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Another YES vote needed. This time to dump the TWU

Unfortunately, you are correct about TULE. I compare it to the "spousal abuse syndrone" where the beaten one thinks they have no recourse against abuse and keep coming back for more from the TWU.

Sign an IBT card and vote out the TWU.
By signing an IBT card, you are playing right into the TWU/ IBT plan. I cannot believe someone as intelligent as you appear, are ignorant to the obvious.
What A New Union Can Do
Is American Airlines Required to Bargain with a New Union
Over Changes to the Existing Mechanics’ Contract? Yes!

Just because there are stupid Teamsters doesn't mean the mechanics at AA are stupid. Go pedal your lies, falsehoods and nonsense somewhere else.

Why should the mechanics exchange the bus drivers union for a truck drivers union? If mechanics are going to call themselves "professionals," it's long past time for those professionals to disassociate themselves from a laborer's union like the TWU. Substituting another laborer's union (IBT) would be a setback, not an advancement.
If amfa was strong enough with its sell to the AMT's and related at AA it would not have to even worry about what the IBT is doing.
If amfa is good enough to draw 50% +1 good cards then they can file for an election.
The IBT is not spoiling anything that a strong amfa could not overcome.
IBT supporters are trying to go forward and resolve this POS LBO 2.0 and not look back to 2003.
If amfa supporters really want to get rid of the TWU then they should SIGN and collect IBT cards and make it a FAST-DONE DEAL!
If the IBT is as bad as you say it is then you should be succesful within 36 months to remove the IBT from AA

The 64K question is: Do you really want the TWU OUT AT AA?????????????
SIGN an IBT card today and get it done FAST !!!!!!!!!!

I noticed you failed to address the questions in my post, so here they are again...

Nevermind the fact that its now obvious that the ibt is merely running an interference campaign FOR the TWU.

Is there an AA mechanic based organizing committee?

Has the TWU said A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G negative about the ibt raid?

Has the ibt said A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G negative about the TWU?

Has the ibt called for a debate between the ibt and the TWU? (they did at UAL & Horizon vs AMFA)

Oh and BTW, the wait period between representational elections is 24 months, not 36.
The biggest problem with getting rid of the TWU is and will be Tulsa until they RIF enough people to where the line has the numbers. These guys voted for the POS 75%. Of the 25% who voted no, many would not sign AMFA cards even though they don't like the TWU. So until the numbers go down in Tulsa we are stuck with Jim Little and his band of concession mongering, white flag waving minions. We will have to watch stock clerks and fleet service enjoy benefits that we will never have again. I guess what really amazes me is that 75% of M&R in Tulsa doesn't think they deserve the sick pay or vacation benefits that everyone else in the company is provided with. I used to wonder when it would be enough to make people here fight and now I realize they will not fight at all no matter what is done to them. Now some are actually gloating on this board. All I can say is this place is full of losers.

Its worse than you think OldGuy, simply waiting for Tulsa mechanics to be RIF'd wont help, as mechanics with recall rights are still eligible to vote in representational elections.
By signing an IBT card, you are playing right into the TWU/ IBT plan. I cannot believe someone as intelligent as you appear, are ignorant to the obvious.

I think the same could be said about you and AMFA, but, that's just my Opinion
I think the same could be said about you and AMFA, but, that's just my Opinion
Yes you could but you would not be original. That also seems to be a trend for you.
What a load of feces.

The teamsters are magically going to open the contract IF they get certified at AA?

So, the mirror image of the industrial, undemocratic, unaccountable twu gets certified at AA and "poof" the teamsters are going to "fight like Hell"?

Voting the teamsters in at AA is like changing your left sock to your right foot and your right sock to your left foot. You changed but you still stink.

Let's say that this "law" actually is true wouldn't you want a democratic, craft union negotiating for you? Wouldn't you want to be present when negotiations are taking place?

With the teamsters you'd have a pilot who was appointed to the head of their airline division "fighting like Hell" for you.

Try a trucker (with the ibt) that IS appointed not voted to his possition...
Yes you could but you would not be original. That also seems to be a trend for you.
I really didn't count on being the first but defiantly wanted to include my input. The trend you refer to I am guessing is the statement of "My Opinion". If I am correct with my guess I can tell you unlike most here I am in tune with the reality that there is no one person that is 100% right all the time although beliefs and certitude are strong they can still as you say Err.
This is a six year contract!! The only change will be if there is a merger with US airways. There would be an election between the IAM and the current union at AA. The winning unions contract would be implemented. Most likely there will be a transition agreement as in the America West and US airways merger.
This is a six year contract!! The only change will be if there is a merger with US airways. There would be an election between the IAM and the current union at AA. The winning unions contract would be implemented. Most likely there will be a transition agreement as in the America West and US airways merger.

What exactly does that mean ? Did they tweak ones agreement to match the other or tweak both ?

When AMFA was doing their card drive at SWA, the question of re-opening the contract for nego's, or entering sec 6 came up. The answer from AMFA was NO, it is not automatic. It is for newly certified unions, but not for changing unions. It is true that a new union brought in could request to open the current nego contract by the previous union, but, it must be agreed upon by both parties (union and company). It is also true that the company could ask to re-open contract nego, but, yet again, the union must agree to it. It is only mandatory to start contract nego's if a NON-union company votes in a "newly certified" union.

