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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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For years we've been hearing from the west idiots that the Nicolau abomination is fair to the east pilots because they are not the least bit interested in bidding east bases and commuting out of their heavenly sandbox.

So then, locking the west idiots into their dry-heat nirvana should not be a problem for them.

You've stolen 100% of the growth plus caused massive down sizing of the west due to your high costs. Give us what is fair and you've got a deal old man.
You've stolen 100% of the growth plus caused massive down sizing of the west due to your high costs. Give us what is fair and you've got a deal old man.
If PHX was as great as you say, then it would still be growing today. Downsizing may have saved your job! Thank a furloughed PHX pilot!
You've stolen 100% of the growth plus caused massive down sizing of the west due to your high costs. Give us what is fair and you've got a deal old man.

Even Doyaljudicata will not show his face here anymore. The generals of Lyingitas have been decimated in PHX. Only Horner shows to make a last ditch appeal. Him and the loquacious Captain Gay. Who poses a plea disguised as a question now.
Horner and Doyal supplied the Army with false hope and no legal ammunition. It is not advisable to have anything resembling a meet and greet. It would quickly turn out to resemble a scene in today's streets of Greece. The generals of Lyingitas are scorned.
You've stolen 100% of the growth plus caused massive down sizing of the west due to your high costs. Give us what is fair and you've got a deal old man.

You fly 24% of your block hours on East routes. The only stealing being done is by the 300 or West pilots who should be on the street right now.
For years we've been hearing from the west idiots that the Nicolau abomination is fair to the east pilots because they are not the least bit interested in bidding east bases and commuting out of their heavenly sandbox.

So then, locking the west idiots into their dry-heat nirvana should not be a problem for them.
You idiots just don't get it. There was a merger in 2005. There are no longer east and west bases. Just like there are not going to be any American bases.

The company decides where to but assets we just follow along. What you idiots want to do is continue to run separate ops forever. What you idiots want to do is like when the company closed PIT. Instead of following the assets you would have the PIT pilots furloughed.

All the west wants is to be treated equally by the company and the union. After the merger with American if the company decides to shrink CLT and grow LAX you do want to be able to bid for that right?

Get over yourselves. There was a merger yo have been through therefore you know what that means. Parker for his own reason has let you easties play your little denial game. The big money is putting an end to that. No more separate ops. No more getting all the benefit of this merger.

Besides if you thought you were winning and going to get DOH you should be demanding combined ops. Put all us bad westies at the bottom of your list so you can get weekends off and upgrade.

Worried DOH is dead?.
You idiots just don't get it. There was a merger in 2005. There are no longer east and west bases. Just like there are not going to be any American bases.

The company decides where to but assets we just follow along. What you idiots want to do is continue to run separate ops forever. What you idiots want to do is like when the company closed PIT. Instead of following the assets you would have the PIT pilots furloughed.

All the west wants is to be treated equally by the company and the union. After the merger with American if the company decides to shrink CLT and grow LAX you do want to be able to bid for that right?

Get over yourselves. There was a merger yo have been through therefore you know what that means. Parker for his own reason has let you easties play your little denial game. The big money is putting an end to that. No more separate ops. No more getting all the benefit of this merger.

Besides if you thought you were winning and going to get DOH you should be demanding combined ops. Put all us bad westies at the bottom of your list so you can get weekends of and upgrade.

Worried DOH is dead?.

Put it to the test Captain Gay. I have a simple challenge you dolt: if you can show up on any eastern div. base list, you win. Any of you. Let's pick the idiot Prechillil as the first test case. You are a separate airline. It will haunt you for years.
This week will turn the lights out on Leonidas funding forever.
You idiots just don't get it. There was a merger in 2005. There are no longer east and west bases. Just like there are not going to be any American bases.

The company decides where to but assets we just follow along. What you idiots want to do is continue to run separate ops forever. What you idiots want to do is like when the company closed PIT. Instead of following the assets you would have the PIT pilots furloughed.

All the west wants is to be treated equally by the company and the union. After the merger with American if the company decides to shrink CLT and grow LAX you do want to be able to bid for that right?

Get over yourselves. There was a merger yo have been through therefore you know what that means. Parker for his own reason has let you easties play your little denial game. The big money is putting an end to that. No more separate ops. No more getting all the benefit of this merger.

Besides if you thought you were winning and going to get DOH you should be demanding combined ops. Put all us bad westies at the bottom of your list so you can get weekends of and upgrade.

Worried DOH is dead?.
you're a kook. You actually did make a clear, concise observation about why the East is growing while the west shrinks.

Don't need combined ops because no one over here wants what you're offering. You keep it.

Not worried at all, unlike the desperate few from the west that keep posting here.
Even Doyaljudicata will not show his face here anymore. The generals of Lyingitas have been decimated in PHX. Only Horner shows to make a last ditch appeal. Him and the loquacious Captain Gay. Who poses a plea disguised as a question now.
Horner and Doyal supplied the Army with false hope and no legal ammunition. It is not advisable to have anything resembling a meet and greet. It would quickly turn out to resemble a scene in today's streets of Greece. The generals of Lyingitas are scorned.


There was a meeting between USAPA, the representatives for the West pilots and a third party on Friday. One side is in a pretty good mood, the other has an emergency meeting at their offices in Charlotte. Now they speak in tongues.

The past few pages of Gibberish are hard to understand. A young lady has been kind enough to teach how to speak this....language.

If PHX was as great as you say, then it would still be growing today. Downsizing may have saved your job! Thank a furloughed PHX pilot!
If PIT was a great place why was it closed? BOS, LGA? The company decides where to put assets. That is the fact of a merger.

After the merger if the company decides to shrink PHL and grow JFK and LAX do you want to be locked out of that opportunity? Why should the wet be locked out of opportunities for us?

You easties all need to wrap your head around the fact there was a merger in 2005. There is going to be another one very soon.

Why should the wet be locked out of opportunities for us?

Because you always maintained that the Nicolau was eminently fair simply because the west pilots would never even entertain the notion of coming east. You were trying to build a de facto fence in the minds of the east pilots thinking we would be so naive as to actually buy into that notion that you weren't interested in anything "east."

Then, seven years later, history is showing just what the west had to offer the merger (nothing but downsizing at the hands of SWA) and where the growth would be (as the east said from the get-go.)

Suddenly, you want EVERYTHING "east," but on your own terms. Well, seven years later, after battling you assholes in court, we are now able to summarily say: "DOH/LOS WITH C&Rs OR GO F*** YOURSELVES. SYIC."
You idiots just don't get it. There was a merger in 2005. There are no longer east and west bases. Just like there are not going to be any American bases.

The company decides where to but assets we just follow along. What you idiots want to do is continue to run separate ops forever. What you idiots want to do is like when the company closed PIT. Instead of following the assets you would have the PIT pilots furloughed.

All the west wants is to be treated equally by the company and the union. After the merger with American if the company decides to shrink CLT and grow LAX you do want to be able to bid for that right?

Get over yourselves. There was a merger yo have been through therefore you know what that means. Parker for his own reason has let you easties play your little denial game. The big money is putting an end to that. No more separate ops. No more getting all the benefit of this merger.

Besides if you thought you were winning and going to get DOH you should be demanding combined ops. Put all us bad westies at the bottom of your list so you can get weekends of and upgrade.

Worried DOH is dead?.
too many gladiator movies!
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