Now that Charlie has been kind enough to come in here and give us all the sraight scoop directly from the N/C, I implore everyone to view the below links regarding the legal realities of Airline Negotiations under the Railway Labor Act.
First... view this flow chart as to how the process chronologically progresses...
Now, take time to familiarize yourself with the act iteself...
The full text and a keyword searchs are available on this site.. it will take time... but you will have to do it to understand how the legal process regarding YOUR negotiations are regulated by Federal Law.
Now, for the really FUN STUFF... The Tea Party/GOP is hell bent on pulling the teeth from the RLA and making it even more "Company Friendly" This is known as Rand Paul's--
"National Right to Work Act" ...and will make your postion as a worker in Organized Airline Labor obsolete! If he get's his way... there will be NO Union Representaion in this Industry in a just matter of a few years! This would be accomplished by striking Section 2 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 152)
Educate yourself... NOW!
P.S. When viewing the Flow Chart... see if you can identify where we are now under sec. 6