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Joint statement from TWU APA APFA

I would think it would save some of the jobs at stations where US has 20 or more flights a day.
Agreed, but I'm afraid that the AA people in those stations will be furloughed for a time since a full integration will take some time to accomplish. In time I hope that all of them will be able to have jobs in their home stations. I know all to well what its like to relocate due to station cuts. Despite what some may think if my posts, I do wish the best for the overall workforce at AA. I have seen way too many hardships here in the past, and don't wish them upon anyone. I think that a properly done merger will benefit everyone in the long term.
US per the CBA has to do 50% of heavy maintenance in-house and is audited monthly.

Line isnt outsourced, unless a simple repair has to be done at a non-mtc station.

IS that 50% limit measured in maintenance manhours or maintenance budget dollars?
So you don't think that Oneworld would benefit from having the US network added into it?
Of course OneWorld could benefit, However I am not sure about the US route structure and any alliance they have. AA wants to do this alone for now. I believe the judge is going to allow that.
Your kidding right? NOBODY, NOT EVEN AA is going to be able to promise anything like that. I do believe that US will be able to lessen the blow with less layoffs, and less cuts than AA is looking to get. It's all about the long term viability of the company, and I think that a merger can take things in that direction. Like it or not, its become a game off mass with UA & DL being where they are in comparison to everyone else.

EXACTLTY! NOONE is going to promis anything like that....US going to lessen the blow??????????
Are you dreaming? How much does US outsource right now?...I believe they are one of the biggest outsourcers of maintenance...So exactly what promises is LCC going to make to the unions to make it palatable? Are they going to keep TULE, AFW and DWH bases fully staffed? Are they going to save the 4300 M&R related jobs?

Can I expect a raise from Mr. Parker?
Can those facing layoffs count on him to save each and everyone of them?
Maybe you should get in touch with Doug. If you think that anything is going to save all of those mtc jobs, you really are "hopeful". AA is about the only airline that does a lot of their mtc in house, and I admire that. Unfortunatly, given that others don't, its not cost effective. Don't get Mr wrong, I woukd prefer all US based airlines do all of their mtc in house, but they don't. I would like for US & AA to handle all of thier own ramps as well. Once an airline starts to outsource all of this stuff, the rest follow like sheep. Sad, but true.....
US per the CBA has to do 50% of heavy maintenance in-house and is audited monthly.
That's heavy airframe overhaul, correct? Doesn't US outsource all engine overhauls? What about other components like landing gear, etc?

Line isnt outsourced, unless a simple repair has to be done at a non-mtc station.
Sorry to be so pedantic, but that sentence appears to contradict itself. Does US have its own mechanics in every city where a mainline plane is scheduled (like all those European countries)? Or are those "non-mtc stations?" Most airlines have outsourced the line unless the city sees a certain number of departures.
I'm not in mtc, but can address this question. US doesn't have line mtc in every station, nor does any airline that I know of. Even in the best of times, this didn't take place. As with most airlines, there are guidelines as to how many flts, or RONS there are at the station. I have worked in a few stations without mtc, and the company would send our own mtc on a roadtrip if needed. For minor stuff another airline or the fbo would take care of it.
Ok from what I've read now it says the unions might want to merge with another carrier now not later
hell it cant be worse then it is now I'm for anything that changes current labor hating management
Watch out what you wish for 😛h34r:
USAir does NOTHING for AA....NADA!

AA does miracles for USAir......

When this is all said and done,,,,,JetBlue might be the likely merger partner!
You bring up a good point, because nowhere does it say US is the one to merge with. Other airlines are watching 😛h34r:
How is a merger is going to protect 14,000 jobs?
Before you shoot the messenger, I would like everyone to know that this is just my opinion!

It never said it would protect 14,000 jobs. Some cuts are inevitable one way or another. The only way to save that many jobs is if everyone agrees to a big pay cut to balance the budget.

Instead they may give early retirement packages to those who qualify, or other incentives. But in the end, some may have to be lost. The unions may want to keep it at a much lower number.
That's heavy airframe overhaul, correct? Doesn't US outsource all engine overhauls? What about other components like landing gear, etc?

Sorry to be so pedantic, but that sentence appears to contradict itself. Does US have its own mechanics in every city where a mainline plane is scheduled (like all those European countries)? Or are those "non-mtc stations?" Most airlines have outsourced the line unless the city sees a certain number of departures.
50% includes engines and components etc..

No they have dont have mechanics in all the stations they fly too, no airlines does.

I believe its about 40 or less maintenance stations, the stations are in the CBA.

There isnt a formula on how many flights in regards to a station being staffed.

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