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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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So all 12,000 future AA pilots would have their own table? Wow, that should work well. No, you want special treatment.

I can guarantee you that USAPA will handle the SLI differently than I would. If you get your OWN table, why not me? Simple really, why dance around it?

BTW, I have a post from you that says we have to have a LUP. Did you catch where Judge Silver told you what that was last week?
No. Certified West class, certified East class, neutral USAPA...I know it's impossible to fathom, but the law requires the union to be neutral...(who are Symanskis true clients again)
You want to make it sound impossibly complicated. It isn't. Just fair and neutral. That's where you're having a problem with the idea. Don't worry. It won't happen. I still stick with preliminary injunction. USAPA is incapable of fair representation. I think that's being made obvious.
As I said...pay attention...

To YOU? Whatever for? 😉 As I said: You bore me to tears. Get all the "spartans" together and actually make something other than resulting laughter happen....or stop simply making an absurd spectacle of yourselves. 🙂
No. Certified West class, certified East class, neutral USAPA...I know it's impossible to fathom, but the law requires the union to be neutral...(who are Symanskis true clients again)
You want to make it sound impossibly complicated. It isn't. Just fair and neutral. That's where you're having a problem with the idea. Don't worry. It won't happen. I still stick with preliminary injunction. USAPA is incapable of fair representation. I think that's being made obvious.

Well you, clear, nic4us, res jud, ames and a few others have never been wrong, so I won't argue any more.

After last weeks hearing who knows what she will order.
To YOU? Whatever for? 😉 As I said: You bore me to tears. Get all the "spartans" together and actually make something other than resulting laughter happen....or stop simply making an absurd spectacle of yourselves. 🙂
Well, you're quoting me and mis-charactarizing the entire post. So...follow me now...in communications that would mean If I were to respond at all....still there?.....it would be to YOU. Get it? That's why i suggested you pay attention...because you're twisting MY words. As far as making something happen:

USAPA is now in settlement talks with the West forced upon it by the court. I'd say that's something. Siegle is going to report to the court on the 21st how neutral USAPA has been. Read the last thing Silver said before the Gavel dropped.

Still laughing? Still Bored?
Well, you're quoting me and mis-charactarizing the entire post. So...follow me now...in communications that would mean If I were to respond at all....still there?.....it would be to YOU. Get it? That's why i suggested you pay attention...because you're twisting MY words. As far as making something happen:

USAPA is now in settlement talks with the West forced upon it by the court. I'd say that's something. Siegle is going to report to the court on the 21st how neutral USAPA has been. Read the last thing Silver said before the Gavel dropped.

Still laughing? Still Bored?

Siegel has no legal power in any of this. Silver cannot order a union to negotiate per a hired lawyer for a corporation with a huge financial interest in the outcome. You continue to do your west counterparts a disservice with your poor grasp of RLA matters.
Siegel has no legal power in any of this. Silver cannot order a union to negotiate per a hired lawyer for a corporation with a huge financial interest in the outcome. You continue to do your west counterparts a disservice with your poor grasp of RLA matters.
Well, hate to break it to you, but she ordered that very thing. Siegle is mediating talks between the parties at an undisclosed location. It's a farce because it's not binding on anyone, but it's happening none the less. You'd have to ask her what the point of all of this is.
Well, you're quoting me and mis-charactarizing the entire post. So...follow me now...in communications that would mean If I were to respond at all....still there?.....it would be to YOU. Get it? That's why i suggested you pay attention...because you're twisting MY words. As far as making something happen:

USAPA is now in settlement talks with the West forced upon it by the court. I'd say that's something. Siegle is going to report to the court on the 21st how neutral USAPA has been. Read the last thing Silver said before the Gavel dropped.

Still laughing? Still Bored?
What a hoot! Another westie (or, in this case a westie wannabe) that thinks he is god's gift to the legal profession. I'm laughing my a$$ off!
Don't worry, you're gonna get yours handed to you soon, along with your buddies.

Mr. Siegel doesn't even have a clue. I doubt that she'll grant him any deference at all.
Well, you're quoting me and mis-charactarizing the entire post..........because you're twisting MY words.

Still laughing? Still Bored?

"mis-charactarizing.........because you're twisting MY words."...? 🙂

Waaah!....Poor Baby!....And yet it is YOU who presume yourself qualified to lecture ANY others on the glorious legal system's true nature? 😉 "Still laughing? Still Bored?" You bet kid. Now more than ever before. 🙂

PS: Per your inestimable umm..."understanding" of the majesty of law: Which is it now?: "USAPA is now in settlement talks with the West forced upon it by the court."...Or... "It's a farce because it's not binding on anyone,..."....? = "forced" or "a farce"? Take however long you need to rebut or feebly attempt explaination of even your own drivel....? 😉
And how the west said "Nic or nothing!"

It's all been seen countless times before in history, with far more abhorrent and tragic results. Key elements needed? = Convince a buncha' gullible halfwits that they're "superior"/"Integrity-Ridden"/whatever, magically embued with "heroic" qualities, as in mighty "spartans", solely from simply existing within their group of course, "entitled", and well...even at the level of a mere labor dispute; it's sickening to see as a continuing, spiritually cancerous element of human nature.

It's all been seen countless times before in history, with far more abhorrent and tragic results. Key elements needed? = Convince a buncha' gullible halfwits that they're "superior"/"Integrity-Ridden"/whatever, magically embued with "heroic" qualities, solely from being within their group of course, "entitled", as in mighty "spartans" and well...even at the level of a mere labor dispute; it's sickening to see as a continuing, spiritually cancerous element of human nature.

Oh the oblivious irony...
Oh the oblivious irony...

Contest and expand on that, if it wouldn't cost you any undue excess of neural synapse meltdowns. Take you best shot. I'm up for a good laugh. 🙂 You wish to, with complete contempt for all others, manifest even your newly hired, "spartan" selves as magically "superior" to less "worthy", mere mortals with "only" 17 years more worked experience. Good luck with your BS, little "spartan". 😉

Whilst you're pretentiously imagining yourself as the slightest semblance of a functionally sentient human being: How about fielding the former posting?: "PS: Per your inestimable umm..."understanding" of the majesty of law: Which is it now?: "USAPA is now in settlement talks with the West forced upon it by the court."...Or... "It's a farce because it's not binding on anyone,..."....? = "forced" or "a farce"? Take however long you need to rebut or feebly attempt explaination of even your own drivel....?" 🙂

PS: Uh Oh!...A minus vote already!? Sigh! Such rapier-like "wit", by way of response, must needs see me slink back to my cave and tend to my grievous wounds! Have a good evening All...Even you "spartans". 🙂
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