You guys need to know that the teamsters will tell you "ANYTHING" to get you all to sign a card. They will lie, cheat, steal and fabricate any story you want to hear to get you to sign a card. Just ask the UAL mechanics-- They were promiced that the teamsters will "in fact" guarrentee that they will open their contract for re-nego's, IF they vote in the teamsters. They also promiced that they will get the UAL guys a pension, if they voted in the teamsters. They also promiced an industry leading contract for them when they did re-open the contract. GENTLEMEN---WAKE UP!!! NONE, absolutely NONE of these promices and guarrentees have come true. Where's the newly opened contract nego's? There is not one---Because it can't happend. Where's the pension plan promiced at UAL? NOTTA--ZILTCH. And where the hell is the "industry leading contract", yet again, promiced by the teamsters at UAL?? No where to be found. Period, and end of story.

If you guys at AA really want to change from the TWU to the ibt then be our guest. You will only continue the same type of representation you are currently getting, but with ALOT less money to work with (teamsters history). The teamsters were fired from SWA in a record card drive of 2 weeks, this should say alot. If you guys want to continue with appointed representatives then vote for the teamsters. If you guys want to empower the mechanics to VOTE for ALL their representatives "INCLUDING NATIONAL OFFICERS" down to all local officers and voting for your nego cmte personell, then it's time to bring AMFA into your organization.
Again, the teamsters will tell you everything you want to hear, including lies and misconceptions, to get you all to sign a card, once they are voted into your organization, none of their promices or leaders will ever be seen again. Just ask any of the SWA guys and the UAL guys who still have to deal with the teamsters "unfounded" promices as we speak.

BTW; I encourage any AA mechanic to call AMFA National and ask them the question about re-opening the contract after a new union takes over from another union. They will take the time to answer your questions.

I want to wish all you AA'ers good luck. It looks like you guys are going to need it. I will leave all of you with this.--"DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING AN INCOMING UNION TELLS YOU" That's correct, don't believe them, research it, find out the truth, even if AMFA tells you something, take the time to get all the info verified. The teamsters will tell you anything and everything just to get you to vote for them. One other thing, take note of how the TWU and the teamsters are not saying anything negative about eachother, what union would not be fighting off another union trying to come into their territory?? NONE. The TWU is welcoming the teamsters interfience with open arms gentlemen. Take the time to do the research and then deside for yourself! Later.

When AMFA was doing their card drive at SWA, the question of re-opening the contract for nego's, or entering sec 6 came up. The answer from AMFA was NO, it is not automatic. It is for newly certified unions, but not for changing unions. It is true that a new union brought in could request to open the current nego contract by the previous union, but, it must be agreed upon by both parties (union and company). It is also true that the company could ask to re-open contract nego, but, yet again, the union must agree to it. It is only mandatory to start contract nego's if a NON-union company votes in a "newly certified" union.

I agree with your interpretation, those saying that if we vote in the IBT that the IBT will be able to reopen the deal arent lying, but they are misleading and thats no way to start a relationship that you hope is going to last.. Either party could request to open the deal at any time, and either party can say no, see you when the term is up. The company approached the TWU about opening up the contract in 2003, the TWU said OK. They could have said no, but they chose to say yes. We dont have to vote in the IBT or AMFA to ask the company to open the contract earlier than the amendaable date. The only thing the IBT could claim is that they would ask, but we could try and get the TWU to do it as well..
I agree with your interpretation, those saying that if we vote in the IBT that the IBT will be able to reopen the deal arent lying, but they are misleading and thats no way to start a relationship that you hope is going to last.. Either party could request to open the deal at any time, and either party can say no, see you when the term is up. The company approached the TWU about opening up the contract in 2003, the TWU said OK. They could have said no, but they chose to say yes. We dont have to vote in the IBT or AMFA to ask the company to open the contract earlier than the amendaable date. The only thing the IBT could claim is that they would ask, but we could try and get the TWU to do it as well..

Correct Bob. Any union as well as any company could ask to re-open contracts. Both parties have to agree in order to do so though. Bob, I am disappointed to the yes vote by a half percentile. The company will be congradulated for doing damb near a perfect job of the 50% plus one vote job. However, why in the hell isn't the TWU challenging the voting results and asking for verification of voters and/or calling for a recount. I've never heard of nobody NOT calling for a recount and/or elegibility when any vote is this close. And not to see your members demanding it is just beyond me. The mechs should have voted this thing down hard like the pilots did. Now watch what the F/A's will do (since they have time to vote after seeing the pilots results) we all know all flight crews stick together. This yes vote will fire up the card drives tremendously. I wish you all luck.
However, why in the hell isn't the TWU challenging the voting results and asking for verification of voters and/or calling for a recount. I've never heard of nobody NOT calling for a recount and/or elegibility when any vote is this close.


Because the TWU did everything in their powers to obtain a YES result!

" One other thing, take note of how the TWU and the teamsters are not saying anything negative about eachother, what union would not be fighting off another union trying to come into their territory?? NONE. The TWU is welcoming the teamsters interfience with open arms gentlemen."

The teamsters do not have an AA AMT Organizing Committee. Any teamster signed card goes to the teamsters directly. AA AMFA Organizers receive signed AMFA Authorization cards and hold onto them till we have enough to take to AMFA and then go to the NMB.

The bed mates the twu and teamsters have become can guarantee that the teamsters MIGHT get enough cards but no one at AA will ever know because the teamsters will not file. If the twu thought for one millisecond that the teamsters would file the old "TEAM TWU" would break out the flat bed coffin carrier. Heck, they would probably get the sell out kirk wells to lead the parade again. But now they would get his replacement gordon clark.
