When AMFA was doing their card drive at SWA, the question of re-opening the contract for nego's, or entering sec 6 came up. The answer from AMFA was NO, it is not automatic. It is for newly certified unions, but not for changing unions. It is true that a new union brought in could request to open the current nego contract by the previous union, but, it must be agreed upon by both parties (union and company). It is also true that the company could ask to re-open contract nego, but, yet again, the union must agree to it. It is only mandatory to start contract nego's if a NON-union company votes in a "newly certified" union.
You guys need to know that the teamsters will tell you "ANYTHING" to get you all to sign a card. They will lie, cheat, steal and fabricate any story you want to hear to get you to sign a card. Just ask the UAL mechanics-- They were promiced that the teamsters will "in fact" guarrentee that they will open their contract for re-nego's, IF they vote in the teamsters. They also promiced that they will get the UAL guys a pension, if they voted in the teamsters. They also promiced an industry leading contract for them when they did re-open the contract. GENTLEMEN---WAKE UP!!! NONE, absolutely NONE of these promices and guarrentees have come true. Where's the newly opened contract nego's? There is not one---Because it can't happend. Where's the pension plan promiced at UAL? NOTTA--ZILTCH. And where the hell is the "industry leading contract", yet again, promiced by the teamsters at UAL?? No where to be found. Period, and end of story.
If you guys at AA really want to change from the TWU to the ibt then be our guest. You will only continue the same type of representation you are currently getting, but with ALOT less money to work with (teamsters history). The teamsters were fired from SWA in a record card drive of 2 weeks, this should say alot. If you guys want to continue with appointed representatives then vote for the teamsters. If you guys want to empower the mechanics to VOTE for ALL their representatives "INCLUDING NATIONAL OFFICERS" down to all local officers and voting for your nego cmte personell, then it's time to bring AMFA into your organization.
Again, the teamsters will tell you everything you want to hear, including lies and misconceptions, to get you all to sign a card, once they are voted into your organization, none of their promices or leaders will ever be seen again. Just ask any of the SWA guys and the UAL guys who still have to deal with the teamsters "unfounded" promices as we speak.
BTW; I encourage any AA mechanic to call AMFA National and ask them the question about re-opening the contract after a new union takes over from another union. They will take the time to answer your questions.
I want to wish all you AA'ers good luck. It looks like you guys are going to need it. I will leave all of you with this.--"DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING AN INCOMING UNION TELLS YOU" That's correct, don't believe them, research it, find out the truth, even if AMFA tells you something, take the time to get all the info verified. The teamsters will tell you anything and everything just to get you to vote for them. One other thing, take note of how the TWU and the teamsters are not saying anything negative about eachother, what union would not be fighting off another union trying to come into their territory?? NONE. The TWU is welcoming the teamsters interfience with open arms gentlemen. Take the time to do the research and then deside for yourself! Later.