much of this stuff are just semantics. when delta started giving raises, parker can argue his % is now off the table.
i prefer an ILC contract and being such a nice guy to the company, every single article doesn't have to be industry leading...but what the company has publicly offered, is woefully short in many articles.
to me, when the company pulled it's scope gambit prior to filing for mediation, it did so just to give that scope (minus some o/h work) back to us to look generous in front of the mediator. the company spent $150 million on a 2 bay hangar in brazil. are they going to rent that out for self car washes?
i believe that most of us feel that 3% more than ua (higher than dl fleet by dec. 2018) is not acceptable on DOS, considering our pathetic profit sharing.
to me, did the assoc. cave in? we're in mediation. the assoc. can argue they did not cave in. there's a chance they can lose lus/iam insurance AND even more scope. if that's the case, i'll take my chances with an arbitrator.