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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Having lived under the IAM, I found that these LOA's have a cost.
The company is not just going to agree to a LOA that saves jobs without a benefit to them.
Better ask yourselves what this LOA actually costs.

I never liked LOA's as the onion and company negotiated 'something' out of contract without the membership knowing what the payment is.

Of course I could be wrong and the company has decided to be generous. LOL!

B) xUT
Thanks for your reply. Any chance of getting the 90+ number of flights reduced in order to reclaim an outsourced station back? I never understood how we could lose the work at 56, and require much more to regain it.
Thanks for your reply. Any chance of getting the 90+ number of flights required to reclaim an outsourced station back? I never understood how we could lose the work at 56, and require much more to regain it.
While I can't talk specifically on what all we have proposed to better our scope in the future. I can say that I personally agree with you 100%. To be able to contract us out at 56 flights per week, and not bring us back in until they get over 98, these are numbers the company has definitely used to their advantage.
Having lived under the IAM, I found that these LOA's have a cost.
The company is not just going to agree to a LOA that saves jobs without a benefit to them.
Better ask yourselves what this LOA actually costs.

I never liked LOA's as the onion and company negotiated 'something' out of contract without the membership knowing what the payment is.

Of course I could be wrong and the company has decided to be generous. LOL!

B) xUT

I would assume that this apparent good will offer would require that we do like wise , so no work safe campaign or shenanigans.
The official IAM update from Rich Delaney is on the district web site at www. iam141.org. This speaks about this past week on the job security, and also the seniority agreement, that was agreed to.
i really have no idea what you are talking about since nobody has been a bigger advocate for small stations than me. Why would you suggest jax is much different than ord? Ord and all class 2 stations have always been subject to contracting out in april. Ord is a "small" station much like ind was. Cb said that the scope was done until when the joint talks start and if thats good enough for you then i think you have seriously disregarded small stations. We need to expand scope not play games like cb did and stick a one year band aid on the asshat scope we have now. Cb says there is progress. Lmfao! Where? We got members that cb hasnt been able to get a penny pay raise for. Will it come easy? No. But when management reads this forum and we have our nc say "progress" but are still stuck with a nasty situation then that telegraphs back to management that we think crumbs is progress. Sorry but cb talked fast and when i asked him to show us the loa he decided to blow smoke. If he is going to talk about the loa then he needs to be upfront and let us see it. I also recommend that our members are worth more than having to get information from "alias". Why not post under his real name? Whats the fuss?
You have been quoted as saying "one year protection isn't much to write home about" I beg to differ. Your station was not on the chopping block. Your insensitive and negative comments regarding the LOA speaks volumes. ORD was not on the chopping block because of the existing presence of AA at ORD. Please don't try to insinuate that ORD and JAX are in the same situation. Give credit where credit is due Tim. Whats the fuss?
i really have no idea what you are talking about since nobody has been a bigger advocate for small stations than me. Why would you suggest jax is much different than ord? Ord and all class 2 stations have always been subject to contracting out in april. Ord is a "small" station much like ind was. Cb said that the scope was done until when the joint talks start and if thats good enough for you then i think you have seriously disregarded small stations. We need to expand scope not play games like cb did and stick a one year band aid on the asshat scope we have now. Cb says there is progress. Lmfao! Where? We got members that cb hasnt been able to get a penny pay raise for. Will it come easy? No. But when management reads this forum and we have our nc say "progress" but are still stuck with a nasty situation then that telegraphs back to management that we think crumbs is progress. Sorry but cb talked fast and when i asked him to show us the loa he decided to blow smoke. If he is going to talk about the loa then he needs to be upfront and let us see it. I also recommend that our members are worth more than having to get information from "alias". Why not post under his real name? Whats the fuss?


Can't you just for one second stop playing politics and accept a little positive development from the last week? Sheesh, shazamm, geez, cripes, phooey.

