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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Go ask the CWA reps, the company recognized it as the company wouldnt negotiate improvements in the CBA, the west agents just transitioned to the east cba, with no improvements to the east agents.

M&R and Fleet got improvements int their transition agreement, CWA did not.

Go ask Velvet, I know her outside of the work arena, and go ask Hemenway if you dont believe me.

But you know it all tim and your are always right and no one else is and if their opinion and facts differ with timmy's world, you make accusations against them.

keep drinking that pension Kool-Aid ...

If the pension is so sound , so wonderful , then they wouldn't keep us by FORCE in it ..

how did your predictions about the US economy going into total collapse go? I think most here by now know to take your financial predictions with a grain of salt.
how did your predictions about the US economy going into total collapse go? I think most here by now know to take your financial predictions with a grain of salt.

well , I must admit I didn't see the fact that our government would print it's way out of it's debt problems coming ...because you know , when your in debt , the best way to deal with that is to create more debt ... right now the Federal reserve is printing 80 billion dollars a month , so that's around 1 Trillion a year ...

our economy is %^$#@!@ and the minute government money printing ends you will see that .
Bro. roabilly is on the money about the pension imo. Take it from some one who is happily retired.

Enjoy what you have today ...... but let me ask you , what will happen to the pension if the IAM loses the US Airways workers ? That's a large segment of income suddenly gone ....Do you think the remaining workers under the IAM will be likely to vote to increase the amount of money that comes out of their pay checks and goes into the "group" pension ? What's to say that the pension will be there for those people someday ? Especially with falling union membership ?

You should prepare yourself for a future of cut after cut to your pension .. i'm not sure if the PGBC would ever take over the IAM pension , but who knows ...one thing i'm certain won't get cut are the salaries of the people running the pension .
how did your predictions about the US economy going into total collapse go? I think most here by now know to take your financial predictions with a grain of salt.

Rat-- This dude is so far out there, the earth must appear as blue a marble to him!
Bro. roabilly is on the money about the pension imo. Take it from some one who is happily retired.
I'm pretty sure he post's here to disrupt... I've been reading his ludicrous rants and predictions for years… he is another that will not confirm that he is even an IAM member!
Rat-- This dude is so far out there, the earth must appear as blue a marble to him! I'm pretty sure he post's here to disrupt... I've been reading his ludicrous rants and predictions for years… he is another that will not confirm that he is even an IAM member!

that I am even an IAM member ? what the hell are you talking about ?

what is wrong with your mind ..........
Enjoy what you have today ...... but let me ask you , what will happen to the pension if the IAM loses the US Airways workers ? That's a large segment of income suddenly gone ....Do you think the remaining workers under the IAM will be likely to vote to increase the amount of money that comes out of their pay checks and goes into the "group" pension ? What's to say that the pension will be there for those people someday ? Especially with falling union membership ?

You should prepare yourself for a future of cut after cut to your pension .. i'm not sure if the PGBC would ever take over the IAM pension , but who knows ...one thing i'm certain won't get cut are the salaries of the people running the pension .
THERE IS NO WAY we would lose our pensions even if the iam were to lose us memebers i think it was 700 that pointed out the iam pension is there for iam member for when the members do retire.. regardless.
well then i'm not sure that's so good ..at least with the PGBC there is some government backing ... if our pension were to start collapsing and the government didn't come to the rescue that would suck .
I got. The info from one of the US mtc that's why I asked Thiught it seemed a little much but non the less they 142 do get a bump in money because the company drags there feet unlike fleet

Since you so book smart why can't you answer the simple ? I have asked for weeks now "what has RD done for the membership" it's not that hard. Guess the truth hurts
As far as agenda I don't have one other then to INFORM on what I know as fact. I challenge you to show where I have been deceitful just because I don't drink the kool aid doesn't make me a villain but if it makes you sleep better at night go for i

If we had a Leadership that would take the time to educate themselves instead of hitting strip clubs and waiting for the boss to tell them what to say maybe just maybe the membership would be a little more educated but hell thats asking a lot for someone making 100,000

I’ll tell yahh what Informer… if you can give me three things YOU have done to improve Solidarity-- I’ll maybe consider your stupid, childish, and rhetorical inquiry as relevant.

