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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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"All we care to say about USAPA’s filings is that they present no new or novel arguments; what we read in them is exactly what we have heard all along. Nevertheless, we are delighted that the UCC and AMR argue quite persuasively in their filings that Addington II is ripe and should be adjudicated in Judge Silver’s court.

We have a busy docket ahead of us. Please review the scheduling order for a list of due dates. The final brief will be from the West and it is due on May 9th. Then there will be a joint status report filed by all the parties, followed by an in-court hearing on May 14th before Judge Silver. Once these briefs are submitted and once the hearing is completed, we expect that Judge Silver will rule on whether the West is entitled to a preliminary injunction that mandates use of the Nicolau. We expect that decision to arrive in late summer or early fall. If successful, then we will return to court to litigate over the issuance of a permanent injunction. That second process will likely involve a trial, just like the trial that was held before Judge Conrad in the US Airways suit against USAPA in North Carolina wherein witnesses were called and arguments were made.

Finally, we would like to announce that a Meet and Greet with the West attorneys is scheduled for Friday, May 17th at 9AM. The location is the Coast Phoenix Sky Harbor Hotel, 4300 East Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034 in the Oasis Room, 602-273-7778. In the meantime, we thank you for your unwavering support. Six years ago, nobody believed the West pilot group would stick together. We did, and we do believe that all your faith, trust and support is about to pay off."

It will be final and binding upon a joint contract.

Have you not read the transition agreement?
The transition agreement has been superseded by a MOU. Have you not read the MOU?
And there is NO mention of seniority in the MOU, now is there?

And your not working under the MOU, its not effective until the POR is approved.
Oh, the one that says East and West get to vote on a JCBA that institutes it? Show me that JCBA that includes the NIC so I can vote against it.

Don't bother looking. Does not exist. And note, the MOU does say in at least two places that it has NO effect on the NIC. The West Class is now in court trying to say you actually voted on a combined list nobody has ever seen. I guess in a pinch we could always provide a DOH list to Judge Silver with NO conditions and restrictions.

Judge Silver first rules USAPA does NOT have to use the NIC (and strangely so, she could have avoided that ruling. But chose to do it anyway.) The West Class then agrees to a NEW process that negates LOA 96, yet somehow clings to the belief they can still extract a vapid and evil NIC list from the un-ratified previous process. I don't know Judge Silver, but I know she is smarter than a West Class pilot, and way smarter than Harper.

And then there is always the chance she will go down the "third party" route. That is not a question before her, she may plead for the downtrodden West Class, but has no power to give them "status." They are already represented by USAPA.

"All we care to say about USAPA’s filings is that they present no new or novel arguments; what we read in them is exactly what we have heard all along. Nevertheless, we are delighted that the UCC and AMR argue quite persuasively in their filings that Addington II is ripe and should be adjudicated in Judge Silver’s court.

We have a busy docket ahead of us. Please review the scheduling order for a list of due dates. The final brief will be from the West and it is due on May 9th. Then there will be a joint status report filed by all the parties, followed by an in-court hearing on May 14th before Judge Silver. Once these briefs are submitted and once the hearing is completed, we expect that Judge Silver will rule on whether the West is entitled to a preliminary injunction that mandates use of the Nicolau. We expect that decision to arrive in late summer or early fall. If successful, then we will return to court to litigate over the issuance of a permanent injunction. That second process will likely involve a trial, just like the trial that was held before Judge Conrad in the US Airways suit against USAPA in North Carolina wherein witnesses were called and arguments were made.

Finally, we would like to announce that a Meet and Greet with the West attorneys is scheduled for Friday, May 17th at 9AM. The location is the Coast Phoenix Sky Harbor Hotel, 4300 East Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034 in the Oasis Room, 602-273-7778. In the meantime, we thank you for your unwavering support. Six years ago, nobody believed the West pilot group would stick together. We did, and we do believe that all your faith, trust and support is about to pay off."

West pilots can't count:

No later than May 9, 2013 USAPA shall file their reply. http://leonidas.cactuspilots.us/West_Pilot_DFR_DJ/Doc_43_130418_Order%20re_briefing_schedule.pdf
It will be final and binding upon a joint contract.

