Another School Massacre

ANd your street thug most likely bought his weaponry at a gun show, where sales between individuals are conducted with a wink and a nod to the constitution

No he most likely got it on the street from some junkie looking for cash.....that's how it goes down KC.

Gun show sales, most dealers do background checks..sure some aren't required to but any guy worth his salt to cover his donkey will do it in this highly liable world.

Stolen guns from the home invasions you highlight are the source for most criminals.
ANd your street thug most likely bought his weaponry at a gun show, where sales between individuals are conducted with a wink and a nod to the constitution

Or P2P or theft.

If people would be required to secure their guns while not in use or under their control, the theft problems could be greatly reduced.

Then again,m there are a lot of things that could reduce giun crime but no one wants to consider any of them. OH well.
No he most likely got it on the street from some junkie looking for cash.....that's how it goes down KC.

Gun show sales, most dealers do background checks..sure some aren't required to but any guy worth his salt to cover his donkey will do it in this highly liable world.

Stolen guns from the home invasions you highlight are the source for most criminals.
Yes dell, Most if not all DEALERS do them...but by golly two indiviuals looking to work a deal...whether one is a junkie or not...can do them at a gun show with nary a background check. And if any move is made to make them....why that's an infringement on their second amendment rights because they MIGHT thwart a citizen from buying the gun he needs to protect himself
ANd your street thug most likely bought his weaponry at a gun show, where sales between individuals are conducted with a wink and a nod to the constitution
Your ass must be jealous over the amount of sh!t that comes out of your mouth. Why don't you use your master google skills and show us a link to back your accusations up. You're void of any proof so you just make it up, just like you did with your phony 121 year family history BS.
Your ass must be jealous over the amount of sh!t that comes out of your mouth. Why don't you use your master google skills and show us a link to back your accusations up. You're void of any proof so you just make it up, just like you did with your phony 121 year family history BS.
Are you pissed off because you didn't know the difference between "and" and "or"

Grandfather - born Marion Virginia, 1892. Only used a gun against another person in World War 1. Liked to target shot and hunt, but never needed a weapon to defend his home

Father - Born Marion Virgina 1926. Only used a gun against another person in WW2. Wasn't much of a hunter, didn't own any guns of his own

Brother - Born Orlando, Florida 1953. Avid hunter and gun collector. Was not drafted in Vietnam, so never had to use a gun against another person. Though he owns tens of thousands of dollars worth of guns - never had to use one defending his home.

Me - Born Olando Florida 1957 - Shot some of my brothers guns at targets but never owned one myself. None of us or any of our extended family has ever had to have a gun to protect their home. In 121 years. Call it bullshit if you want.
2013-1892= 121
Or P2P or theft.

If people would be required to secure their guns while not in use or under their control, the theft problems could be greatly reduced.

Then again,m there are a lot of things that could reduce giun crime but no one wants to consider any of them. OH well.

Just end the "war on drugs".
Yes dell, Most if not all DEALERS do them...but by golly two indiviuals looking to work a deal...whether one is a junkie or not...can do them at a gun show with nary a background check. And if any move is made to make them....why that's an infringement on their second amendment rights because they MIGHT thwart a citizen from buying the gun he needs to protect himself're exposing your total lack of gun knowledge.....again and still.
Maybe you can pop some stat's to support your allegations that there is a line of junkies outside every gun show,'re exposing your total lack of gun knowledge.....again and still.
Maybe you can pop some stat's to support your allegations that there is a line of junkies outside every gun show,
I really don't give a #### about gun knowledge. I don't own one so I don't need to know a lot about it. I also don't feel fearful because I don't own one. I haven't met anyone in my social circle who has ever had the need for a gun to protect themselves. Guess there aren't many junkie's living within a half mile of the Prairie Villiage Kansas Police department to break into homes to get money for their next fix. Most of the break in's around here happen when nobody's home, so I could own an entire national guard armory, but if I'm not here to shoot them when they break in, then they'll still get my DVD.

I feel good about not owning a gun. I don't like sleeping in tents on rock grounds, so I never went much for the survivalist movement. Besides, I'm pretty close to my ex's brother in law who has a cabin, lake acerage, water purification system and lots of land about 50 miles south of here, so if Armegeddon hits, I'll have a nice mattress to sleep on until the last days.
Are you pissed off because you didn't know the difference between "and" and "or"

Grandfather - born Marion Virginia, 1892. Only used a gun against another person in World War 1. Liked to target shot and hunt, but never needed a weapon to defend his home

Father - Born Marion Virgina 1926. Only used a gun against another person in WW2. Wasn't much of a hunter, didn't own any guns of his own

Brother - Born Orlando, Florida 1953. Avid hunter and gun collector. Was not drafted in Vietnam, so never had to use a gun against another person. Though he owns tens of thousands of dollars worth of guns - never had to use one defending his home.

