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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Show us where there is an agreement with the federal government for no job losses in a merger?

Layoffs suck, even a no layoff clause didnt protect workers from a force majuere due to 9/11 and SARS.

You voting for a CBA to get a raise, while throwing your union brothers and sisters under the boss and laid off is not solidarity.
let's see where we are today ........

So I've stated that

1. There should be Zero job losses in any new contract

2. pension contributions should be kept at the current rate ( advances in negoations should go into the membership's pockets )

3. building solidarity is more about just talking about it online ... it has to take place in the break rooms and on the picket line .
based on the ignorance you exhibit on this forum I would prefer you keep quiet in the breakrooms. I don't see you on any picket line. Based on previous posts I see you as one who would cross.
Show us where there is an agreement with the federal government for no job losses in a merger?

Layoffs suck, even a no layoff clause didnt protect workers from a force majuere due to 9/11 and SARS.

You voting for a CBA to get a raise, while throwing your union brothers and sisters under the boss and laid off is not solidarity.

The fact that the job losses have been brought up has been cause for discussion at home in PHX ...

Those whom I have talked to , men and women I know to be solid union people who actually get out there and picket or do whatever else is required , are of the mind that perhaps if the East side had shown up to help us get a better contract instead of fighting us ... well things might be a lot better than they are today ...

but considering that we had to a fight a two front war here in the West ... i'm mighty proud of what we accomplished ...

To those of you from AA who are reading this board ... understand that I spearheaded the online drive for my side , the victorious side ...from some of the comments you would think that it was I who lost and the others who won ...that is not the case ..

We did what we had to do , and you couldn't stop us ... we are stronger than you are ... and when it is time to take action again ... it will once more be us leading the fight , and many of you sitting at home again ..

This time we will lead the fight for no more job losses , no more outsourcing , and of course a better contract for all of us ....

based on the ignorance you exhibit on this forum I would prefer you keep quiet in the breakrooms. I don't see you on any picket line. Based on previous posts I see you as one who would cross.

the reason you don't see me on any picket line is because you've never been to one .........
The fact that the job losses have been brought up has been cause for discussion at home in PHX ...

Those whom I have talked to , men and women I know to be solid union people who actually get out there and picket or do whatever else is required , are of the mind that perhaps if the East side had shown up to help us get a better contract instead of fighting us ... well things might be a lot better than they are today ...

but considering that we had to a fight a two front war here in the West ... i'm mighty proud of what we accomplished ...

To those of you from AA who are reading this board ... understand that I spearheaded the online drive for my side , the victorious side ...from some of the comments you would think that it was I who lost and the others who won ...that is not the case ..

We did what we had to do , and you couldn't stop us ... we are stronger than you are ... and when it is time to take action again ... it will once more be us leading the fight , and many of you sitting at home again ..

This time we will lead the fight for no more job losses , no more outsourcing , and of course a better contract for all of us ....


Your Acorns have fallen waaaaayyyy to far from your tree.........
The IAM needs to bring back the Union Awareness program that many of us went through in the 90s that explained the history of the IAM and in the airline industry.

The IAM has a lot of resources available if a member wants to educate themselves.

Myself, I attended union meetings, became involved, was a shop steward, trustee, recording secretary, award winning editor, various committee memberships, district communicator for 142, negotiating committee member and attended every single local training class and actually gave them, took as many classes at Placid Harbor too, to become the best rep for my membership.

But someone has to have common sense. I mean freedom is pulling crap out of the air that doesnt exist.

At one point in time a member has to take personal responsibility and educate themselves and use the resources out there.

But some times you cant fix stupid,
agreed. You can't fix stupid. Additionally, it should not be expected of any leadership team to fix stupid, both past and present. Don't get me wrong... I am not yet convinced the DL 141 Rising Team has lived up to their campaign promises and membership expectations... but no one can fix stupid.
Freedom, answer what is asked of you.

A war?

You threw your coworkers to the street for personal gain.

No one won, you caused cities to be outsourced and your coworkers laid off.

You are truly ignorant, just wait till PHX is downsized after the merger. Watchout for Karma.
The fact that the job losses have been brought up has been cause for discussion at home in PHX ...

Those whom I have talked to , men and women I know to be solid union people who actually get out there and picket or do whatever else is required , are of the mind that perhaps if the East side had shown up to help us get a better contract instead of fighting us ... well things might be a lot better than they are today ...

but considering that we had to a fight a two front war here in the West ... i'm mighty proud of what we accomplished ...

To those of you from AA who are reading this board ... understand that I spearheaded the online drive for my side , the victorious side ...from some of the comments you would think that it was I who lost and the others who won ...that is not the case ..