Have you not read the transition agreement?
You don't know what you're talking about. Your small business of cleaning the cat box is calling.
And there is NO mention of seniority in the MOU, now is there?

And your not working under the MOU, its not effective until the POR is approved.

Actually there is quite a bit about seniority (listS)in the MOU and the west pilots are claiming otherwise on your second claim.
"All we care to say about USAPA’s filings is that they present no new or novel arguments; what we read in them is exactly what we have heard all along.

Good. Agreed. And just like Seham told you almost 5 years ago, what you have is a minor dispute, nothing more. Strange, with the clock ticking towards a late August POR, you would waste time with your current actions in Judge Silver's court, and not in front of Bloch (sp?)

But happy you are doing that, we are but a few months away from this all being moot....as the Company pleaded in the Ninth last month.

West pilots can't count:

No later than May 9, 2013 USAPA shall file their reply. http://leonidas.cact...ng_schedule.pdf

Agreed. They don't even read their own updates. From a recent PHX update:

Litigation Flow Chart (courtesy of John Owens, USAPA Business Intelligence):


John, Roger & Dave

Note - Phoenix Update edited by USAPA Communications

Nobody answered my "Marty does math" question. Think he read this west rep update:


Feb. 17, 2013
Greeting PHX based pilots! Well, the time draws near to see what next steps take place in this merger of US Airways and American Airlines.
First of all we wish to thank those of you that took the time to attend the Phoenix NAC MOU road shows, and to all of our voters for the turnout. As you may recall 3740 total votes were cast and of that 3547 were eligible (all bases). This accounts for 94.8% of the eligible voters. Phoenix cast 1041 votes, and overwhelmingly approved the MOU.
We have now successfully taken a step to the end of this particular journey, but we are not quite there yet. As of 02/15/2013 we have 1103 of 1386 eligible (employed, flying pilots) on the Phoenix property. We have 5 new applicants. We have 148 objectors/non-members (that are financially in good standing), and we have 130 members in bad standing. Objectors/Non-members in good standing can apply right away and vote. Those in bad standing must pay, and await a 30 day period before being eligible to vote. Please DON’T FORGET: If Phoenix goes below 1000 members in good standing, we lose one representative on the BPR. That would be VERY BAD, as there would likely be a considerable swing in power base of the Board.
Nobody answered my "Marty does math" question. Think he read this west rep update:


Feb. 17, 2013
Greeting PHX based pilots! Well, the time draws near to see what next steps take place in this merger of US Airways and American Airlines.
First of all we wish to thank those of you that took the time to attend the Phoenix NAC MOU road shows, and to all of our voters for the turnout. As you may recall 3740 total votes were cast and of that 3547 were eligible (all bases). This accounts for 94.8% of the eligible voters. Phoenix cast 1041 votes, and overwhelmingly approved the MOU.
We have now successfully taken a step to the end of this particular journey, but we are not quite there yet. As of 02/15/2013 we have 1103 of 1386 eligible (employed, flying pilots) on the Phoenix property. We have 5 new applicants. We have 148 objectors/non-members (that are financially in good standing), and we have 130 members in bad standing. Objectors/Non-members in good standing can apply right away and vote. Those in bad standing must pay, and await a 30 day period before being eligible to vote. Please DON’T FORGET: If Phoenix goes below 1000 members in good standing, we lose one representative on the BPR. That would be VERY BAD, as there would likely be a considerable swing in power base of the Board.

Not to worry PI, it's all locked and loaded for any hearing going forward. As well as the postings here (with names) claiming they KNEW what was in the MOU but voted on it anyway to secure a future DFR. What is next, calling a safety hotline with prank calls, ignoring your own caller ID? Its enough to get you "RICO'd" Go figure. You cannot fix stupid.

It will be final and binding upon a joint contract.

Have you not read the transition agreement?

And too bad for you there will never be a joint contract between US and AWA. the TA has been renegotiated. Read the company filings with the court.
Snap This,

Why do you not post the army of lyingitas contributors and put the names up twice to look like you have a following? Did you fly a 727 for Pan Am or Eastern, you alluded to this in one of your posts I have bookmarked?

Anyone that gives another dime to your cause, deserves what they get. You lost, lead now and move on.
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