Marty vs Pat.
My money is on Marty!
In your case it is a double or nothing loss.
Marty vs Pat.
My money is on Marty!
In your case it is a double or nothing loss.
Wow. What if he's posting from his phone? What if he's just trying to wind you up? What if he just doesn't give a rip about your (or others) opinion of him?
Yes they are own up to the fact your a WEST PILOT! AHOLE!Exactly. These little tests are pointless and worthless. I've more that proven I'm east so move on. You should focus more on our impending loss coming up than on whether or not I'm east.
HOW pissed must you be at AOL? One can only imagine the the fanfair of a minor dispute dragged into FEDERAL COURT, the "HYPOCRISY" effects us all! Be prepaired on TUESDAY to be major pissed when those ARMYOFUSUNHIREABLES do you a "DUH" all over again! Hey it is ur dues at work! AS for us EASTIES LOFAO!Union dues being spent on a loser grievance does affect me. A union that fails to treat ALL pilots fairly does affect me. The fact that usapa failed to arbitrate the west distance learning grievance did affect me. Yet usapa now wants to not only arbitrate an east grievance they want to spend additional money in federal court. That does affect me.
The fact that usapa argues on one side that a minor dispute against the company should be in federal court. On the other side they say a DFR belongs at the system board. The hypocrisy affects me. System boards are for dispute between the company and the union. Not between the union and members. Once again usapa gets it wrong.
The douchbaggery of usapa and east pilots affects me.
One can only imagine how you feel about ADDINGTON I, The idea , they know it is not ripe call in BALDOCK, his influence WAKE, and use political contacts to influence outside the law alternatives, absolutely digusting to the justice system!Union dues being spent on a loser grievance does affect me. A union that fails to treat ALL pilots fairly does affect me. The fact that usapa failed to arbitrate the west distance learning grievance did affect me. Yet usapa now wants to not only arbitrate an east grievance they want to spend additional money in federal court. That does affect me.
The fact that usapa argues on one side that a minor dispute against the company should be in federal court. On the other side they say a DFR belongs at the system board. The hypocrisy affects me. System boards are for dispute between the company and the union. Not between the union and members. Once again usapa gets it wrong.
The douchbaggery of usapa and east pilots affects me.
BOUT TIME THE GLOVES COME OFF!Looks like USAPA is going to fight fire with NUCS! Since "Plaintiffs" wish to violate the rules of Civil Procedure and "back door" discovery and evidentiary hearings, why not just do the safe thing and "inundate the court" with exhibits. Harper doesn't seem to follow the rules, why should USAPA have to? I wish I could be there next week. Pat and the team looks like they will FINALLY be well prepared for the Court this time around.
if he is move2clt tell him the Davidson realtors come to the airport looking for himYes they are own up to the fact your a WEST PILOT! AHOLE!
if he is move2clt tell him the Davidson realtors come to the airport looking for him
May 11, 2013
Leonidas Update
When the hearing is complete, there is no timetable for a ruling from the Court.
Leonidas, LLC
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Wait a minute. I have been misled. I thought Prechill had a countdown clock going for the big NIC slam down on Tuesday. I was already loading up my fallout shelter with food, and preparing my family for the worst.
I have GOT to stop believing what I read on web boards posted by random people.
Every time I do so, the stupid law gets in the way of all the postings, emotions, and feelings here.
When will I ever finally learn...
DOH! (that's date of hire, by the way!)