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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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USAPA has millions of dollars in the bank and it will not revert to APA. USAPA under the MOU has legal standing until M/B is complete. USAPA will sunset when M/B is complete....not before. You need to read the MOU. APA has their own cross to bear, and I hope all this legal mumbo-jumbo is just the tip of the iceberg.

Why do you think USAPA raised its dues?
If USAPA is under a court ordered injunction to use the unaltered nic award, you can raise the dues to 100%. Nothing will change. USAPA's MERGER COMMITTEE may have some standing but USAPA itself will be buried. The East will have to form their own group and start over. Will USAPA fund the new group out of the collective dues money? I know they'll try. What does that say about the neutrality of the union AKA Symanskis "clients". The Union is forbidden to choose sides. Bradford missed that part and after 5 years of blatant abuse it's impossible to hide.

Will be interesting to hear Siegles report to Silver next week. I wonder who complied to the spirit and intent of her order more completely.
Silver seams to take umbridge that AOL and USAPA didn't follow her order to negotiate something agreeable to each.... I have gone back and read her DJ order several times and I cannot for my life find anything at all resembling an order to AOL or USAPA to negotiate with each other.. Not one iota of such.

The only thing indicating an acknowledgement (that is not even an order) of negotiations is the responsibility of USAir to negotiate with USAPA...

Can anyone find her "order" or is she just trying her best to force a settlement before she is by law forced to toss it?
That's arguably the most apt summation I've seen here in days. 😉 Sheesh! And here we were all told that the nic was to be ordered in as "it" and an injunction granted on the 14th. Now it's all variations on "Just kidding!..But this time, really. really, REALLY!: We'll get you and your little dog too!...Just like we have for the last 6+ years now!..So you better be scared THIS time!...Even though the judge told us to blow the nic out our collective arses again!" Sigh!....It seems ya' can't really trust "spartans" for anything these days. 🙂
Reading comprehension problems? There isn't going to ever be a redo, especially under MB. Silver hasn't ruled on anything. She threw everybody off into an odd direction. Why will be known next week. She must know that mediated talks are entirely pointless and non binding...yet that's her desire.
Silver seams to take umbridge that AOL and USAPA didn't follow her order to negotiate something agreeable to each.... I have gone back and read her DJ order several times and I cannot for my life find anything at all resembling an order to AOL or USAPA to negotiate with each other.. Not one iota of such.

The only thing indicating an acknowledgement (that is not even an order) of negotiations is the responsibility of USAir to negotiate with USAPA...

Can anyone find her "order" or is she just trying her best to force a settlement before she is by law forced to toss it?
Nope. That's the conundrum. I don't buy that she had zero knowledge of her prior order. She seems to be getting at something...what that is, is a mystery....To USAPA.
Reading comprehension problems?

No. It's more a case of reality comprehension problems on your part methinks.

Explain how "youse" brilliant buncha' mighty "spartans" are going to force the nic into being...or just shut up. You bore me to tears.
Silver seams to take umbridge that AOL and USAPA didn't follow her order to negotiate something agreeable to each.... I have gone back and read her DJ order several times and I cannot for my life find anything at all resembling an order to AOL or USAPA to negotiate with each other.. Not one iota of such.

The only thing indicating an acknowledgement (that is not even an order) of negotiations is the responsibility of USAir to negotiate with USAPA...

Can anyone find her "order" or is she just trying her best to force a settlement before she is by law forced to toss it?

I didn't recall any order, either. But I don't read these things quite as thoroughly as some, and since it has taken 5 days for someone to question her comment, until now I just figured I had missed it.

She even offered to have the court record of the order read back to Harper when she insinuated that he was in violation of said order. I wish now that she did go ahead and have the record read back so that we would all know what she was talking about.

Could an order have come in chambers...privately? Is that allowable?
How would fair and equal representation give the West anything more than the East?

Nothing, but that is not what you guys want. You want more than equal. You want to be in a spoiler position. That is what I'm against. You have a separate table, give me a separate table-Fair?
No. It's more a case of reality comprehension problems on your part methinks.

