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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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US didnt give AA employees anything yet, they arent employees of US, AA negotiated with them and they are working under AA and TWU negotiated terms.

Maintenance doesnt get a raise every few months, where did you pull that out of?

They are scheduled for one more raise if there is no agreements reached by July.
Now that Charlie has been kind enough to come in here and give us all the sraight scoop directly from the N/C, I implore everyone to view the below links regarding the legal realities of Airline Negotiations under the Railway Labor Act.

First... view this flow chart as to how the process chronologically progresses... FLOW CHART

Now, take time to familiarize yourself with the act iteself... RLA.COM

The full text and a keyword searchs are available on this site.. it will take time... but you will have to do it to understand how the legal process regarding YOUR negotiations are regulated by Federal Law.

Now, for the really FUN STUFF... The Tea Party/GOP is hell bent on pulling the teeth from the RLA and making it even more "Company Friendly" This is known as Rand Paul's-- "National Right to Work Act" ...and will make your postion as a worker in Organized Airline Labor obsolete! If he get's his way... there will be NO Union Representaion in this Industry in a just matter of a few years! This would be accomplished by striking Section 2 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 152)

Educate yourself... NOW!

P.S. When viewing the Flow Chart... see if you can identify where we are now under sec. 6
@700-- Facts and Stright talk will trump the bullshitters every time. Thanks for you contributions to this forum. Disinformation, and Political Agendas have turned this thread into circus!
Now that Charlie has been kind enough to come in here and give us all the sraight scoop directly from the N/C, I implore everyone to view the below links regarding the legal realities of Airline Negotiations under the Railway Labor Act.

First... view this flow chart as to how the process chronologically progresses... FLOW CHART

Now, take time to familiarize yourself with the act iteself... RLA.COM

The full text and a keyword searchs are available on this site.. it will take time... but you will have to do it to understand how the legal process regarding YOUR negotiations are regulated by Federal Law.

Now, for the really FUN STUFF... The Tea Party/GOP is hell bent on pulling the teeth from the RLA and making it even more "Company Friendly" This is known as Rand Paul's-- "National Right to Work Act" ...and will make your postion as a worker in Organized Airline Labor obsolete! If he get's his way... there will be NO Union Representaion in this Industry in a just matter of a few years! This would be accomplished by striking Section 2 of the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 152)

Educate yourself... NOW!

P.S. When viewing the Flow Chart... see if you can identify where we are now under sec. 6
I've printed and copied the flow chart to be distributed and posted at work. Many of the newly hired employees at my station are completely unfamiliar with the negotiating process under the RLA and the NMB. It's all new to them. This flow chart will make it a little easier explaining the process. Likewise, they are unfamiliar with the RLA and how it governs their employment in the airline industry. Thank you for the information... it will be put to good use. Solidarity is built through educating the membership.
P.S. National Right To Work Act scares the hell out of me. It should scare the hell out of any represented employee in the airline industry as well! Wish you the best with your future retirement. You're getting out just in time. I'm happy for ya!
I've printed and copied the flow chart to be distributed and posted at work. Many of the newly hired employees at my station are completely unfamiliar with the negotiating process under the RLA and the NMB. It's all new to them. This flow chart will make it a little easier explaining the process. Likewise, they are unfamiliar with the RLA and how it governs their employment in the airline industry. Thank you for the information... it will be put to good use. Solidarity is built through educating the membership.
P.S. National Right To Work Act scares the hell out of me. It should scare the hell out of any represented employee in the airline industry as well! Wish you the best with your future retirement. You're getting out just in time. I'm happy for ya!


Thanks for the acknowledgment that education and knowledge are the keys to solidarity. I go through the same thing regarding the membership... most haven't even looked at their contract; much less understand federal laws and political influence regarding their future as airline employees. It often amazes me how some of them can spew sports stats like walking encyclopedias, and take NO effort to learn anything else!

This is of course is where opportunist like Nelson/Informer are able to insert their own agenda by playing on to lesser educated members, and painting the Union and it’s leaders as being corrupt, and inept.

I suppose your ‘apathy’ argument plays a major role in this… but I think most folks find reading laws, legislation, statutes, case history, and mountains of ambiguous legalese boring. Then, you have to have the desire to follow politics on both the Federal, and State level because that’s where ALL these laws come from! Just electing the wrong people can dramatically affect YOUR future!

When I do retire… I will continue to educate through this forum… I just won’t have any “Skin in the Game”!
Charlie just to clarify , while I don't LOVE the pension , I am not against funding it at today's current levels , I simply don't want to see an increase negotiated in the next contract that raises the company's contribution levels to the pension ...the more money the company pays into the pension the less they will put into my paycheck.