We did what we had to do , and you couldn't stop us ... we are stronger than you are ... and when it is time to take action again ... it will once more be us leading the fight , and many of you sitting at home again ..

This time we will lead the fight for no more job losses , no more outsourcing , and of course a better contract for all of us ....

You did what you had to do? Your actions cost many of my fellow members and co workers their livelihoods and careers. I don't understand how you can look yourself in the mirror after doing what you had to do. Your message of we against you is divisional and in complete contrast of unionism. You display the "me first" attitude with each and every post. You have no idea what a true unionist is about. Had you lived in the 40s you would have been taught the lesson at the end of a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
freedom... as far as no job losses... just wait til after the merger... phx guaranteed to be down sized significantly why keep phx hub when there be dfw n lax? second on any and all t/a you MUST read the entire of the tech agreement instead of just the compensation it was you that voted to toss union bros n sis out the door without the life jackets and anchors bec you only thought of the raise.... third what victorious side do you even have.. my guess none... any new agreement there will be a better contract but it just depends on how it is agreed too and voted on and the details... as for the 2 front war in the west.. dont know what your talkin about but you voted in this pos contract only to shut down a number of cities and you cried about it of course we did tell you soo and you failed to listen...
You did what you had to do? Your actions cost many of my fellow members and co workers their livelihoods and careers. I don't understand how you can look yourself in the mirror after doing what you had to do. Your message of we against you is divisional and in complete contrast of unionism. You display the "me first" attitude with each and every post. You have no idea what a true unionist is about. Had you lived in the 40s you would have been taught the lesson at the end of a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.

but this isn't the 40's ... this is 2013 , and most of you sit behind your keyboards and harp all day and all night ...

When its time to take action , when it's time to do things that are not above board in order to fight back ...well gee ... you guys don't do anything ...

you don't even show up for a good ole fashioned legally sanctioned picket ...

yeah we voted on the contract , as did the field stations themselves as did your class two stations that you threw under the bus .... ANYONE REMEMBER THE sixty day rule ?

If your going to cast me as having blood on my hands , then you had best look down at your own ...

Do you know what we talked about last week at work ? How those of you on the east nowadays keep crying about how we could have gotten a better contract .... but 1. you didn't even understand this companies management , I mean just take a look at the FA's and the Pilots who have only JUST NOW gotten new contracts .... and 2 . you seem to have forgotten that the entire economy was going down the drain back then .

go ahead , cry at me ... it won't change anything ....blame all of this on me , but fail to remember that I was just one of enough Union members to get this passed ..So before you keep screaming away at how horrible this contract is REMEMBER THAT OUR UNION MEMEBERSHIP VOTED FOR IT ....you can throw a temper tantrum everyday if you like , or you can try to UNDERSTAND why the membership voted for it and LEARN from what happened and why .
The only action you took was to gain money and throw your sisters and brothers under the bus.

Please explain how is that building solidarity?

Where is the agreement between US and the Feds for no layoffs?

Still waiting,

The pilots do not have a new contract, they have an MOU that leads to the path of a joint CBA,

Do you ever try and educate yourself and find out what the reality is instead of posting crap you make up?
The only action you took was to gain money and throw your sisters and brothers under the bus.

Please explain how is that building solidarity?

Where is the agreement between US and the Feds for no layoffs?

Still waiting,

The pilots do not have a new contract, they have an MOU that leads to the path of a joint CBA,

Do you ever try and educate yourself and find out what the reality is instead of posting crap you make up?

no I just post what I feel ... I go off of my gut feelings , their usually right ...

there isn't a signed agreement between the government and AA ... that's why said it's IMPLIED ... reread everything if you need to .

Dude your batting average is in the negative.

You have shown to be all about yourself and not the greater good of the membership.

You have been proven wrong over and over and when you get called out on it, you ignore it.

You said IMPLICIT, not implied, so show us where US and the FEDS have negotiated an agreement.

You are the one who needs to read what you posted.

Dude your batting average is in the negative.

You have shown to be all about yourself and not the greater good of the membership.

You have been proven wrong over and over and when you get called out on it, you ignore it.

You said IMPLICIT, not implied, so show us where US and the FEDS have negotiated an agreement.

You are the one who needs to read what you posted.

Definition of IMPLICIT


a : capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied <an implicit assumption>

b : involved in the nature or essence of something though not revealed, expressed, or developed
You have been through one merger, and its still not complete and there was layoffs.

You are not a trade unionist, you are all about freedom and screwed your union brothers and sisters, thats the facts jack.

US and the DOJ and DOT have held NO talks about the merger, so where is the agreement?
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