Me - Born Olando Florida 1957 - Shot some of my brothers guns at targets but never owned one myself. None of us or any of our extended family has ever had to have a gun to protect their home. In 121 years. Call it bullshit if you want.
2013-1892= 121

No jackass, I pissed off because you're so cold-hearted as to want to deny my right to defend my family! Yep, it's bullshit. I'm sure your brother just collects guns for the hell of it, personal protection wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it? I'm sure if I were to ask your brother if he would ever use his arsenal of weapons to protect has family he would say no, right? As your brother collects guns, i wonder how he feel about your wish to remove them? I wonder if any of your brothers gun magazines are limited to 7 rounds?

What kind of fool do you take me to be? I'm older than you and i can tell you I don't have a clue if any one of my extended family members have ever used a gun to protect themselves, it doesn't matter to me if they have, I'm only interested in protecting my family from the criminals who have no regard for life or the law. I can also tell you that I don't depend of my neighbors to call the police for me if I'm in a life threatening situation. You're the only person I've ever talked to that depended so much on other people to help save your life. No wonder you live in fear . . .and denial.

Like I care where you were born or the history of your mom and dad. BFD. What does that have to do with me protecting myself?
I really don't give a #### about gun knowledge. I don't own one so I don't need to know a lot about it.

No kidding.....why then don't you quit pretending like you know nothing?

I also don't feel fearful because I don't own one. I haven't met anyone in my social circle who has ever had the need for a gun to protect themselves.

Hope you never have to find out you are wrong. BTW, most in your social circle most likely reflect your same anti-gun views....until....

Most of the break in's around here happen when nobody's home, so I could own an entire national guard armory, but if I'm not here to shoot them when they break in, then they'll still get my DVD.

Good point KC...what happens when they come and you're home? The blood thirsty Lab going to save your butt?

I don't like sleeping in tents on rock grounds, so I never went much for the survivalist movement.

Me neither, last time I did one those gigs, I realized I'd never be attacked in a tent, probably in my home. So next time I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I'd feel a little more at home if some crazed junkie bashed down my door.

Besides, I'm pretty close to my ex's brother who has a cabin, lake acerage, water purification system and lots of land about 50 miles south of here, so if Armegeddon hits, I'll have a nice mattress to sleep on until the last days.

Ex's brother? LOL, you'll be dead in the driveway.....
No jackass, I pissed off because you're so cold-hearted as to want to deny my right to defend my family! Yep, it's bullshit. I'm sure your brother just collects guns for the hell of it, personal protection wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it? I'm sure if I were to ask your brother if he would ever use his arsenal of weapons to protect has family he would say no, right? As your brother collects guns, i wonder how he feel about your wish to remove them? I wonder if any of your brothers gun magazines are limited to 7 rounds?

What kind of fool do you take me to be? I'm older than you and i can tell you I don't have a clue if any one of my extended family members have ever used a gun to protect themselves, it doesn't matter to me if they have, I'm only interested in protecting my family from the criminals who have no regard for life or the law. I can also tell you that I don't depend of my neighbors to call the police for me if I'm in a life threatening situation. You're the only person I've ever talked to that depended so much on other people to help save your life. No wonder you live in fear . . .and denial.

Well...I think I'm ahead in this debate because each post calls me a name..jackass..idiot...whatever. My brother guns range from a 22 Winchester that was his great grandfathers to some hunting rifles he uses. Nary a semiautomatic in the collection...and he only has ONE gun that is not under lock and key. But he's never had to use it.

My brother has no problem with my view because I don't propose taking any of the guns he owns, and he doesn't have any guns that hold more than 7 shots. In fact, his pistol is a regular old 6 shooter. So no....he has not problem at all with my view on guns. He hunted deer and if you didn't get the deer on the first shot, you ususally didn't need even 7 no, his guns don't hold over 7.

I'm sorry you didn't talk to your grandparents. I enjoyed the stories that my grandad told me. And none of those stories involved shooting intruders.

As for me...I depend on my dogs. I don't deal drugs, so people aren't after me for that...and a dog barking seems to work well for me. I don't depend on anybody else, but I also have common sense....if I hear a gunshot in my suburban neighborhood, I'm calling the cops....wouldn't you? Most of my neighbors would. It's not an everyday occurance here. Now if that's "depending on someone else", well...I guess I am dependent on others. And I guess I'm damn glad I live somewhere where gunshots in the night would warrant a call to the police and not be chalked up as "just another night".
Yes dell, Most if not all DEALERS do them...but by golly two indiviuals looking to work a deal...whether one is a junkie or not...can do them at a gun show with nary a background check. And if any move is made to make them....why that's an infringement on their second amendment rights because they MIGHT thwart a citizen from buying the gun he needs to protect himself

Actually, according to the ATF, only 1% of the gun dealers are responsible for about 60% of guns recovered by LEO's ion connection with a crime.

Brady Campaign

The ATF study was published back in 2000. Not sure what todays stats are but I do not see any reason why they would have changed much from them. The link to the ATF study no longer works on the page linked above. I'm to tired to look now but I'm sure it's still out there if soomeone wants to look.

