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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Easties. Why all the secrecy? Closed BPR meeting. Request to seal the status report to the court. Demand for communication blackout of the "negotiations". usapa was supposed to be different than ALPA with open communication with the line pilot. The line pilot directing the leadership. I don't remember being asked or getting a vote on this specific issue.

From the filings yesterday all we got is more delay from usapa. First the case is not ripe. Then it was this needs to go to the system board. Now usapa is asking to go to a magistrate judge. Why? What is a magistrate going to do that a federal judge can't? Other than delay this case even more. If you are on such firm legal and moral ground why not have the federal judge decide this case? Afraid of the results? Afraid your arguments are going to fail?

Why not go to base ball arbitration and let a neutral decide this case? Nicolau or DOH. Straight up fight. Afraid that on an equal playing field you are going to lose? Just like the school yard bully only wants to intimidate when the odds are in your favor.

Usapa demanded sealed records and comm blackout why? Is usapa in that meeting giving away your DOH but they don't want you to know about it until it is to late? Shamanski is an officer of the court. He is getting paid but I doubt he will go to jail for your easties maybe just violate his ethics. I doubt he will allow himself to be disbarred for lying to the court again.

The walls are closing in on you easties. There is no escape for you this time. The company and the money men want this over now. No more delay.
Thank Gawd that embarrassing, vile, retched, putrid call sign will die the death America West deserved from the start.

Just like the vile retched putrid name of a disgusting airline. The US Airways name on the garbage pile of history.

What should have happened in 2005.
You speak with forked tongue. What I said was the East had no furloughed pilots at the time of the merger. According to the government, that was spring of 2008, when they granted single carrier status. At that time, all East pilots were employed at US Airways. The interesting thing to note, now having hindsight, is why Parker took almost 3 years to get that status. I believe it speaks to his intent. Thus he also speaks with the "forked tongue" and continues to steal from us all.

The APA is in love with Kirby and Parker. That infatuation will soon take a turn for the worst.


I could use the same argument against you Greeter. I've heard it before. Clinton used a similar argument to deny he had sex with "that woman" until a stained dress with his DNA proved otherwise. Remember he used the term, "it depends on what the definition of the word is...is."

So by saying three years after the merger and after East pilots were recalled in 2008, then there weren't East pilots on furlough. Where would these pilots be working without America West Holdings entering the equation? I think the math would be very easy with a bunch of zeros on the asset side of the balance sheet after the creditors were finished with US Airways.

Back to the no furloughs at the time of the merger argument, your objective is to spin this into a web of deception. You want people to think that US Airways was in a much better position than it was at the true timeline, 2005. That simply was not the case with a company facing Chapter 7, liquidation.

Final note, I agree wiith you.

APA, Doug Parker is not a friend.
I think the math would be very easy with a bunch of zeros on the asset side of the balance sheet after the creditors were finished with US Airways.

Back to the no furloughs at the time of the merger argument, your objective is to spin this into a web of deception. You want people to think that US Airways was in a much better position than it was at the true timeline, 2005. That simply was not the case with a company facing Chapter 7, liquidation.

"The Financial Picture

From the evidence, it is clear enough that the merger with AWA was a meaningful factor in U.S. Airway’s emergence from bankruptcy. Together, the two companies were able to attract investments that, operating alone, they might not have secured. However, West’s claim that U.S. Airways emerged from bankruptcy “only because it [was] acquired by a stronger enterprise” is reflected neither in the KPMG audit report (cited by West) nor in any other portion of the evidence. Instead, each carrier had something to contribute. Airways, for example, was much larger. It served almost twice as many destinations as AWA and carried twice the number of passengers. Airways has substantially more cash on hand, following the merger agreement."

Arbitrator Richard Bloch
April 2007

The walls are closing in on you easties. There is no escape for you this time.

All previous suspicions are now confirmed about "spartan" day/child-care requiring extensive and fully immersive training as drama queens. 🙂
"The Financial Picture

From the evidence, it is clear enough that the merger with AWA was a meaningful factor in U.S. Airway’s emergence from bankruptcy. Together, the two companies were able to attract investments that, operating alone, they might not have secured. However, West’s claim that U.S. Airways emerged from bankruptcy “only because it [was] acquired by a stronger enterprise” is reflected neither in the KPMG audit report (cited by West) nor in any other portion of the evidence. Instead, each carrier had something to contribute. Airways, for example, was much larger. It served almost twice as many destinations as AWA and carried twice the number of passengers. Airways has substantially more cash on hand, following the merger agreement."

Arbitrator Richard Bloch
April 2007


Not a bad argument, Claxon. Noting the article written was written in 2007 and looking back.

2005 for US Airaways without a partner looked bleak.
APA, Doug Parker is not a friend.

No question, and yet; he's certainly not without a sizeable number of little "friends"/"useful-idiots" within your group. How proud you must be! 😉

Fuel school, and bean counters "flying" an aircraft from their desks?...What's even the possible problem with that?...Umm...and where/how can I "turn in" other pilots?/etc ad nauseum...especially the nauseum.

PS: A minus vote already? I rest my case regarding your "useful idiots". 🙂
Clinton used a similar argument to deny he had sex with "that woman" until a stained dress with his DNA proved otherwise. Remember he used the term, "it depends on what the definition of the word is...is."

Yup. And he went out with some of the highest public approval ratings ever. And still enjoys high approval ratings.

What's your point? People see through smokescreens, just like Judge Silver sees through yours.
No question, and yet; he's certainly not without a sizeable number of little "friends"/"useful-idiots" within your group. How proud you must be! 😉

Fuel school, and bean counters "flying" an aircraft from their desks?...What's even the possible problem with that?...Umm...and where/how can I "turn in" other pilots?/etc ad nauseum...especially the nauseum.

PS: A minus vote already? I rest my case regarding your "useful idiots". 🙂

A minus vote? I see a plus.
Doug and company want this issue fixed yesterday. The reality is that they could have put this issue to bed a long time ago.
Now, they are scrambling and want the courts to fix it - for free!
Yes, boys - no matter how much angst there is amongst the east and west the fact is that the price for the company to integrate the pilots on one list (for all that 'synergy') was a new contract. The company offered 120M and said there was more.....how about 150M? Remember, we're not even discussing interest or retirement savings gains that were lost due to lower contributions...
Let's see....150 million/year x 8 years....1.2 billion?
East pilot pay/vacation disparity is approx 100k/pilot over the last 8 years totalling 350M
So, 1.2B-350M=850M/5000=170,000/pilot
East guys: 270,000 lump sum payout
West guys: 170,000 lump sum payout
This should be the MINIMUM price for a new contract resolving the current issue.
Guys, the process is in place (has been for 8 years) and the company needs to step up and pay up. The court is not the venue to circumvent LOA96 and cram down whatever seniority list is expedient for the company's purposes. Once again, the cost of integration has always been a contract between east and west, not this MOU, which is like an IOU - just a slip of paper that may or may not pay off in the future.
Don't let Parker get away with getting this for FREE.
Yup. And he went out with some of the highest public approval ratings ever. And still enjoys high approval ratings.

What's your point? People see through smokescreens, just like Judge Silver sees through yours.

I guess you are counting on Hillary to run. I think Benghazi will follow her like Chappaquiddick sank Ted Kennedy. Who knows, you may get Biden in the White House with the Chicago type politics and scandals under Obama.

I think I'm beginning to figure out why so many of you worship at the alter of the 9th Circuit.
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