OK Maroon, I said there would be
NO DOH. That said, STARTING with the Nicolau with APA is no skin off the APA nose. Here's the APA quote from the update (2/27/2013):
"Many of you are concerned that, considering history, the outcome will be a “date-of-hire” seniority list that harms your career expectations. You can be sure that your leadership will determine the position that will best reflect the American Airlines pilots’ interests, and in that regard, a three-person arbitration panel should help to ensure a fair and balanced outcome. The APA Board of Directors has appointed a Seniority Integration Committee, supported by experienced counsel, and it is ready to carefully analyze the impact of the possible seniority integration methods in the specific circumstances of this case, including date-of-hire, length of service and ratio or other methods. Your APA Board of Directors will direct the Seniority Integration Committee to develop positions that best reflect our interests and career expectations."
Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life (apologies Dean Wormer). Pull your head out of your tailpipe and post with some sort of intelect (Please). You sir are the one of the biggest spinners here.