One of the biggest problems is that the ATF has it's hands tied and even though they know gun dealers are skirting the law and selling guns illegally, they cannot do much about it. The ATF can only conduct one spot search on a dealer per year and due to funding limitations and staffing shortages they actually only inspect dealers on an average of about once every 17 years.. The director of the ATF is actually the U.S. attorney in Minneapolis. There is not centralized data base so tracking guns used in a crime is absurdly difficult.

Back to the director gig. Congressman James Sensenbrenner, inserted the provision in the 2006 Patriot Act that the director position must confirmed by the Senate and they have refused to confirm anyone for 6 years. I do not believe it is coincidence that Sensenbrenner received a 'Defender of Freedom award' from the NRA. Go figure.

You hear it all the time "why don't they (the government) enforce the existing gun laws". Well it would seem that the very folks who want them to enforce the existing laws have said they cannot enforce the existing laws. Funny how that works.

Todd Tiahart (former representative) authored a bill that prevented any data from the ATF data base from being used against a gun dealer. So basically the 1% who are screwing it up for everyone are getting away with it because the people who want the ATF to enforce the existing gun laws will not allow the ATF to enforce the existing gun laws.

Speaking of laws, the Fire Arms Protection Act of 1986 makes the falsefication of arecords by a dealer a misdemeanor instead of a felony. Also, given that records of checks must be destroyed in 24 hours, it makes it a bit difficult to trace weapons used in a crime at a later date.

Yea, yea, the ATF has some issues. So fix the agency and let them do their job instead of just throwing the baby out with the bath water. Why not let the ATF do the tracing and logging and the FBI can do the enforcement?
No kidding.....why then don't you quit pretending like you know nothing?

Hope you never have to find out you are wrong. BTW, most in your social circle most likely reflect your same anti-gun views....until....

Good point KC...what happens when they come and you're home? The blood thirsty Lab going to save your butt?

Me neither, last time I did one those gigs, I realized I'd never be attacked in a tent, probably in my home. So next time I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I'd feel a little more at home if some crazed junkie bashed down my door.

Ex's brother? LOL, you'll be dead in the driveway.....

NO Dell...the dog could be a #### Pomeranian. Do you not get that the dog barking is a warning? If were a bad guy and you didn't know I don't have a gun...and there aren't any signs but I guess gun nuts would like us to put them up so they could prove their point...when a it a Pom, a lab or a pit bull is is a warning. Does the perp know he is at Joe NoGuns house....or is he outside Dell.."I've got enough guns and ammo to hold of the Red Army's" house? They don't. And because they don't 9.9 out of 10 cases, they will leave the stuff in that house alone and look for one where there isn't something to alert the homeowner of their presence. Hard to understand I know...
No kidding.....why then don't you quit pretending like you know nothing?

Hope you never have to find out you are wrong. BTW, most in your social circle most likely reflect your same anti-gun views....until....

Good point KC...what happens when they come and you're home? The blood thirsty Lab going to save your butt?

Me neither, last time I did one those gigs, I realized I'd never be attacked in a tent, probably in my home. So next time I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so I'd feel a little more at home if some crazed junkie bashed down my door.

Ex's brother? LOL, you'll be dead in the driveway.....
Not really...he's not a survivalist. Just has a place in the country not served by rural water.
Well...I think I'm ahead in this debate because each post calls me a name..jackass..idiot...whatever. My brother guns range from a 22 Winchester that was his great grandfathers to some hunting rifles he uses. Nary a semiautomatic in the collection...and he only has ONE gun that is not under lock and key. But he's never had to use it.

My brother has no problem with my view because I don't propose taking any of the guns he owns, and he doesn't have any guns that hold more than 7 shots. In fact, his pistol is a regular old 6 shooter. So no....he has not problem at all with my view on guns. He hunted deer and if you didn't get the deer on the first shot, you ususally didn't need even 7 no, his guns don't hold over 7.

I'm sorry you didn't talk to your grandparents. I enjoyed the stories that my grandad told me. And none of those stories involved shooting intruders.

As for me...I depend on my dogs. I don't deal drugs, so people aren't after me for that...and a dog barking seems to work well for me. I don't depend on anybody else, but I also have common sense....if I hear a gunshot in my suburban neighborhood, I'm calling the cops....wouldn't you? Most of my neighbors would. It's not an everyday occurance here. Now if that's "depending on someone else", well...I guess I am dependent on others. And I guess I'm damn glad I live somewhere where gunshots in the night would warrant a call to the police and not be chalked up as "just another night".

I do not own a gun so my understanding may be a bit off but as I understand it if any of your brothers guns automatically cycle the next round into the chamber (no pump action gun or bolt action where you have to physically put a round in the chamber) then they are semi-automatic. A 9mm pistol such as this:


is a semi-auto. You have to pull the trigger for each shot but the gun automatically chambers the next round. I am sure if this is incorrect I will be corrected.

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