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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Nothing wrong with roa's mind at all. May I remind you and others... awhile back roa challenged everyone on this forum to PM me with their IAM Book #s. Haven't heard from you freedom. If I do... I will confirm with a post. Still waiting.

sure let me give you official confirmation of my identity ... i'll just be ONE moment getting that to you LOL ...

i'm a baggage handler , doesn't mean i'm stupid ........
how about NO .............

how about we get the company to put more money in the employee's pocket and less in the pockets of those who run the IAMNPF ..........

Because the avg person doesn't know how to save. Also if you give the company a chance, they will rape you sooner than later of that monies on their terms...not yours. Dont you get it.
Because the avg person doesn't know how to save. Also if you give the company a chance, they will rape you sooner than later of that monies on their terms...not yours. Dont you get it.

I will agree with you that the average person doesn't know how to save .... that's why i'm fine with maintaining todays funding levels .
how about NO .............

how about we get the company to put more money in the employee's pocket and less in the pockets of those who run the IAMNPF ..........
A short sighted and narrow minded opinion freedom. I'll bet you were one, who on the last TA vote, turned right to the compensation table, made up your mind, and voted yes. I believe, in previous posts, you have admitted to doing so. You obviously, based on your recent posts, have learned nothing from past mistakes. You are destined to repeat the past. I can only hope members like you represent the minority. That is if you are, in fact, a member. If you are... open your eyes and realize any future TA or contract offer must be reviewed in it's entirety.
A short sighted and narrow minded opinion freedom. I'll bet you were one, who on the last TA vote, turned right to the compensation table, made up your mind, and voted yes. I believe, in previous posts, you have admitted to doing so. You obviously, based on your recent posts, have learned nothing from past mistakes. You are destined to repeat the past. I can only hope members like you represent the minority. That is if you are, in fact, a member. If you are... open your eyes and realize any future TA or contract offer must be reviewed in it's entirety.

oh my gosh your going to bring up the past FOREVER ................yes the past is now past .... it's time to move on to the future ......

As I've already stated , I will not accept any new contract that costs it's members their jobs ... even if it's 2, 3 or 4 years down the line ..

but to be completely honest , I don't see this company putting forth a contract that costs our workers jobs .......

US Airways now has an IMPLICT agreement with the United States Government not to eliminate jobs ... ( because that's why the government gave US Air the green light in the first place to do the merger , furthermore , outsourcing would be considered a very bad thing , almost as bad as job losses by the general public and government ) ...
oh my gosh your going to bring up the past FOREVER ................yes the past is now past .... it's time to move on to the future ......

As I've already stated , I will not accept any new contract that costs it's members their jobs ... even if it's 2, 3 or 4 years down the line ..

but to be completely honest , I don't see this company putting forth a contract that costs our workers jobs .......

US Airways now has an IMPLICT agreement with the United States Government not to eliminate jobs ... ( because that's why the government gave US Air the green light in the first place to do the merger , furthermore , outsourcing would be considered a very bad thing , almost as bad as job losses by the general public and government ) ...

You are not REAL !!!! I know what ur trying to say but i'm done Nursing you along.................Jobs will be eliminated.....i don't know where you got that from.....i say 6 mos from approval before the politicians forget about this merger and the oversight is " Nil" except for of course the " Self Disclosing " with the FAA.
The IAM pension is not just the airlines, its many different companies, the IAMNPF is a multi-employer plan, so its not dependent on just one company how our old pensions were.

The plan is funded to 105% and it is no danger of going away anytime soon.

Do you understand that freedom?
    • The IAM National Pension Fund is the 6[sup]th[/sup] largest multiemployer pension fund in the United States.
    • The Fund has approximately $8.4 billion in assets.
    • The Fund has over 1,750 contributing employer locations.
    • The Fund pays pension benefits to over 80,000 retirees and beneficiaries, providing them with retirement security.
    • The Fund has over 100,000 active participants.
And yes UA is in the plan, as a matter of fact, six different contracts at UA contain the plan.
well you should remember necigrad that the Pension is NOT the union ... they are very fond of pointing that out ..

Basically their an investment group that has IAM in it's name ... an investment group that promised me XYZ amount of money when I retire someday , and went to great length to tell me how secure my pension would be and how I would receive that amount for life ...

then one day they send me a letter saying "whoops" we were wrong , gotta cut your projected benefits in half SORRY !

That shows me that the pension is run by piss poor advisors ... and any union official representing me who wants to give MORE of my money to a poorly run investment outfit that just happens to have IAM in it's name are people who need to be shown the door .

