I think you may be right in that regard… if I’m not mistaken (Maybe towbar can expound) -- the UA T/A allows for outsourcing in some small cities, “provided” there is no reduction in Head-Count. Further, as you wrote… this does nothing to protect the individual small stations that are adversely impacted by the scope language. Essentially… the rejected UA T/A was only guaranteeing jobs… not necessarily WHERE the jobs actually are… or will be!
This is nothing new for Fleet, Mechanics, F/A’s or Pilots at UA or anywhere else. This trend has been progressing for decades… a little at a time. We actually knew in the 80’s that the only places that would be safe in terms of job protection were the “hubs”. We also knew in the 80’s that there would be consolidation, that would result in many displacements. Now, here we are some 30 years later… and ALL of those things have, and will continue to transpire!
I’m not sure what the solution would be… other than to demand “no out-sourcing” language as opposed to “job-protection language”. Either way… the Company and the Union always do their math based on Membership distribution. The mindset is, since the hubs contain the majority, they will democratically supersede the smaller cities in voting power.
This was graphically demonstrated in the US agreement, that folks like freedom supported, knowing full well that the scope would result in the closing of several smaller cities!