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Apr 2 And Out Of Reserves Already?

SKY HIGH said:
Many COMMUTERS could NOT get into their bases the night before due to these winds. An agent in LGA said that SEVEN FLIGHTS had to be cancelled due to NO CREWS in the morning.

Well, the only reasonable solution to this is to simply ban commuting and make living in base a condition of employment. That way, employees will be sure to be available not only on their scheduled work days, but also on their free time as well.

I'm sure this can be rectified in the next round of concessions.

The above said ONLY IN JEST! 😉

PineyBob said:
Maybe this will change now since Mr Arkan is one of A'sl personal favorites. Cronyism is apparently alive and well in PHL. ut if Cronyism gets the job done I'm all for it.

Is Suha now in PHL? I know that he and Al worked together in PSA days.
tadjr said:
Well it looks like one of the cancellations today might have been front end.

While I don't make an attempt to keep up with both seats in all bases/equip, I know that CLT 737 ran out of reserves each of the first few days of the month.

It is to my understanding that the shortage this month is due to a major scheduling fiasco with Secondary F/A lines in PHL. The decision was made to INCREASE the number of open time lines (usually offered to secondary line holders) to start a new system of line augmentation for secondary line holders who can go back into open time to INCREASE their line flying value. While it increased the number of open time lines for the augmentation.....nobody went in to the open time to augment their lines. Major backfire, it simply did not work! So, now you've put more F/A's on RSV because of this, but you now have almost 1,000 trips uncovered for the month of April. Wouldn't it have made more sense to create more Secondary lines available for F/A's to bid rather than leave this time OPEN? I know for a fact, that there are many F/A's back on RSV again after 16 years, who are a little perturbed by this senseless act. Hmmm, and we are to have faith in our inept leaders? Makes sense to me to have all this OPEN TIME covered month to month by B/H's rather than rely on an already PATHETIC Reserve sytem that clearly isn't working! Expect the shortages to last all month, and lookout towards the end of the month when all of the Reserves are all TIMED OUT and there is literally nobody left to cover these trips! :angry: April 1st was definitely an April Fool's Day! :down:

You are right on target with this. WE have been short staffed for quite a long time, and now all depts are to the bare bones. Retirements, resignations, furloughs, terminations with no recall has killed our customer service and confidence.

Crew Sched, IMO, is the best dept running. In fact, the Director is the only exec running his dept to the best of his abilities with what he has to work with. C/s is not responsible for staffing shortages. This communication comes from inflight for both pilots and f/as. Senior managment is being snowed by the liars in CCY who won't admit they have screwed up. Finance won't let anyone hire and these depts get penalized. Meanwhile they have quit terminating at a whim because they are desperate to keep the staffing they have.

Sad state of affairs.

This company is lucky they have the c/s folks running that dept who are basically operating to keep us afloat while the senior managment has their heads in the sand focusing on investors rather than operating the airline...keep on collecting thier $28,000 per month pay check.
PITbull said:
Remedy to this is displacements. Only thing, the co. will have to incur all cost, only to displace again in a couple of months.


That is not the Remedy PITBULL!! How much longer do you think we are going to sit here and let this f@#ing poor excuse for a company beat us up???? You sound like them!! Oh what the hell......just ship em off. They have no lives, no families, no ties!!!


Here's a valid question.....Why in the world is LGA STILL a crew base? What a waste of resources, these crews could obviously be utilized in PHL. All of the Shuttle 1 days trips could be incorporated into other trips flown by other bases or better yet why not let BOS or DCA cover those Shuttle trips out of LGA....HMMM, doesn't that make sense? :huh:
Whatnow? said:
Here's a valid question.....Why in the world is LGA STILL a crew base? What a waste of resources, these crews could obviously be utilized in PHL. All of the Shuttle 1 days trips could be incorporated into other trips flown by other bases or better yet why not let BOS or DCA cover those Shuttle trips out of LGA....HMMM, doesn't that make sense? :huh:

Because a certain diety of the flight deck is based there?
Whatnow? said:
Why in the world is LGA STILL a crew base?

Maybe it's cheaper that way rather than paying for hotel rooms for crews in NYC for the aircraft which overnight at LGA?
The rest are leaning more toward flying the minimum. Only the poor reserves don't have a choice.

Actually, the reserves have a choice. It is the Block Holders that may not. If what you said in my qoute above is true, who the hell do you think is going to pick up those trips so those BHs can fly the minimum???? Remember, every f/a is responsible for an 80-85 hr line of flying. You have to get those trips picked up.
How many reserves do you actually think will take one of the BHs' trips on a day off when it doesn't count towards their time?
The BHs are in for a rude awakening if they are banking on that!!!!
sfb said:
Maybe it's cheaper that way rather than paying for hotel rooms for crews in NYC for the aircraft which overnight at LGA?

Well, from what I've seen happening it can't be cheaper to overnite crews in LGA. They are at such a critical state of crew coverage there that they have been using TDY F/A's from PIT to go and stay in LGA for days and days at a time. This has been happening probably since the beginning of the year. We really do not have that many mainline flights out of there anymore to support a crew base....do we?
Twicebaked said:
The rest are leaning more toward flying the minimum. Only the poor reserves don't have a choice.

Actually, the reserves have a choice. It is the Block Holders that may not. If what you said in my qoute above is true, who the hell do you think is going to pick up those trips so those BHs can fly the minimum???? Remember, every f/a is responsible for an 80-85 hr line of flying. You have to get those trips picked up.
How many reserves do you actually think will take one of the BHs' trips on a day off when it doesn't count towards their time?
The BHs are in for a rude awakening if they are banking on that!!!!

Actually, Twicebaked, what I meant was that the reserves pilots don't have much choice about when or what they fly - if they're on call and the phone rings, they'll be flying something.

The lineholders have the luxury of just flying their line or even using SAP/AIL to drop it down toward the minimum if they want. Then it's just a matter of avoiding the POTA calls.

Possibly it's different for the F/A's. We pilots are responsible for the amount of time in our line post-SAP, and that can be as low as 15 hours below the paycap.

So the lineholders have some control over how much the fly while the reserves are at the mercy of scheduling.

Presumably the 'talent' thought that all the pilots would be chomping at the bit to fly 90-95 hours a month (or 100 with the 5 hour flexcap), but it seems enough aren't to cause a shortage of reserve pilots.

BoeingBoy said:
The lineholders have the luxury of just flying their line or even using SAP/AIL to drop it down toward the minimum if they want. Then it's just a matter of avoiding the POTA calls.

I thought you guys were not required to answer the phone on days off in any case?

(I know I would not answer the thing unless required to do so were I working at US right now....)
"I thought you guys were not required to answer the phone on days off in any case?"

True, Clue. That's the "avoiding POTA's" for lineholders, who have no obligation to answer the phone at all. Reserves don't have to answer the phone on their days off.

BoeingBoy said:
"I thought you guys were not required to answer the phone on days off in any case?"

True, Clue.  That's the "avoiding POTA's" for lineholders, who have no obligation to answer the phone at all.  Reserves don't have to answer the phone on their days off.

It is really a shame...grown men and women not answering their phones to help the company they work for..all because they work for liars and thieves. Best to you Boeing Boy...Greeter.