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Afa 10/18/04 Update

Well said!

PHLfa88 said:
Get Off your high horse! Why are you SO negative all the time? Perry's letter is exactly what needs to be said at this time, and it was said well. Pittsburgh is no longer the driving force for our union. Get Over It!!
PHLfa88 said:
Get Off your high horse! Why are you SO negative all the time? Perry's letter is exactly what needs to be said at this time, and it was said well. Pittsburgh is no longer the driving force for our union. Get Over It!!


You better stay on your horse and hold on to the reins.....PIT is a very senior base, when PIT starts to transfer they will be in PHL and CLT.

Get use to the mix.
All Perry just did was give the company carte blanche to roll right over us, again. You don't tell the enemy that you're not going to use the weapons that you have, even if that is the case.
If anyone thinks it will get better here, think again. My wife used to work for TWA, and that's what they thought. Guess what? It never did. They kept working more days for less money until amr finally put the last of them to sleep.
PineyBob said:
Well your wife had several years in which to read the "Writing on the wall" at TWA she chose to ignore it. She failed to plan for a future without TWA. That is not the fault of TWA, AMR or her union.

US Airways is in similar straits. If you stay at Airways you know what the score is. It's financial condition is perilous, so don't be all indignent and surprised if the worst happens. I mean you did draw a paycheck in return for your work these last however many years didn't you? Explain the sense of entitlement? What does ANY company owe you beyond payment for services rendered under terms of the CBA? And if a company could afford something yesterday does it mean I'm entitled to recieve it tomorrow?

Perry IMO gave an accurate assessment of the reality of the situation.

People are so pissed off from being pissed on they can't think straight. When you post something factual and accurate as you just did that hits home it only makes people indignant ...strange we humans.

I do agree that for the most part what we as individuals face in life is a direct result from our past actions, I said “mostâ€￾ and not all. I am a living example of things that can happen and nothing could or would change those things, they just are and tis life. Funny how everyone reacts differently to life's woes, some are oh hum while others kill themselves and everything between...Bobby boy I really do agree for the “most" part we are what "we" decided to be or not to be and bitching is an escape valve from personal responsibilities. The U employees and I include myself are getting the royal shaft no doubt, but what results afterwards is strictly personal responsibility.
Bob, all that you non-employees are concerned about are your ff miles. You missed my point. My wife had a plan B and executed it. The point was that things do not have to get better, and in all likelihood for the employees it won't. My point as far as Perry was that you do not reveal strategy or hand over any of your weapons before you go into battle. I do agree with you that nothing is owed to me besides a paycheck, and I owe nothing except to go to work. But that doesn"t mean I can't fight for what I think I deserve. I won't rollover or accept what management is doing without a fight. There is absolutely no leadership here at all. As far as the cba, this management breaks it everytime it suits their fancy.

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