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And this makes you worth how much more than a Machinist, Welder, or Overhaul A&P?
I never said I was worth more than you. But, there are A&P licensed mechanics making at least $18/hr more than me, so I guess the A&P is worth at least that much.
yes, it will take a revenue drop in order to shift the majority block. It's happening right now with AA's intention to rif 3100 AMT's. The TWU is fighting hard as hell to stop this shift. They are pulling out all the stops in order to appease TUL. Just another jab at the OH/Line rift. Local 514 will also do whatever it takes to keep the majority. The Line is just sitting back and watching the demise of OH. Don't worry the TWU will not allow the majority to shift to line guys because they know damn well they're out if that happens. Therefore, you base guys are paying a heavy price in order to keep the majority. Good Job!
I agree with you. I am not so sure everything will be the same. The TWU will as it always has play their own members against each other. If they keep all the A&P's on the aircraft docks without regard to the those without a license, enemies will be made. I believe that even if pure seniority rules there will be those that are unhappy,the union has manipulated the seniority before.
I agree with you. I am not so sure everything will be the same. The TWU will as it always has play their own members against each other. If they keep all the A&P's on the aircraft docks without regard to the those without a license, enemies will be made. I believe that even if pure seniority rules there will be those that are unhappy,the union has manipulated the seniority before.

There is no law requiring anyone to work at AA, there are a lot of jobs paying $30 an hour in Tulsa I'm sure. AA is not a government entitlement program, AA is following the market. The TWU has manipulated the seniority before, but always in TUL mechs favor, remember the 2003 layoffs.
I never said I was worth more than you. But, there are A&P licensed mechanics making at least $18/hr more than me, so I guess the A&P is worth at least that much.

If I could get a job paying $18 per hour more than I make now, I would quit AA next week and work there.
Why have you not done that?
If I could get a job paying $18 per hour more than I make now, I would quit AA next week and work there.
Why have you not done that?
well informer, if all works out as planned I will be not be working for AA very much longer. Most likely by May, and probably before the judge or arbitrator rules on the term sheet. Will it be close to $50/hr? No, but much more than $33/hr. I'm letting the hiring process take it's course right now. Am I willing to give up 22 years? YOU BET!
well informer, if all works out as planned I will be not be working for AA very much longer. Most likely by May, and probably before the judge or arbitrator rules on the term sheet. Will it be close to $50/hr? No, but much more than $33/hr. I'm letting the hiring process take it's course right now. Am I willing to give up 22 years? YOU BET!

That's sounds great but why not go to work for the $18 per hour you claim is available?

You claim your A&P is worth $18 per hour more but you work for less, and now you even claim you will leave this job and not get that $18 per hour more.

That makes your claim sound suspect at best.
That's sounds great but why not go to work for the $18 per hour you claim is available?

You claim your A&P is worth $18 per hour more but you work for less, and now you even claim you will leave this job and not get that $18 per hour more.

That makes your claim sound suspect at best.
even if I went to work for WN I wouldn't start at $45/hr. Prospects are that the starting wage will be near $40/hr averaged over 2080 hours. with OT, profit sharing & incentive pay well over $100K/yr. Not bad for starters, eh! The best part about the whole thing is that I'm getting compensated based on my experience and performance......and, I'm my own agent!
even if I went to work for WN I wouldn't start at $45/hr. Prospects are that the starting wage will be near $40/hr averaged over 2080 hours. with OT, profit sharing & incentive pay well over $100K/yr. Not bad for starters, eh! The best part about the whole thing is that I'm getting compensated based on my experience and performance......and, I'm my own agent!

