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Another YES vote needed. This time to dump the TWU

Correct Bob. Any union as well as any company could ask to re-open contracts. Both parties have to agree in order to do so though. Bob, I am disappointed to the yes vote by a half percentile. The company will be congradulated for doing damb near a perfect job of the 50% plus one vote job. However, why in the hell isn't the TWU challenging the voting results and asking for verification of voters and/or calling for a recount. I've never heard of nobody NOT calling for a recount and/or elegibility when any vote is this close. And not to see your members demanding it is just beyond me. The mechs should have voted this thing down hard like the pilots did. Now watch what the F/A's will do (since they have time to vote after seeing the pilots results) we all know all flight crews stick together. This yes vote will fire up the card drives tremendously. I wish you all luck.
I've never heard of nobody not? Lmfao
YOUR amfa supporters are challenging the IBT Fact Sheet so THEY NEED to provide the NMB and RLA information that proves the IBT info wrong.

Industrial Union and Fact Sheet together is an oxymoron by definition!
Riceweasel? The name instills confidence in me. Especially when the weasel voted yes!
OldGuy you claim that Tulsa voted the contract in by 75%?
So you say because local 514 will not.

All of the other locals have posted their numbers, Local 514, where are you?

Does anyone know how Bobby Gless voted?
Buck, Tulsa actually voted it in with 74% yes and 26% no. The numbers were released. I am thinking of making up a tshirt that says "I am one of the 26%". Or patches made up like the outlaw bikers wear only it woud read 26%.
Buck, Tulsa actually voted it in with 74% yes and 26% no. The numbers were released. I am thinking of making up a tshirt that says "I am one of the 26%". Or patches made up like the outlaw bikers wear only it woud read 26%.
OG, What numbers? All we are seeing is the percentage. Why can't we see the official results from BallotPoint?
Riceweasel? The name instills confidence in me. Especially when the weasel voted yes!

The above quote is another example of amfa supporters who TWIST ALL THE FACTS except when it appllies to them.You are so insecure that you have to resort to attacking someones forum name and you could not even get that correct.
BTW- you don't have any clue how I voted.
No. I just think its #### stupid. But hey, to each his own.
The above qoute is another example of a TWU supporter. You are so insecure that you have to resort to attacking someone's screen name.
The above qoute is another example of a TWU supporter. You are so insecure that you have to resort to attacking someone's screen name.

I believe he was booted off the site or his account suspended.
Just give him some time and he will be back under another name.
If he does it should not be difficult to figure him out.
I believe he was booted off the site or his account suspended.
Just give him some time and he will be back under another name.
If he does it should not be difficult to figure him out.
He was on last night drunk off is asp mods deleted most of his more colorful post the guy was out of control
He was on last night drunk off is asp mods deleted most of his more colorful post the guy was out of control

Go figure...his YES vote prevailed. He got what he wanted...I don't understand any YES voter not sitting on their laurels at this point.