Freedom while I understand what you're saying, but Lord willing one of these days any extra pension money will come in handy when you need it most.


Thanks for the acknowledgment that education and knowledge are the keys to solidarity. I go through the same thing regarding the membership... most haven't even looked at their contract; much less understand federal laws and political influence regarding their future as airline employees. It often amazes me how some of them can spew sports stats like walking encyclopedias, and take NO effort to learn anything else!

This is of course is where opportunist like Nelson/Informer are able to insert their own agenda by playing on to lesser educated members, and painting the Union and it’s leaders as being corrupt, and inept.

I suppose your ‘apathy’ argument plays a major role in this… but I think most folks find reading laws, legislation, statutes, case history, and mountains of ambiguous legalese boring. Then, you have to have the desire to follow politics on both the Federal, and State level because that’s where ALL these laws come from! Just electing the wrong people can dramatically affect YOUR future!

When I do retire… I will continue to educate through this forum… I just won’t have any “Skin in the Game”!
I've been a Chairperson for countless years now. Most that I have represented don't read their contract either. Easier to ask the GC Chairperson for details or clarification. Yet, ask them anything about recent apps or video games, and they become a wealth of information. I'm old school brother. I don't get it. The priorities... as I see it... are way off track. I do agree this environment provides fertile ground for the seeds of deception. There always seems to be confusion, disillusion running from what must be faced. But we, we're sold so many points of view. Deceit disguised as truth; truth disguised as ignorance. It's no wonder we remain without solidarity and a fractured group. Imo... we need leadership that will address this root of the problem. I'm not long behind you in retirement ROA. I intend to go out with guns blazin!
ograc (aka: cargo)
US didnt give AA employees anything yet, they arent employees of US, AA negotiated with them and they are working under AA and TWU negotiated terms.

Maintenance doesnt get a raise every few months, where did you pull that out of?

They are scheduled for one more raise if there is no agreements reached by July.
Thank you for clarrifying. "Deceit disguised as truth" by IAM Informer. See previous post. We waste valuable time and energy, needed to solidify the group, on discrediting deceit and misinformation. To quote Dog: Carry on!
Freedom while I understand what you're saying, but Lord willing one of these days any extra pension money will come in handy when you need it most.


The pension is doomed to fail further at some point in the future , it makes little sense to put ten dollars in the piggy bank to only get five out at a future date .
The pension is doomed to fail further at some point in the future , it makes little sense to put ten dollars in the piggy bank to only get five out at a future date .
What are you some kind of Financial/Retirement expert? Your IAM pension is one the best in the industry! In fact, you would have to have upwards of $250.00.00 saved in a 401k to match the monthly returns you have already accrued for 20 years of payments… the IAM pension is for LIFE! Further the pension is sound... it's not going anywhere... can you say that about your investments?

I’ve talked to many members about this, and most have never even contributed to a 401k, and know nothing about their pension! The average American Worker is way-off in having enough money to retire because of the 401k travesty!
What are you some kind of Financial/Retirement expert? Your IAM pension is one the best in the industry! In fact, you would have to have upwards of $250.00.00 saved in a 401k to match the monthly returns you have already accrued for 20 years of payments… the IAM pension is for LIFE! Further the pension is sound... it's not going anywhere... can you say that about your investments?

I’ve talked to many members about this, and most have never even contributed to a 401k, and know nothing about their pension! The average American Worker is way-off in having enough money to retire because of the 401k travesty!

keep drinking that pension Kool-Aid ...

If the pension is so sound , so wonderful , then they wouldn't keep us by FORCE in it ..
I got. The info from one of the US mtc that's why I asked Thiught it seemed a little much but non the less they 142 do get a bump in money because the company drags there feet unlike fleet

Since you so book smart why can't you answer the simple ? I have asked for weeks now "what has RD done for the membership" it's not that hard. Guess the truth hurts
As far as agenda I don't have one other then to INFORM on what I know as fact. I challenge you to show where I have been deceitful just because I don't drink the kool aid doesn't make me a villain but if it makes you sleep better at night go for i

If we had a Leadership that would take the time to educate themselves instead of hitting strip clubs and waiting for the boss to tell them what to say maybe just maybe the membership would be a little more educated but hell thats asking a lot for someone making 100,000
Your comments about the IAM pension are correct to a certain degree. As you know, many of us got into the plan midway thru our careers, and therefore won't be able to recognize the full benefit of it. A good portion of us have a mixed bag of retirement plans, and not enough time invested into any of them. The IAM plan may be great for those who started near its inception, but too little too late for many of us.
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