It has a trustee appointed jointly by the IAM and the companies who pay into the plan, the board is made up of half IAM appointed members and half company appointed members.

Its a separate entity but it is still only for IAM members.

Do you always post without knowing about what you are talking about?
oh my gosh your going to bring up the past FOREVER ................yes the past is now past .... it's time to move on to the future ......

As I've already stated , I will not accept any new contract that costs it's members their jobs ... even if it's 2, 3 or 4 years down the line ..

but to be completely honest , I don't see this company putting forth a contract that costs our workers jobs .......

US Airways now has an IMPLICT agreement with the United States Government not to eliminate jobs ... ( because that's why the government gave US Air the green light in the first place to do the merger , furthermore , outsourcing would be considered a very bad thing , almost as bad as job losses by the general public and government ) ...
First of all there is no agreement with the US government for US not to eliminate jobs, where do you pull this crap from?

Show us an agreement then, the Federal Government cannot force a company nor does it have the legal right to make an agreement like that.

You are seriously delusional.

First of all the merger hasnt been submitted to the DOJ and DOT for approval yet, as there is not a formal POR even submitted to the court for the creditors to vote on.

You are truly ignorant.

And are you ashamed that you voted your coworkers out on the street so you could get a raise?

Its shows all about how you are, your not a trade unionist, you are all about you and you screwed your coworkers.
First of all there is no agreement with the US government for US not to eliminate jobs, where do you pull this crap from?

Show us an agreement then, the Federal Government cannot force a company nor does it have the legal right to make an agreement like that.

You are seriously delusional.

First of all the merger hasnt been submitted to the DOJ and DOT for approval yet, as there is not a formal POR even submitted to the court for the creditors to vote on.

You are truly ignorant.

And are you ashamed that you voted your coworkers out on the street so you could get a raise?

Its shows all about how you are, your not a trade unionist, you are all about you and you screwed your coworkers.
If Freedom is in fact a member... may I ask how anyone or union leadership team can fix short sightedness and the inability to see the overall good of the membership? If freedom is an example of the mentality of the majority of the membership our IAM leadership teams need to seriously focus on educating. For without an educated and informed membership we have no chance of building solidarity. The company laughs all the way to the bank. The question is... and I will ask this of any IAM represented Fleet Service member on this forum...what have our elected leaders, both past and present, done to address this problem? IMO... it is the root cause of many of our problems.
The IAM needs to bring back the Union Awareness program that many of us went through in the 90s that explained the history of the IAM and in the airline industry.

The IAM has a lot of resources available if a member wants to educate themselves.

Myself, I attended union meetings, became involved, was a shop steward, trustee, recording secretary, award winning editor, various committee memberships, district communicator for 142, negotiating committee member and attended every single local training class and actually gave them, took as many classes at Placid Harbor too, to become the best rep for my membership.

But someone has to have common sense. I mean freedom is pulling crap out of the air that doesnt exist.

At one point in time a member has to take personal responsibility and educate themselves and use the resources out there.

But some times you cant fix stupid,
Cargo....I may be off the mark.....but not too far. I think the issue of too many part time jobs on property perpetuates ignorance. Those that strive to become F/T have a little more ambition in seeing their future with this company as a worthwhile investment. Both with pay and job security. Those that stay p/t , for a long period of time, could care less really. They only think about the benefit of flying till they secure other employment. We have let this company inflate the p/t % by way too much. Just my opinion though.
If Freedom is in fact a member... may I ask how anyone or union leadership team can fix short sightedness and the inability to see the overall good of the membership? If freedom is an example of the mentality of the majority of the membership our IAM leadership teams need to seriously focus on educating. For without an educated and informed membership we have no chance of building solidarity. The company laughs all the way to the bank. The question is... and I will ask this of any IAM represented Fleet Service member on this forum...what have our elected leaders, both past and present, done to address this problem? IMO... it is the root cause of many of our problems.

well , Ron Roth made GREAT STRIDES to bring our membership together ... in my view he did more than any other Union official at the IAM to get us where we are today and encourage the membership to take action .

But for some strange reason , those of you on here refuse to acknowledge his contribution ...

If you ask me ,he should be union PRESIDENT .
let's see where we are today ........

So I've stated that

1. There should be Zero job losses in any new contract

2. pension contributions should be kept at the current rate ( advances in negoations should go into the membership's pockets )

3. building solidarity is more about just talking about it online ... it has to take place in the break rooms and on the picket line .
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