You idiots just don't get it. There was a merger in 2005. There are no longer east and west bases. Just like there are not going to be any American bases.
The company decides where to but assets we just follow along. What you idiots want to do is continue to run separate ops forever. What you idiots want to do is like when the company closed PIT. Instead of following the assets you would have the PIT pilots furloughed.
All the west wants is to be treated equally by the company and the union. After the merger with American if the company decides to shrink CLT and grow LAX you do want to be able to bid for that right?
Get over yourselves. There was a merger yo have been through therefore you know what that means. Parker for his own reason has let you easties play your little denial game. The big money is putting an end to that. No more separate ops. No more getting all the benefit of this merger.
Besides if you thought you were winning and going to get DOH you should be demanding combined ops. Put all us bad westies at the bottom of your list so you can get weekends of and upgrade.
Worried DOH is dead?.