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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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With Silvers mentality you would be able to gain access to this mess. I am just waiting for the AWAPA guys to get in the mix.

Oh yeah, forgot about them. They had the right idea in the beginning, didn't they? Wait to sue.

I say bring all 12,000 or so of us in there. Just rent the US Airways arena and let us have at it. RLA, NMB, CBAs be damned.
You westies should think about suing Marty and his firm, for that matter AOL also for they have really held you kids back. Going to be a hot summer in PHX.
Like when you guys sued Seham for stealing two million dollars from you?
When a federal judge says jump, everyone says OKAY! We'll spend another $100,000 on nothing. Cheaper than not jumping I guess.

I think she and Siegal(sp?) are sympathetic to the west's case.

Silver is showing herself to be biased, as well as uninformed about the issue in her charge. Starting to remind me of Wake. The Arizona judicial system is not up to the task. That is why the Ninth is waiting in the wings.
Silver should have had the clerks bring her up to speed. Instead, she lets a corporate shark attorney with a vested interest interject bad opinion. Embarrassing. What judge sends a labor union instructions to reach a proposal? One who has no idea of the process.
Time to bring in the NMB parachuting attorneys. The ones who almost had to show for Wake when he mused about imposing the Nicolau.
I've been gone a while so I apologize if this has been asked and answered.

Hasn't an essential tenant of the west been that there was no one to bargain for them? Isn't there a group of west pilots doing just that? If they magically came up with a solution, how can it bind the west?

All serious questions, not bait. Thanks.
Good question for the judge. She is the one that ordered it.

Why has usapa not mentioned this to the judge?

Puts all that screaming about the west needs to compromise to rest. Now you say it can't be done. What was said when you kicked out ALPA? You set the Nicolau in stone because there was no one to negotiate with.

Now my serious question. Do you honestly think that ad hoc committee can come up with anything but DOH?
When a federal judge says jump, everyone says OKAY! We'll spend another $100,000 on nothing. Cheaper than not jumping I guess.

I think she and Siegal(sp?) are sympathetic to the west's case.
The judge and Siegal is sympathetic to the law and not lying to the court. Shamanski, not so much.
Silver is showing herself to be biased, as well as uninformed about the issue in her charge. Starting to remind me of Wake. The Arizona judicial system is not up to the task. That is why the Ninth is waiting in the wings.
Silver should have had the clerks bring her up to speed. Instead, she lets a corporate shark attorney with a vested interest interject bad opinion. Embarrassing. What judge sends a labor union instructions to reach a proposal? One who has no idea of the process.
Time to bring in the NMB parachuting attorneys. The ones who almost had to show for Wake when he mused about imposing the Nicolau.

Are you starting to see your case falling apart? Starting the name calling early.

Prove your point.

What date and page did anyone say the NMB layers would parachute into court.

Transcripts if you can. Otherwise just more BS from you.
If USAPA and AOL actually work something out for Judge Silver you can bet someone is going to be unhappy. I am convinced AZ judges are clueless when it comes to labor law. I would bet some other group will file a law suit immediately. I am sure the judges in the 9th are just shaking their heads in disbelief.
Now my serious question. Do you honestly think that ad hoc committee can come up with anything but DOH?

Nope. Do you think that the AOL guys that have asked you for MILLIONS in contributions can come up with anything but "Nic or Nothing?"
[background=transparent]Time is running out for the west. This is the west's "Hail Mary Pass" that will go no where. Judges hate to have their rulings overturned and she most certainly would have her ruling overturned if she attempted to force a settlement on us. [/background]

[background=transparent]At this point, from what I am hearing, USAPA legal has things well in hand.[/background]
The judge and Siegal is sympathetic to the law and not lying to the court. Shamanski, not so much.

I disagree....

I think Silver doesn't know the law, which she has admitted, and that Seigal is trying to play the court, pushing the court to issue some kind of quick resolution so that USAir can cruise on through the merger ASAP. USAPA is trying to satisfy Silver's court so as not to get the injunction right away, while really giving it the college try to fairly represent all pilots (maybe their best avenue for no DFR).

In the end though, it will all come undone....Sliver confused, Seigal's attempt to manupilate the court exposed, and USAPA sending it all to the 9th to straighten it out.

I've been gone a while so I apologize if this has been asked and answered.

Hasn't an essential tenant of the west been that there was no one to bargain for them? Isn't there a group of west pilots doing just that? If they magically came up with a solution, how can it bind the west?

All serious questions, not bait. Thanks.
It's an essential tenet held by AOL a d USAPA both. Read the filings. One group of union members does not need to negotiate against their own union. A real "Union" will never find itself in the position USAPA is in. Fair, neutral representation will always take care of internal problems. The problem for USAPA is they've made it crystal clear for years that they have NO INTENTION TO EVER BE NEUTRAL AND FAIR. Look no further than the last update.
Are you starting to see your case falling apart? Starting the name calling early.

Prove your point.

What date and page did anyone say the NMB layers would parachute into court.

Transcripts if you can. Otherwise just more BS from you.

Your boy Wake got a spanking he will never forget. Judge Silver better get schooled quickly, or she will get reminded. The rest of the legal universe does not operate like the Arizona circus where amateurs like Wake and Harper operate. The rest of the citizens of this country expect more of their judges. And get it.
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