Communications Committee
May 11, 2013
USAPA Update - Addington II Filings
We have added an extensive number of documents to the Legal Library pertaining to the up-coming hearing next week. They are listed below and were all filed yesterday, May 10. The principal document is Doc 76, Joint Status Report, which indicates that the hearing on May 14 in Phoenix, will not be an evidentiary hearing with witnesses and testimony, and therefore will not be like the hearing held in Charlotte before Judge Conrad almost two years ago, on the Company’s complaint for a Preliminary Injunction against USAPA.
In this case, Judge Silver issued an order on April 18 (Doc 43) setting deadlines for filing certain papers, setting May 14 as the date for a hearing on the Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction, and directing the attorneys to confer and submit a joint status report by May 10, which the Court directed “should include the identity of any proposed witnesses, as well as the scope of such witnesses’ testimony.” When the attorneys began discussing the hearing, Plaintiffs indicated that they did not intend to call any witnesses, were going to submit the matter on the papers they had previously filed, and wanted to spend 6 hours presenting argument before Judge Silver. USAPA agreed to present its evidence in the form of declarations and exhibits but, as indicated in the Joint Report, believes that it is up to the Court to decide how long it wants to spend listening to the lawyers, given that there will not be any witnesses.
Also at issue between the parties is the order of argument. USAPA suggests that the order of argument should be addressed, in this order:
(1) US Airways Motion to Dismiss,
(2) USAPA’s Motion to Dismiss and
(3) Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction.
The Plaintiffs (joined by US Airways) have suggested a much more complicated schedule that divides the argument by issue rather than by motion. The scheme suggested by Plaintiffs (and US Airways) is in Doc 76. The Court will make the final decision on the order of argument and how much time it will allow.
In any event, there is no plan to present any witnesses at the hearing on May 14. All the evidence concerning the Plaintiffs’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction will be presented by Declarations and Exhibits. Most, if not all of these Declarations and Exhibits have already been filed.
The list of USAPA Exhibits is Doc 80. The list of Plaintiffs Exhibits is Doc 82. US Airways has filed a notice that it will not submit any exhibits of its own (Doc 81). Note that the standard practice before Judge Silver is for the numbering of plaintiff exhibits to start at “1” and defendant exhibits to start at “100.” Other filings yesterday involved the admission of three lawyers representing the Allied Pilots Association (Docs 70-73).
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USAPA Communications
Addington II Filings from May 10, 2013, now posted in the Legal Library.