Then go for it and quit trying to destroy the jobs of those might want or have to stay.
Then go for it and quit trying to destroy the jobs of those might want or have to stay.
The MRO's are destroying your jobs. I'm merely stating that there are better opprotunities out there.....you wish stay and work for a company that fails to reward good, talented and experienced mechanics. The company will some day realize that they made a huge mistake by driving these talented individuals to their competitors or out of the industry all together. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the pay cuts....it's time to move on! Even if that means starting at the bottom!
The MRO's are destroying your jobs. I'm merely stating that there are better opprotunities out there.....you wish stay and work for a company that fails to reward good, talented and experienced mechanics. The company will some day realize that they made a huge mistake by driving these talented individuals to their competitors or out of the industry all together. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the pay cuts....it's time to move on! Even if that means starting at the bottom!

While very it is very attractive to seek out the coveted $50/hr, it to is destroying the jobs just like the MRO. Both are pulling at the middle. I believe before this is over, something is going to snap.

I am beginning to wonder about the field trip list. Traditionally the line stations inability to perform maintenance beyond their normal scope will under a $50 line payscale create havoc for this system.
Why would a $33 base mechanic sign up for a field trip when his union brother is already at $50 ? The $33 mechanic might get his full trip at overtime rates, which would cost him a nickle per hour just to leave home.

I guess the line will have to perform some repairs they shy away from today?
Then go for it and quit trying to destroy the jobs of those might want or have to stay.

The OH part of airline maint was destroyed in 2003 - 2005, when the other legacy airlines were allowed to send their OH overseas.
While very it is very attractive to seek out the coveted $50/hr, it to is destroying the jobs just like the MRO. Both are pulling at the middle. I believe before this is over, something is going to snap.

I am beginning to wonder about the field trip list. Traditionally the line stations inability to perform maintenance beyond their normal scope will under a $50 line payscale create havoc for this system.
Why would a $33 base mechanic sign up for a field trip when his union brother is already at $50 ? The $33 mechanic might get his full trip at overtime rates, which would cost him a nickle per hour just to leave home.

I guess the line will have to perform some repairs they shy away from today?

That is a great idea, the more times you do a job the more proficient you get. I've seen guys come to the line after spending their whole AA career in TUL doing one thing, like painting dc-10 lavs or doing structures for the 727 aft cargo they were proficient at that but lost in doing basic line maint, they caught on after a couple of years before they went back to TUL, but this time when they leave TUL they won't be going back.. I would love to get procient in doing door rigs. At my station we have a crew that just does engine work and then another bunch of mechs that do all the fuel tank work, both those groups of guys are very proficient at those jobs, and the regular jobs a line mech would normally do. Believe me when I say, there is no job a line mech is scared to tackle, it's just a matter of how proficient we are at doing it right now.
The OH part of airline maint was destroyed in 2003 - 2005, when the other legacy airlines were allowed to send their OH overseas.
Actually the wage and benefits package was destroyed in 1983.

And could you clarify "other airlines were allowedto send out their OH"
Actually the wage and benefits package was destroyed in 1983.

And could you clarify "other airlines were allowedto send out their OH"

I'm talking about airlines doing their own OH maint, not the pay aspect. As far as allowed, the gov allowing overseas maint, overseas MRO's do not have the same kind of oversight and background checks that mechs in the USA have to go threw, and by not offering any kind of tax break or reward for maintaning good paying middle class jobs in the USA. What the gov did was create good paying jobs in other countries at our expense.
I suppose that one day AA will solicit the FAA to eliminate the license requirement to sign off logbooks. Nobody said your dumb. You just happen to work in a facility that is under attack from the MRO's. Clearly you understand the threat that TIMCO and AAR present to the AMT's at the bases, and soon on the line. WE need to decide as a profession whether we're going to diminish the profession by accepting lower wages for ALL, while preserving jobs or preserving and seeking higher wages for the remaining AMT's in lieu of outsourcing work. By electing to preserve jobs in lieu of wages benefits nobody because AA will continue to seek lower wages while promising to keep jobs 😛 ....and we know how truthful management's been on that end. We are DUMB for allowing the TWU and AA to do both.
I sign the log book all the time when our BOW is done and we give it to the crew we work off the log book

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