Why do you think you lost the election in a distant LAST place? -- Maybe politics ain’t yer thing after all!
#17 roabilly Posted 27 February 2008 - 05:14 PM

Registered Member

1,167 posts
Well... Boy's...

Looks like tha Company's wantin' tah pi** us off ! Keep tha network solid !
Has Canale finally grown sum.. or... has New Direction applied 'nough pressure
tahh keep 'um honest ? Time 'l tell. Tim... keep up tha good work !

Members, stay strong...stay solid !

P.S. links to Co. offer and Union response were not workin' on 141.org... anybody got um ?
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Took your advice and decided to educate myself so I went back a few years ago and found some interesting interesting things 1st it would appear that you were quite smitten with the evil emperor Tim Nelson 2nd you seem to have taken some writing courses your grammar is 1000 percent improved great job on that I do have a question or two for you though
If RD puts US in Transition/intergration talks are you going to staunchly oppose like you did before and the other observation I noticed is what happened to all the solidarity and uprising that appeared to be going on back in 08 could it possible be that all the promises of change and transparency and yada yada has grown thin with the membership since NOTHING changed
Roa maybe the memberships not as uneducated as you think maybe they are just tired of the same old BS anyway again thanks for the tip and congrats on learning how to write
#17 roabilly Posted 27 February 2008 - 05:14 PM

Registered Member

1,167 posts
Well... Boy's...

Looks like tha Company's wantin' tah pi** us off ! Keep tha network solid !
Has Canale finally grown sum.. or... has New Direction applied 'nough pressure
tahh keep 'um honest ? Time 'l tell. Tim... keep up tha good work !

Members, stay strong...stay solid !

P.S. links to Co. offer and Union response were not workin' on 141.org... anybody got um ?
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Took your advice and decided to educate myself so I went back a few years ago and found some interesting interesting things 1st it would appear that you were quite smitten with the evil emperor Tim Nelson 2nd you seem to have taken some writing courses your grammar is 1000 percent improved great job on that I do have a question or two for you though
If RD puts US in Transition/intergration talks are you going to staunchly oppose like you did before and the other observation I noticed is what happened to all the solidarity and uprising that appeared to be going on back in 08 could it possible be that all the promises of change and transparency and yada yada has grown thin with the membership since NOTHING changed
Roa maybe the memberships not as uneducated as you think maybe they are just tired of the same old BS anyway again thanks for the tip and congrats on learning how to write

We've already been through ALL of this 3 or 4 threads ago! Remember what I said about falling for the BS once... but not TWICE!

P.S. Was this an ambiguous way to demonstrate what ‘you’ have done to promote solidarity? Remember we were ALL pretty PO’d about the T/A, and the way Canale and Co presented it… A Labrador Retriever could have run against the 141 president in 08 and won… with… or without Nelson (wink-wink) to rally the troops!
freedom the pension will not go away anytime soon with the iam pension.. they have us, ua, ha, air wisconsin, and i believe LH but not 100% sure on that last one.. the iam is the airline industry's largest union.... the notion of iam and the pension going away anytime soon is false
freedom the pension will not go away anytime soon with the iam pension.. they have us, ua, ha, air wisconsin, and i believe LH but not 100% sure on that last one.. the iam is the airline industry's largest union.... the notion of iam and the pension going away anytime soon is false

Robbed-- maybe 700 can confirm this, but isn't the UA Fleet folks getting into the plan as well?
If so.. how many more participants would that add?
roa i think 700 can confirm it but i thought they may have already joined it last yr but not sure on that bro. ill try to find info but i think 700 is best to confirm it but i think it would add several thousands more esp with those in the hubs
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