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[background=transparent]At this point, from what I am hearing, USAPA legal has things well in hand.[/background]
Are they the same guys who told you Kasher will pay?
[background=transparent]At this point, from what I am hearing, USAPA legal has things well in hand.[/background]
No, they are different. They are the same guys that told you your little group of malcontents would fail at your recall. 😉Are they the same guys who told you Kasher will pay?
Oh really??? So we have two judges, six law firms and two corporations involved in this now because the case isn't ripe? 😀
No, they are different. They are the same guys that told you your little group of malcontents would fail at your recall. 😉
What 2 judges? Wake was dismissed and who is the other?
The rest of your lineup is only involved for the big bucks......they couldn't care less about who's right and who's wrong. Silver's lack of understanding is allowing the different parties to try and influence how the case is rolling along.
In the end, all this BS will not matter. As pilots involved, we just have to hope that they don't screw it up too badly with all their interjections, which just prolong the case. We all need for this to be settled in the best way that serves the pilots, as a whole.
Yes, just like Marty and his firm have fleeced you westies for over 2 million dollars.Like when you guys sued Seham for stealing two million dollars from you?
Still hiding behind that story CLT boys know better. It's everybodys loss for taking a bankruptcy MOU, but hey like I've said before majority rules. I think you in love with Chippy.The Recall ensured a vote on the MOU and Chip was behind the Recall.
Beaten by Chip, how embarrassing for you.
Yes, just like Marty and his firm have fleeced you westies for over 2 million dollars.
Judges: Silver, Lane
Corporations: American, US
Your the only one that thinks so, but thanks for the laugh. I bet you could bake a bunch of cupcakes as a fund raiser and sell them in the terminal, you kids are in debt big time I would get baking dear.Marty is worth every penny. Harper and Siegel are driving the ship
Sniffing seats... An eastie ritual. 😀
Of course usapa legal is telling you that. Shamanski needs to get paid a little longer.[background=transparent]Time is running out for the west. This is the west's "Hail Mary Pass" that will go no where. Judges hate to have their rulings overturned and she most certainly would have her ruling overturned if she attempted to force a settlement on us. [/background]
[background=transparent]At this point, from what I am hearing, USAPA legal has things well in hand.[/background]
No, no. No help on this one. Shamanski needs to learn on his own. No warning.What date and page did Szymanski lie?
Silver never said it is ripe, in fact she says the NIC is not required.
Layne didn't want anything to do with the BS case on our seniority and sent it back to AZ.
Parties involved, yes, agreed.
AMR and USAir are just stating ripe because it is their easiest and quickest way out of the mess without being held liable. That is why Seigal is trying to influence the get on down the road without any liability in the future. Now, if you believe after all this that they have your best interest in hand, I have a '63 Dodge 330 for sale that you would love.
Honestly, you should be able to look at all the different angles and see for yourself that it's all about the big money......definitely not about little ole me and you, pal.
Why is it you guys all admit that you are going to lose in the district court? Can't you win a single case the first time?I disagree....
I think Silver doesn't know the law, which she has admitted, and that Seigal is trying to play the court, pushing the court to issue some kind of quick resolution so that USAir can cruise on through the merger ASAP. USAPA is trying to satisfy Silver's court so as not to get the injunction right away, while really giving it the college try to fairly represent all pilots (maybe their best avenue for no DFR).
In the end though, it will all come undone....Sliver confused, Seigal's attempt to manupilate the court exposed, and USAPA sending it all to the 9th to straighten it out.