Another School Massacre

On and on it goes.

Must have unlimited access to weaponry to protect from imaginary marauders.

Tell that to these people. You know?...The very same govern"mental" baboons that now want to start disarming their own, supposedly "fellow" citizens?

"According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. That's sufficient firepower to shoot every American about five times. Including illegal immigrants."


"This is getting a little creepy......DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles" Ummm..can anyone tell me what reasonable "need" exists for those?

On and on it goes.

Must have unlimited access to weaponry to protect from imaginary marauders.

In the words & spirit of Crazy Horse "Guns keep the government at a respectful distance"

The quote is from Leonard Peltier from the book "In the spirit of Crazy Horse"
In the words & spirit of Crazy Horse "Guns keep the government at a respectful distance"

The quote is from Leonard Peltier from the book "In the spirit of Crazy Horse"

No need to even go so far as to note a proven warrior such as him for reasoned thought on weapons within the hands of the "tribe's" citizens.

[color=A9A9A9]"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
--Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and Punishment (1764).

"Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.... The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America but which historically has proven to be always possible. " Senator Hubert H. Humphrey

Bottom Line Here = http://media-cache-e...9dad19277ae.jpg
ANd your street thug most likely bought his weaponry at a gun show, where sales between individuals are conducted with a wink and a nod to the constitution

Per the FBI website, since 1984, 274,000 guns are stolen each year with 60% percent of them hand guns. Don't let the facts get in your way.
Per the FBI website, since 1984, 274,000 guns are stolen each year with 60% percent of them hand guns. Don't let the facts get in your way.
Are you saying that there is a good chance that an individual could buy a stolen gun at a gun show from another individual?
Have you guys seen the letter they are sending to veterans concerning head injury and PTSD? It's a beauty, they have now decided that they know better than an individual on how to manage their money, and have decided that PTSD or a head injury in any form is grounds for disallowing the ownership of firearms, regardless of criminal background.

I suspect this will be hitting the newswire shortly.

If you cannot see what the agenda is you are an idiot. This is far beyond a simple background check or limiting the size of ammo clips.
Have you guys seen the letter they are sending to veterans concerning head injury and PTSD? It's a beauty, they have now decided that they know better than an individual on how to manage their money, and have decided that PTSD or a head injury in any form is grounds for disallowing the ownership of firearms, regardless of criminal background.

I suspect this will be hitting the newswire shortly.

If you cannot see what the agenda is you are an idiot. This is far beyond a simple background check or limiting the size of ammo clips.

I did a thread.....some tend to think its ok....
I did a thread.....some tend to think its ok....


Just read through the thread. A fresh round of the letters went out this week, 3 vets I know got them.

Sad part is the assault on the constitution is coming from all sides and the libs are too stupid to see whats right in front of their face.

Once they get the guns they will go after the money. They are already feeling out the possibility of grabbing control of all 401k's and IRA's.

You know this is not the first time this series of events has happened.....the history books detail this same scenario several times, it never ends well.
Are you saying that there is a good chance that an individual could buy a stolen gun at a gun show from another individual?
Are you saying there are 274,000 stolen guns sold be individuals at gun shows each year? Oh yeah, that right, the top secret little hand signal and wink wink code language that occurs at gun shows that only you know about. You seem infatuated with P2P gun sales at gun shows when in fact, the FBI states that only 2% of crime guns are purchased at gun shows.

I eagerly await your next fabricated story about how you witnessed stolen gun sales at the numerous gun shows you don't attend.
Well you know, those who don't own guns, live in a picket fence or low crime area, or are just out of touch with reality, are the gun experts. Every gun kills people, is their theory.

Then they become a victim, and crime comes back and bites them in the @$$ over their dead dog!
Are you saying that there is a good chance that an individual could buy a stolen gun at a gun show from another individual?

Looks like there's a good chance BaRack and his libtard posse will deny the rights of Veterans, who served this country , the simple right to own a weapon !

And you Sheep don't believe ObamaCare will decide who gets medical attention and who won't !

Are you saying that there is a good chance that an individual could buy a stolen gun at a gun show from another individual?

And the people are not liable for their stolen guns so why should they care? It is not like there are any penalties for being careless with the security of ones guns.
Sad part is the assault on the constitution is coming from all sides and the libs are too stupid to see whats right in front of their face.

au contraire mon frere - I seem to recall when liberals like me were telling you guys over and over again that the constitution is being trampled with the Patriot Act...not just one amendment was impacted, no less than 3 were trampled. And I was told by many a patriot "If you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about". We're you one of those? Because way back then I had said that it's all fine and good when your guy is in charge, but the doors been cracked open with that, and one day there was going to be someone in charge that you DON'T like....and he or she may kick that door wide open an amendment near and dear to you. I hate so say I told you so... but this Stupid liberal was telling you this 10 years ago.
Are you saying there are 274,000 stolen guns sold be individuals at gun shows each year? Oh yeah, that right, the top secret little hand signal and wink wink code language that occurs at gun shows that only you know about. You seem infatuated with P2P gun sales at gun shows when in fact, the FBI states that only 2% of crime guns are purchased at gun shows.

I eagerly await your next fabricated story about how you witnessed stolen gun sales at the numerous gun shows you don't attend.

Wow...with all that firepower, you'd think a burglar would have stayed away from those guns. Oh...if they only had a dog.
Wasn't the law regarding this letter passed by Congress ion 1997? Why are people complaining about it now?