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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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It's been said that if you actually watch sausage being made, that you could never eat it. Patience "grasshopper", we will find out soon.


I'd prefer to watch. With the way everything else has been screwed up, I'd rather watch the accident happen as it occurs than pick through the remnants to sort out the blame. And considering it was USAPA that put the stipulation in to require the filing be sealed before they'd even come to the table, it doesn't give me high hopes.
sure it is - keep those donations coming.

in the mean time, when you are next in Assville flying your freak flag, swing by and (like the man said) we'll let you sniff the left seat on an a-330.
Why did our transparent union seal the filings? If it went well for us, why wouldn't they want everyone to see it went well?
Because fake, lame duck rogue unions cannot possibly act honestly in the light of day. These"negotiations" are failed any way you look at it.
Sniffing seats... An eastie ritual.

"The idiots never learn...." Indeed. I've got to go with that last as being your only accurate statement ever made on these boards.

How many times are you going to modify this post? I've already counted two, did I miss any other versions? And I am shocked! No smiley faces!
You're type is headed down the tubes to oblivion, both microscopically and macroscopically.

The demographics guarantee it. Buh-bye, narrow-minded nitwit. You're time in the sunshine is soon to be over.

Oh really. My father made a profession out of dealing with narrow-minded nitwits. He taught me how to deal with them myself.
sure it is - keep those donations coming.

in the mean time, when you are next in Assville flying your freak flag, swing by and (like the man said) we'll let you sniff the left seat on an a-330.

Wow, one strange chick. All about stained seats and wanting to sniff them. Is it just the 330 seats? Or is it cross fleet stuff?
Why did our transparent union seal the filings? If it went well for us, why wouldn't they want everyone to see it went well?

Just more proof that you are West, JJ. If you had been through ANY merger before, you would know that these types of negotiations are done behind closed doors then put out for a vote by all of us. Of course, since this is your first merger, it must be confusing, eh?
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