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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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I wonder if the process can be viewed as combining the west list with APA, and also combining the east list with APA? In other words, two separate events in which groups not represented by the same union are being integrated.

If it gets to arbitrations, it would mean two separate panels, one following the other. (Who gets to go first?) That, at least, would meet the M/B criteria for the necessity of different unions.
You almost got it right.

Read the transcripts from the NY court. Read the company filing.

Both say there will be two separate seniority mergers. But first the east /west list will be done. Then and only then will a us airways list be combined with the American list.

Usapa is hanging out there on their own saying it will be a three way and only usapa can represent the west. I think after judge Silver showed she listens to uncle Bob, Bob told her exactly that E/W first. The west has offered arbitration. How confident is usapa in their position of DOH or death?
The company is also way out of bounds with Siegel.

The MOU is not a contract. Where did he get his law degree. Kmart?

The MOU clearly talks about how to get to a JCBA

It's not going to be DOH is all the west can say. If the NIC would of been reasonable slotting we wouldn't be here.
Siegal a lawyer with years of experience says it is ripe.

You, who I doubt even has a law degree say otherwise. Who oh who should I believe?
In Doug's dream we all stay separate until Jan 2019. The APA pilots don't get it yet. They still love Dougie for cutting a deal to keep the pension. A JCBA will cost the company around 400 to 500 million per year for the combined pilot groups. Doug saves the company in the neighborhood of 2 billion dollars thru the life of the MOU. Doug the bar room brawler.
Would one of you easties care to educate first officer clueless on the MOU and what the date Feb 8, 2013 means.

Why separate ops is not going to happen.
As shown by the foregoing, pre-deregulation CAB precedents do not provide
authority for this Court to appoint separate representatives for former America West
pilots in the Section 3 and 13 proceeding. The CAB uniformly rejected such efforts. To
the contrary, the CAB itself identified in its post-deregulation decision in National
Airlines Acquisition, that it had only granted party status to an interest group that
represented all of the craft or class of one of the merging carriers and only where the craft
or class would otherwise be unrepresented in collective bargaining following the merger
The west has offered binding arbitration to you easties. Head to head comparison. Either the bad old unfair Nic or the gold standard DOH. Let a neutral decide.

Yet no eastie has has even commented on the offer, if you guys are so confident about your position and the gold standard DOH why not jump at the chance?

Not so sure inventing a seniority list in the back of a van is going to gain any support outside your little group? Seems usapa is on a smaller island all the time. Not a single friend to help you out.

The company
The west

All lining up behind the west.
There is no judicial authority for using CAB authority to fill in alleged holes in the
statute or to expand the McCaskill-Bond Amendment beyond the language of its text.
The statute nowhere empowers a court to appoint representatives for employees in a
seniority integration proceeding. Indeed, the statute plainly incorporates NMB
determinations of the questions of craft or class and representation through its language

conditioning imposition of the Section 3 and 13 seniority integration process to “covered

transaction involving two or more covered air carriers that results in the combination of

crafts or classes that are subject to the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 151 et

"[8] Plaintiffs seek to escape this conclusion by framing
their harm as the lost opportunity to have a CBA implementing
the Nicolau Award put to a ratification vote. Because
merely putting a CBA effectuating the Nicolau Award to a
ratification vote will not itself alleviate the West Pilots furloughs,
Plaintiffs have not identified a sufficiently concrete
injury.2 Additionally, USAPA’s final proposal may yet be one
that does not work the disadvantages Plaintiffs fear, even if
that proposal is not the Nicolau Award."

"2Plaintiffs’ alleged hardship cannot instead be premised on any delay
caused by USAPA in reaching a single CBA. As the district court noted,
Plaintiffs abandoned their claim that USAPA is intentionally delaying
negotiation of a CBA. Addington, 2009 WL 2169164, at *22 (“During discovery,
Plaintiffs retreated from any notion of deliberate delay on the part
of USAPA.&rdquo😉. The dissent’s assertion that “the absence of a CBA is itself
powerful evidence of a DFR violation,” Diss. op. at 8015, is therefore misplaced.
Although absence of a CBA might be evidence of a DFR violation,
if the violation were based on deliberate delay by the union, it is not evidence
of a union’s improper preference of one seniority system over
another. As demonstrated by ALPA’s similar difficulties in reaching a
CBA, the pilot groups, and individual pilots with their ratification/nonratification
powers, are the major contributors to the absence of a CBA in
these circumstances."

All roads lead to the 9th Circuit Court Mr Segal.

You read your own marty and his daddy and 28j Jacob filings.

Snap dis "youse guys" is quoting the same army of lyingitas "legal experts" filings. Ever
since the 9th told Judge Wake to tear up the dfr 1 your legal team has been making fools of them selves.

Judge Silver is trying to mediate and give you one last chance, take or leave it.

How's that Agent of Delay strategy working out for ya Claxo?

The Agents of Leonidas are all over it. Too bad you can't be a part of our club. The club that does not collect extortion, just donations.
How's that Agent of Delay strategy working out for ya Claxo?

The Agents of Leonidas are all over it. Too bad you can't be a part of our club. The club that does not collect extortion, just donations.
Who is delaying the inevitable?

Your feeble donations to your "Club" are due to your extortion (The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.) of the west pilots sir.

"The West Pilots are entitled to a common benefit award for that entire course—from 2008 to the present."

Marty Harper, Polsinelli Law Firm, legal brief
Do you think the squid had enough exhibits..Claxo?

One thing comes to mind:

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