So what you are really saying is the institution holding our pension is not as secure as you holding your $$$ in a roth or 401k if the asset classes fail.....You and i are Rampers. We know squat compared to financial institutions.....if the IAMNPF were to fail we all wil lbe pushing Shopping carts. Including you!
The pension doesn't have to fail ... and then of course what is failure defined as ? If the IAMPNF loses 25% of it's holdings in the future while 401K's and other classes lose 50% ... then our pension would be considered successful compared against other investment options ....
Really a lot of it depends on just what's in the IAMPNF books ... are they holding mostly high grade bonds ? Money market accounts , Government treasuries ?
I'm sure that they have made some VERY safe investment choices ...but i'm also fairly confident that their chasing yield ( you know growth on their investment , like the interest rate you get at the bank for your savings account ) ...However have you noticed that the percent back on most savings accounts is pitiful ? That's because the safer the investment , the less the yield is on your money ...
The higher the yield , the greater the risk ...Risk is bad when it comes to pensions ...but at the same time in order for the pension to offer us more money than what we're putting in today and it not be a straight savings account that pays you out only exactly what you put in ... They have to be growing the pensions funds SOMEHOW ...
So the question is how are they growing the pensions funds ?
What do all of you think will happen once the government stops supporting the economy via QE ?well i'll tell you , #### will hit the fan ... but to be honest , I don't see QE support coming to an end anytime soon ...
So the new question is , what will happen if the government continues to print money it doesn't have for years and years on end ? Inflation , hyper inflation , the devaluation of the dollar ? Worthless T notes ?
I'm sure some asset classes would rise in such a scenario such as property and metals ( gold/silver ) , also by "rise" , I of course mean maintain more of their value in a deprecating environment....( so everything is falling , but some things are falling less far than others )
i'm a simple baggage handler , but these are the questions that I wonder to myself about the pension ...Odds are that we have run of the mill investment types controlling the pension ... the same type of people who never saw the 2007 economic crisis coming ... The same types who simply cannot understand that our economy is in distress today , because it's hidden by the effects of QE ....
Just because the guys running the pension might have worked on wall street , or have some fancy degree from some big name college doesn't mean their better than we are ... We baggage handlers are real , we deal with the economy on a daily basis , we travel the country and the world , we talk to actual human beings that have to live their lives in the current economic climate .. we are the ultimate man on the street ..