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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Show us all the one where the APA endorsed the nic....? No? Can't?...You mean they didn't? Impossible! How dare they not do so!? Didn't "youse" tell 'em all about "youse" being mighty "spartans", or at least flash your "Integrity matters" and "dire wolf" T-shirts for them? No matter. Keep spinning away. 🙂

OK Maroon, I said there would be NO DOH. That said, STARTING with the Nicolau with APA is no skin off the APA nose. Here's the APA quote from the update (2/27/2013):

"Many of you are concerned that, considering history, the outcome will be a “date-of-hire” seniority list that harms your career expectations. You can be sure that your leadership will determine the position that will best reflect the American Airlines pilots’ interests, and in that regard, a three-person arbitration panel should help to ensure a fair and balanced outcome. The APA Board of Directors has appointed a Seniority Integration Committee, supported by experienced counsel, and it is ready to carefully analyze the impact of the possible seniority integration methods in the specific circumstances of this case, including date-of-hire, length of service and ratio or other methods. Your APA Board of Directors will direct the Seniority Integration Committee to develop positions that best reflect our interests and career expectations."

Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life (apologies Dean Wormer). Pull your head out of your tailpipe and post with some sort of intelect (Please). You sir are the one of the biggest spinners here.

OK Maroon, I said there would be NO DOH. That said, STARTING with the Nicolau with APA is no skin off the APA nose. Here's the APA quote from the update (2/27/2013):

"Many of you are concerned that, considering history, the outcome will be a “date-of-hire” seniority list that harms your career expectations. You can be sure that your leadership will determine the position that will best reflect the American Airlines pilots’ interests, and in that regard, a three-person arbitration panel should help to ensure a fair and balanced outcome. The APA Board of Directors has appointed a Seniority Integration Committee, supported by experienced counsel, and it is ready to carefully analyze the impact of the possible seniority integration methods in the specific circumstances of this case, including date-of-hire, length of service and ratio or other methods. Your APA Board of Directors will direct the Seniority Integration Committee to develop positions that best reflect our interests and career expectations."

Fat, drunk & stupid is no way to go through life (apologies Dean Wormer). Pull your head out of your tailpipe and post with some sort of intelect (Please). You sir are the one of the biggest spinners here.


I do believe he prefers "General Maroon."
The only thing you are close to is DOH

Uhmm, your legal counsel said this...."we’re prepared to talk and we want to talk and we want genuine engagement from the West Pilots about the seniority proposal and we are prepared to make changes.”

It doesn't sound like DOH to me, but perhaps I'm misconstuing the quote,
Learn your history.

Do a little research.
NYC he was referring to all the flying they were doing mostly in Australia. Maybe CLAX could be so kind as to post that scab list again with all the AWE pilot names on it. He has a link to a good video as well.
nycbusdriver, on 20 May 2013 - 06:03 PM, said:

All over the world? Where outside of the United States? Japan and Mexico?

Learn your history.

Do a little research.

I do not have to do any more research,

Do not forget Bangkok. Also, Australia, where the america west pilots scabbed, I will not ever forget this or allow others.

Oh look! Claxman has brought out the old Ansett video (again, and again, and again, and again, and again...). He must be getting REALLY DESPERATE. Hey, why don't you post some nonsense of drug running from over 30 years ago. Maybe some other 20+ year old news (that really isn't news any longer). Keep clicking those heels, Dorothy.
So you are not confident and you will not present the DOH list and tell the judge to piss off.

Thought so. All talk no action.

How did the BPR meeting to today? Did they cave to the court pressure or stand tall and follow the angry FO direction? What is it going to be? DOH or death?

Marty Harper and Andy Jacobs of the Polsinelli Law Firm offers nothing that Judge Silver was looking for. It was still essentially Nic or nothing.

"Marty Harper (#003416)
Andrew S. Jacob (#22516)
Jennifer Axel (#023883)
One East Washington St., Suite 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Fax: (602) 264-7033
Phone: (602) 650-2000
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Don Addington; et al.,
US Airline Pilots Ass’n, et al.,
No. CV-13-00471-PHX-ROS
I. Overview
The Court should consider three remedies for USAPA’s breach of the duty of fair
representation (the “DFR&rdquo😉. The first remedy is to order USAPA to use the Nicolau
Award seniority list in the MOU seniority integration process. The second remedy, in the
alternative to the first, is to order USAPA to conduct a neutral arbitration to decide
between using the Nicolau Award list that was arbitrated in 2007 or a date-of-hire list. In
either alternative, the Court should grant a third remedy, awarding Plaintiffs reasonable
attorneys’ fees and expenses pursuant to common benefit doctrine.
dca319, on 20 May 2013 - 04:55 PM, said:

All Mike did was keep us on LoA93 -nothing more. In fact, he hurt us more than helped and gave a ton of ammo to the west and helped then maintain their fight. Mike was a failure and you're part of that failure Courtney.

Sooo he basically hurt those damn westies, which you obviously aren't one.

DCA319 is obviously a west pilot that returned from furlough to a job in the East, in anticipation of the merger with American Airlines.

You underestimating the intelligence of the East, has cost you dearly.
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