation?

so, then what?
Then you go into a 30 day cooling off period, super mediation then a strike.

We at LUS M&R went on strike in 1992.

And history is on my side. The IAM and the TWU have NEVER EVER accepted the proffer of Arbitration.

Let me inform you the arbiter is not your friend.

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