IAM/LCC/CC ? Article 3 -Recognition and Scope.Pgs.8-9. What happens with stations that were protected under the US/LCC May 8, 2008 CBA. Several that still have F/S Agents fall below the 7 flts. a day 49 a wk. operating with A/C with more than 69 seats ?
IAM/LCC/NC it appears that WE and NMB have finally got AMR Groups attention in DCA. Thank you . Received the UPDATED LOA on Article 3- Recognition and Scope. Solidarity at DFW.
i really have no idea what you are talking about since nobody has been a bigger advocate for small stations than me. Why would you suggest jax is much different than ord? Ord and all class 2 stations have always been subject to contracting out in april. Ord is a "small" station much like ind was. Cb said that the scope was done until when the joint talks start and if thats good enough for you then i think you have seriously disregarded small stations. We need to expand scope not play games like cb did and stick a one year band aid on the asshat scope we have now. Cb says there is progress. Lmfao! Where? We got members that cb hasnt been able to get a penny pay raise for. Will it come easy? No. But when management reads this forum and we have our nc say "progress" but are still stuck with a nasty situation then that telegraphs back to management that we think crumbs is progress. Sorry but cb talked fast and when i asked him to show us the loa he decided to blow smoke. If he is going to talk about the loa then he needs to be upfront and let us see it. I also recommend that our members are worth more than having to get information from "alias". Why not post under his real name? Whats the fuss?

Sounds like someone's got a massive case of butthurt for not having made the NC.

Can't you just for one second stop playing politics and accept a little positive development from the last week? Sheesh, shazamm, geez, cripes, phooey.

P. REZ...

I would like to thank you, and the rest of N/C for your service. Not many actually know what you guys have to go through to hammer out an agreement under the RLA, and the impending Transition Talks. Which incidentally... may, or may not even be negotiated by the IAM in the near future!

I will say this… there are a lot of “armchair” negotiations experts prowling these forums. They all claim they could do better, they are smarter, the IAM is inept, and the N/C is impotent. To do what you do requires thick skin and a passion for unionism in general.

I have one last thing for you to consider. I want you, Charlie… and the rest of the team to realize that the majority of the Membership is behind you all the way! Do not let a few malcontents derail your confidence and goals! We elected you guys to do a job… keep the faith until the job is done!

Now… for all the Members that are reading this… the N/C is not the final say on any contract… YOU are! Anything that is proposed will need Membership approval through the Ratification Process.
Let me say this once, I'm not going to start debating back and forth with you. My goal is to inform members on here on what's going on. However I do find it funny that you will get on here and respond about what we are doing in negotiations now, when you told everyone we wouldn't even be in this situation, that we would go directly into joint talks. So it seems to me that anything we get in negotiations is far more than what you believed we would get. I'm not concerned about what you think, or your opinion, I'm here to give info.


At this point… Mr. Nelson is inconsequential, as well as being a fading anachronism! We elected YOU and the rest of ND team TWICE for a reason!

The Membership is focused on fair compensation, seniority protection, and job protection (pre and post merger). It is evident that you guys understand this as these talks continue…
Isnt it time for timmy to start is own pretend union again?

Seems when its time for the membership to stick together, tim tries to divide it apart.

Once again, its all about tim, and not whats best for the membership.

Since tim has never negotiated a CBA nor been up against Hemenway, Harbinson and company during negotiations, all he does it throw attacks and insults to those that are trying to negotiate.
The official IAM update from Rich Delaney is on the district web site at www. iam141.org. This speaks about this past week on the job security, and also the seniority agreement, that was agreed to.
im sorry but we deserve better than rich"s version of things. Where the hell is the loa and why havent you guys the decency to post it? regards
You have been quoted as saying "one year protection isn't much to write home about" I beg to differ. Your station was not on the chopping block. Your insensitive and negative comments regarding the LOA speaks volumes. ORD was not on the chopping block because of the existing presence of AA at ORD. Please don't try to insinuate that ORD and JAX are in the same situation. Give credit where credit is due Tim. Whats the fuss?
what loa? Post it. Until then what did we give up? Our prior stance was a comprehensive contract like 142 is still pursuing. Why did we agree to shift? This is the sorta thing i was concerned about and it is consistent with other failed strategies. Our nc would do better just following 142and let 142 go first before we toss in comprehensive talks for a cinderrelli clause that expires and places us back at "go" after 3 years of talks. Jax deserves something better than a cinderrella clause. If it allows u to retire in a year then fine but jax deserves better. As far as ord, the loa signed for seniority is appreciated and thanks to the twu 141 and 142. regards
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