Explain how "youse" brilliant buncha' mighty "spartans" are going to force the nic into being...or just shut up. You bore me to tears.
Silver declined to rule on anything yet...where is the reality comprehension problem? I'm pretty sure anybody that has been paying any form of attention knows exactly how AOL intends to enforce their rights to the Nic award. You still don't understand the use of the legal system? If only USAPA had ever discover what their DFR actually is...and what it looked like, perhaps you could have avoided the nic at some point. Would you rather take your chances with being able to appeal to the 9th or go to binding arbitration to find out which list USAPA will be forced to use in MB...no appeals allowed?

I think those are the two choices USAPA will have.
Nope. That's the conundrum. I don't buy that she had zero knowledge of her prior order. She seems to be getting at something...what that is, is a mystery....To USAPA.

What is it swami? What are we missing.

I think she is sympathetic to the west and trying to get us to agree to something she cannot order. We'll see.
Nothing, but that is not what you guys want. You want more than equal. You want to be in a spoiler position. That is what I'm against. You have a separate table, give me a separate table-Fair?
This is of course largely hypothetical but you WOULD have your own table. So would the West. Is the idea of fair representation so foreign to you it's impossible to grasp?
You still don't understand the use of the legal system?

In much larger measure than you and the whole pack of "dire wolves" do, it would seem. I'll now leave you to resume your long-established pattern of mindless and meaningless blustering. 🙂
This is of course largely hypothetical but you WOULD have your own table. So would the West.

That sounds amazingly desperate to me. Whatever happend to "Final and Binding!"...It's OVER!..Get used to it!"....and when's the next big announcement about the nic being "it" scheduled for..this time, I mean? 😉

If you honestly can't see the joke-value of the entirety of your and the whole west's astute predicitons over the course of the last six years...well...It's no wonder you don't/can't understand the naturally resulting laughter. 🙂

Metroyet: "I think those are the two choices USAPA will have." Excellent news! That places the actual probabilty of such happening in the near-zero range. 😉
Silver declined to rule on anything yet...where is the reality comprehension problem? I'm pretty sure anybody that has been paying any form of attention knows exactly how AOL intends to enforce their rights to the Nic award. You still don't understand the use of the legal system? If only USAPA had ever discover what their DFR actually is...and what it looked like, perhaps you could have avoided the nic at some point. Would you rather take your chances with being able to appeal to the 9th or go to binding arbitration to find out which list USAPA will be forced to use in MB...no appeals allowed?

I think those are the two choices USAPA will have.

You would think you would honestly STFU after all the bad advice you gave your former workers at AWA Kevin. Nobody believes any of the stuff you are trying to sell again. You literally ruined a lot of your friends personal finances. You have no idea, nor do your co conspirators , of the RLA.
Silver has no choice but to dismiss. She cannot tell USAPA how to bargain. Bill Wilder has made it abundantly clear. You and the rest of the west div. legal amateurs got it all wrong.
This will all be abundantly clear and direct shortly. You just make their situation more painful.
This is of course largely hypothetical but you WOULD have your own table. So would the West. Is the idea of fair representation so foreign to you it's impossible to grasp?

So all 12,000 future AA pilots would have their own table? Wow, that should work well. No, you want special treatment.

I can guarantee you that USAPA will handle the SLI differently than I would. If you get your OWN table, why not me? Simple really, why dance around it?

BTW, I have a post from you that says we have to have a LUP. Did you catch where Judge Silver told you what that was last week?
That sounds amazingly desperate to me. Whatever happend to "Final and Binding!"...It's OVER!..Get used to it!"....and when's the next big announcement about the nic being "it" scheduled for..this time, I mean? 😉

If you honestly can't see the joke-value of the entirety of your and the whole west's astute predicitons over the course of the last six years...well...It's no wonder you don't/can't understand the naturally resulting laughter. 🙂
As I said...pay attention...we are discussing a court ordered 3 way, fully independent East/West MB process. It's most likely illegal for a variety of reasons. It's something Silver has asked for briefs on. I am in no way suggesting it will/should/can happen. It's just curious to me how much fervor the idea of a truly fair and neutral integration that concept has caused. The idea of being barred from dictating a thing to the West seems to have some of you in a panic. I'd suggest you start wrapping your mind around the fact that one way or another, USAPA is getting control of any of this stripped out of their hands.
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